The Hidden Facility

The tension in the hideout was palpable as the rebels gathered to discuss their next move. Ada stood at the front of the room, a detailed map of Lagos spread out before her, marked with the location of a hidden facility that had been uncovered during the cyber offensive. This facility was rumored to be a linchpin in the Council's plans, and the rebels knew they had to act quickly to infiltrate it and gather critical intelligence.

Jidenna joined Ada, his gaze serious as he addressed the group. "We’ve confirmed the location of a secret facility in Epe. According to the intel Femi and his team uncovered, this place is integral to the Council's population control scheme. If we can infiltrate it, we can disrupt their operations and gain valuable information."

Ada nodded, her eyes scanning the faces of the rebels gathered before her. "This mission is dangerous, but it's crucial. We need our best people on this—those who can move quietly and think on their feet."