“So, are we arriving late or what?” Kazu Nini imitated scratching side burns, if she were a man and had them.
The Goblin was back to her stoic, and silent pose coupled with an indifferent expression. Only, she was also chewing apples and biscuits. Thus, it was the Spirit who seemed to be speaking, her voice muffling every time food passed through the spiritual mass where her mouth should be.
“Yeah, because we are the cool kids.”
“Really? It was just always my lifestyle.” Picking off imaginary dirt from her fingers in her bored stare at them, her Telewatch rang and she slowly raised it up to her face level while looking away.
“Got a place and a time which is 8, let them know that the most I am doing is 1:30. Thus, you guys are done by 12:30 tops.”
“I knew I could tru-”
“Not in the mood, I have saved my daytime hours enough. Have fun, Prime Student.”