Painful Reality


There are times when humans have to face sad facts, but they're are also things that should not be seen

~Carlos Anderson

Arizona. United States, GOC X SCPF OUTPOST

On a sunny day in the base The GOC ambassador is waiting for the HFC representative to arrive, and maybe along with their men. The HFC representative then soon arrived with a helicopter. The HFC representative arrived wearing a Hawaii shirt and short pants whilst eating an egg sandwich.

Some of the guard starts to question him.

"You sure this is the person? This guy doesn't look like what I've expected... did we get the wrong guy?"

The GOC ambassador replies the MTF sergeant

"I don't know but it looks like this is the guy..."

The HFC representative walks in front of them

"Yo, this place is hot as hell huh?" The HFC representative said

"Let's just cut to the business here... what does the HFC want to talk and trade about?" the GOC replied without hesitating

"Wow, straight to the point huh? I like it..." The HFC representative replied

"It's about the Serpent Hands, also... I'll call you Jeff from now on or whatever to call you. We have Information that we have just collected from their place, but with a price of course" The HFC said,

"What kind of payment do you want?"

"oh nothing much but, I only want one of your latest blueprints, the RAILGUN BLUEPRINT!" he said with bliss in his voice.

"...?" The GOC ambassador was stunned to hear about their blueprint to be mentioned. They swore they had never spoiled their blueprint to any other organizations or such. "How do you know about our blueprint?" keeping his manner.

"Easy, easy, you don't need to hide it anymore Jeff, because your agent sold the information about it to us for a cheap price"

"Damn it!" The GOC sighs, "Fine we will trade the railgun blueprint, but what kind of information will you sell to us?" The GOC ambassador cannot do anything about it except accept the trade offer.

"About the Serpent Hand's invasion plan and how they planned to do it, doesn't that seem valuable to you? Jeff?" The HFC gives a side-eye. "...but before continuing this trade, let's get some shade for now it's getting hot like the Sahara desert here" he fans himself with his arm.

"Fine" The GOC replied

The two went inside the outpost building to cool them both out. They enter a small room with a chair and table, used for having discussions.

"So continuing the talk" The GOC looks at the HFC

"Here" the HFC representative gives the file to the GOC ambassador.

"You can read it as soon as you can, but can someone get me something to drink!"

The GOC ambassador sighs "What The hell is this guy?! Not even a polite manner in his mouth?!" He murmured to himself, "Can someone get him a lemonade!"

An MTF guard went out to the canteen and grabbed some lemonade from the fridge then returned.

"Here is your lemonade, sir"

"Thank you" the HFC representative thanked the MTF guard, with a big smile on his face, he immediately snatched the glass off the MTF guard's hand and took a small sip. "Ahh, refreshing!".

The GOC ambassador reads the file, he revolves the page from one to another, and starts to tremble in fear and as he reads it deeper and deeper to the file. With words so harsh, very hard to comprehend and to think if this is correct data.

"You sure this is correct?" the GOC ambassador asked the HFC representative.

"Yes, that's true, Jeff, we found it inside their stash"

The GOC ambassador starts to grow some suspicion towards this person, how is he able to get this file? "How... did you manage to loot this file" the GOC ambassador asks again

"Oh... No need for concerns" The HFC representative chuckles.

"Oh you cannot avoid this, HOW did you manage to retrieve this data!?" The GOC ambassador insisted firmly in his voice, that he was not going to let this person loose, after handing him an invaluable piece of information with such a vague way of getting it.

"Rest assured, Jeff, we got these pieces o' file retrieved by our high-class spy" He began to laugh it off.

The GOC ambassador can't think of it now, but will keep an eye on this person, he immediately stood up and said. "Call the director's assistant, we need to discuss this matter at the headquarters!" while looking at the MTF sergeant.

"Understood" The MFT sergeant nodded.

"Now..." he claps and rubs his hands, "Where's this tasty blueprint you promised?" The HFC representative glares at the ambassador with an open smile.

"There, as you asked for..." the GOC ambassador tosses the Railgun blueprint to the table.

The HFC representative opens the blueprint and inspects it for authentication. "This does look enticing" He uttered to himself, "Well, I think this concludes our trade. Merci Jeff, pleasure doing business with you"

The HFC representative leaves the room and walks to the helicopter that brought him here.

"Jesus christ" the GOC ambassador looks pale.


Joshua arrives after getting a call from the Ambassador

"Why did you call me ambassador?"

