The sound of the bell woke Prince up from his beauty sleep as he stretched tiredly and yawned getting up heading towards the door as he checked the surveillance and found felix standing with some guards

"Haa so early?Don't felix get any sleep?!!!!!!!!!!"

Prince said groaning and opening the door

"Good morning Prince!!"Felix bowed a little

"Good morning Sir Prince!!!!!"The guards bowed

"Morninggg Give me half an hour and I'll be out!!"

Prince said collecting the foods from felix who noded as Prince closed the door while felix and the guards waited outside

Prince went into the showers as he began brushing his teeth before going to take a bath

After he was done he looked at his face in the mirror and smiled going out to dress

He put on white complete short hand shirt,Shirt white pants and white shoes along with a white bag

Looking at himself in the mirror he smiled taking pictures as he walked towards the door while going on ig to post it

As soon as he came out felix and the guards immediately followed after him,"We'll be taking the backdoor fans are still out there and 10x the ones you saw yesterday "Felix said directing him through a passageway into an underground

They got into a car and drove out of the hotel passing the crowds on their way out

After an hour of driving they arrived at a huge mansion and the gates opened as they drove in

Prince came down and looked around saying

"Its Beautifu!","Yes it is"Felix also noded chuckling

Prince turned to look at felix folding his hands on his chest holding his handbag

"Also I told you i don't want any maids or housekeepers as they're not trustworthy!!!"

He said making felix nod while asking "What about your food yo-"But he was cut off by Prince

"Felix you know I don't eat Homemade food!I can order whatever I want so let it be!!!!I know you care but don't bother about that"Prince said turning to leave but he stopped turning to look at felix

He smirked saying "Help me purchase Four sports cars,A LAMBORGHINI,A PORSCHE,A FERRARI AND JLK!!!!"He said with an excited expression making fekix nod taking notes

"Oh and the colours!!!"Prince said again making felix look up at him waiting for his orders

"White for the lamborghini,Yellow for the Portche,Pink for the ferrari and Black for the Jlk..."

Prince said with his hand on his chin in thought before his eyes lit up again

"Not good!!!There's no colour Red,Purple,Blue,Green,Orange,Violet,Ashes,Gray,Silver,Gold and-"

"NO!!!"He was cut off by felix who shook his head Making him pout

"Don't!I know what you're going to ask for and NO!We can't get you cars of a colours,You got as many cars as you want overseas,Besides you're here for study and that is distraction you're not here to show off!!!!!!!!!!"Felix said making the guards nod while sweating while looking at prince

"But-"Prince started but was interrupted by felix

"No Buts!I'll show you around and get you the cars immediately an remember school starts tomorrow!!"Felix said making prince pout while glaring at him

"Don't tell me this next month felix....you know what I can do!!!!"Prince said through gritted teeth

Felix nod as he began walking forward

"Hmph he's just older than me with Two years but acts like he's the senior!!!!!"Prince murmured making felix laugh

"OF course I am!!!"Felix said

They both went in as felix showed Prince around before leaving with some guards

Prince went into the master bedroom looking around as he collapsed tiredly on the bed bringining out his phone to play games

Two hours later he dropped his phone as be gazed into the ceilings "Everywhere is so boring"He thought but his eyes soon lit up with excitement as he sprang up from the bed

"Yes I can go shopping!After all I haven't ordered any clothes yet so why don't I go shop myself?!!!"

