Chapter 54 Jidenna's Echo

We stood in awe before the pedestal, the crystal orb at its center pulsing with a mesmerizing light that seemed to call out to us. The air was thick with a strange, almost electric energy, making the hair on my arms stand on end. Each of us was drawn to the orb in our own way, compelled by the sense that it held the answers we desperately needed.

Felix was the first to approach, his curiosity evident in the way he scrutinized the orb. He reached out, his fingers hovering just above its surface, hesitant yet eager. "This... this is remarkable," he murmured, more to himself than to any of us. "I can feel the knowledge within it, like a living thing."

Sasha joined him, her eyes wide with wonder and apprehension. "It's as if the Ancients left a piece of themselves here, preserved in this orb. It's their legacy."