Prologue 19 (Part 2) Move List and The Wait.

Kazu Nini recalled that had learned how to make the Solid state of her glass into Liquid when she had been trying to use her powers under RestraintHolderChips during her kidnap. She knew that the difference between solid and liquid in matter was the strength between each molecule and the laxity or strictness of those bonds. Not something as intricate as matter changing or conversion, just likeness though.

She had never named the *Glass Ball* she created around herself for defense and flight

*A Hundred Castigations.*

This was where she compressed glass until they burst into a hundred needles that could each pierce or carry things away from their impact. She can also use each individual projectile to hold things and redirected them. She can form and explode it at will.

*Forgive My Rudeness.*