He immediately grabbed his bag as he came out of his room heading down the stairs into the wide spacious living room and outside

The guards saw him and tried stopping him buy he glared at them opening his bag and taking out a disguise wrapping it around his head as he put on Black glasses before smiling at them

"I have the perfect disguise so no need also I'm going to take a taxi like any normal person so don't worry "He said making his movements but they still followed behind him

Prince turned to glare at them and shouted that he was really going to fire them but they kept following him making him sigh as he gave them puppy eyes while removing his glasses and leaning closer to them an while they were distracted he ran off

The head security sighed as he came out of the restroom before giving felix a call

Prince trekked down the lane and his iPhone rang making him look at the callers Id as he gritted his teeth "Damn those guys!!!"He thought

"You didn't tell me you were going out Prince!"Felix said as he location the cars that were being painted

"I'll be back soon it's boring oh and I think I'm gonna be late bye!"Prince said cutting off the call immediately making fekix sigh

Prince called thor after hanging up with felix

"Prince what's up?How's the mansion?"

Thor who was sitting on a big bed scrolling an update asked sweetly

Prince rolled his eyes at Thor's voice "Its cool and all whatever...so what mansion did you choose?"

"Um same one it's cool too but I'm at my brother's and you know I'm still trying to convince him to let

Me live on my own!!!But he won't listen and insist infact he ordered!!!!!!!"Thor pouted with a sigh

Prince listened as he looked into the distance saying "Brother's he smiled a little

"Hmm My Brother and you know what?He also bought me six sportcars of my favourite colours!!"thor closed his ipad falling on the bed

"Hahahaha Your brother is so good and protective of you thor are you showing off?!!!"Prince laughed making thor did the same "I'm not!!"He giggled

"Also your brother...You haven't told me his name yet!He lives in a mansion?He can buy six expensive cars at once?Is he a Businessman?A celebrity?So you're someone of high status?!!!!"

Prince rambled as thor held the phone away from his ears wincing slightly

"Geez you're going to make me deaf!!!!My Brother's a Businessman and I'm not spoiling more than that I promised to tell you all together Thor said with a sigh

"Oh OK send me the mansion address immediately I'm coming over right now!!!!"Prince said making thor smirk

"Oh?Are you trying to find out who he is yourself?"

Prince laughed "No!!Everywhere is just damn boring and quiet,I'm going shopping now thats why I thought of stopping by after I'm done basically why I called you in the first place!!!"Prince said making thor nod

"Besides didn't you say your Brother's a Businessman?So he should be busy now right?"Prince asked stopping a taxi

"Fine fine the hell??The way you're defending yourself is making me shudder as if you really have an ulterior motive "Thor shivered

"Duh whatever send me the address Prince rolled his eyes as thor noded

"Yeah I'll text you the address!!"Thor said

"And also you can't believe the guy I saw yesterday!!"Prince thought about King

"Who's that?"Thor asked climbing down a beautifying stairs with his white nightgown

"Mann I don't know!He was so Handsome,Tall,Muscular,Hot,Gorgeous,Ripped and whatnot??!!!"Prince squealed making the driver glance at him slightly

"AND OMG!!!!!HIS GAZE WAS SO INTENSE I COULD BARELY STAND!!!!!!!Prince shouted earning a glare from the driver making him smile

"Really?Is this reallly you Prince ?"Thor asked

"OF course it's true and it's me!!!!"Prince smirked!!

"Well the Prince I know is arrogant and picky,He wouldn't even bat an eye to a person twice neither remember them and now you're talking about some Random guy?!!!"Thor shouted

"Dude it's not just some Random guy!He's perfect LIKE A GOD!!!I'M SO MESSED UP!!!!!!!!!!!"Prince said making Thor's jaw drop

"A GOD?YOU EVEN COMPARE HIM TO A GOD?!!UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!"Thor shook his head,"And you don't know him?You didn't even ask for his number?!!"Thor asked

"Duh the fans were after me and I couldn't even talk to him and can you imagine he didn't even know me?Like seriously?A whole me?!!!And he was so cold!!!!!!!!!!!"Prince said in an irritated voice

"Hahahahaha He really got you huh?He must be pretending or something!!!"Thor laughed

"Hmm he must be"Prince mumbled

"I can't believe Prince is getting so worked up are you really serious about this?"Thor asked


Prince said with a frown as he came down from the taxi looking at the building in front of him