"Look here" the GOC ambassador gives Joshua the lists of how the Serpent Hands will initiate their invasion.

"Holy shit... where did you get this?!" Joshua said, stunned and amazed at the same time.

"I got it from the HFC representative. We need to inform all branches and sections about this, especially the Psychic branch and our special forces in Europe and across the world".

"Alright, let's get to work" They both left and went to the office. Joshua holds a private call with all branches and foundation representatives.

"Hello... Is everyone here?" Joshua asks the people on the call.

"Psychic Division branch on your service sir, I'm Mark the gunslinger"

"The Ptolemy Division branch is here, I'm the head of the research, Park Jin Seok will take the call from now on".

"Mechanic Division branch on your call sir, I'm the new head of the technician, call me Juliet"

"Paramilitary Division branch is here, pilot Jackson will take over the call because the leader is currently having lunch at the canteen"

"The Rescue Division branch is here with Corporal Alex taking the call because everyone is stationed at Ganzir base"

A Foundation representative who was brought by an SCPF guard commander has entered the call.

"Seems everyone on the call now. Nothing much to say, y'all can call me Carl"

"I guess everyone's on the call now," Joshua said

"Yeah, I think so," someone from one of the branches said.

"So, what made you call us all of a sudden Joshua Wolff?" the commander asks Joshua.

"I want to talk about some information we discovered that we recently just traded from the HFC representative," Joshua said to everyone on the line.

The commander felt something was off.

"What, those people doing some trade deals? Strange..."

Suddenly, the representative of the Broken Dagger special force and Strike team 2209 "Steelheads" entered the call.

"Ouch, sorry for being late to enter the call, because the three of us were having snacks at the cafeteria, pardon us. I'm commander of the Broken Dagger special force, Jonathan, and my two other comrades are ready at your service!"

"Strike team 2209 nickname STEELHEADS, Commander Remington at your service!".

"You four are late to the party! don't be late next time!" Joshua said

"Sorry sir!" Jonathan from Strike Force 2209 apologized

"Only this time!" Joshua replied.

"Now since everyone is present, I will send all of you the files that we are going to discuss"

Joshua sent all of them the files which immediately took a gasp of everyone on the call.

"IS THIS FOR SERIOUS JOSH!?" the commander immediately yelled

"Don't yell or your mic will smell like shit!" the Pilot teased the commander

"Hey! Stop about your crap talk, can y'all focus?"


"Those files tell us how the Serpent Hand will attack and invade some countries" Joshua explained.

"hmm, I think we will try to set a counter-attacking force against the Serpent Hand at the time they attack"

"good idea boss!" the broken dagger commander liked it

"Now... is there someone who has some point to be added?" Joshua asked? "anyone?" The call was silent and quiet. "if everyone understood, you can leave but if there are any questions you want to ask before I end this call?"

"I have" The head of the researchers raises his hand

"What is it Jin? What do you want to add?" Joshua said

"How we will counter them?" Park Jin asks Joshua

"We can use our manpower to counter them"

"that's it?"

"we will develop better tactics later in the operations but this should be enough"

"All alright then"

Everyone leaves the call.

The information that they discussed about:

1. The serpent hands always infiltrate some of their agents to make a beacon to let all anomalies and members invade such a place

2. The serpent hands cannot attack a place with no agents in the area.

3. The agents on the field will open a portal to lead some serpents hand agents and members to start the raid

4. They cannot enter areas where there are no field agents and must resort to full invasion by force

5. The time required for them to open a gate is 5 days and 4 nights

6. The gate cannot be accessed if the gems that hold the gate portal are destroyed in actions

HFC (Hunter Foundation Cooperation)

A paranormal military group. Mercenaries and Researcher team, established in Japan in 1975 by Takumi Miyabushi. Their purpose is unclear to this day and only a few operations were leaked to other groups.

Their biggest organizations and rivals are the UNGOC and its allies. The HFC withdraws its power on a massive scale, in the early 2000s. Spreading massively in the Republic of Korea, China, and most of North Asia. To this day the HFC is seeking manpower but it's all going to change soon at the beginning of 2027.

FORT SAN Sebastian, Spain

The Spain military officers and soldiers were struggling to evacuate immigrants and people from France and Germany on the harbor.

But what they don't know is, that someone is watching them, a Spanish officer found a note near the walls with blood splattered all across "THE SERPENTS' HANDS ALWAYS WATCHING ITS PREY".

"holy molly jesus christ"

To Be Continued