The Unseen Enemy

The atmosphere in the hideout had shifted. What once buzzed with the energy of newfound recruits and relentless training now felt tinged with an undercurrent of unease. Whispers of sabotage and misinformation had begun to circulate, casting a shadow over the hard-won unity of the Eko Rebellion.

Femi sat in the dim glow of his monitors, a deep frown etched across his face. Lines of code scrolled rapidly on the screens, but something was off. He could feel it. Hours of sifting through encrypted messages had revealed subtle anomalies—tiny deviations that suggested someone was tampering with their communication network.

He called Ada over, his voice tense. "Ada, I think we've been compromised."

Ada's eyes narrowed as she leaned over to examine the data. "What did you find?"

Femi pointed to a series of logs. "These anomalies are too consistent to be random. Someone's been accessing our network, planting false information and creating backdoors."