Isimaila Fginja was currently torn between feeling like a betrayer, being lost and willing to sever her emotions. The Goblin had thought this several times over, and this was the best she could come up with when they had arrived and Kazu Nini had left.
But she had no options.
Snagging the plaque from Kazu Nini had hurt her, but she had to do what needed be done and she would miss everything thus far; [1.]
Kazu Nini, Zlai Dfon, Jagonu Nanhor, The New Universe and Knyandrial, Chilkt State University.
The Pixie had been so nice to her, even opting to help her only family.
The Spirit had never spoken about her height, and was good company.
The Fairy was a friend that could connect with her as her too did not seem to …revel in fights. At least, not like Jagonu Nanhor.