
The letters have crude white candle wax covering them. Most letters were sent in this style but if they were between noble, they would stamp their logo all over the wax. John took the letter and opened it up.

There were 2 papers, detailing what Klad has gone through in the past 2 weeks that John has been grilling burgers. Nothing essential since the plot is very nonlethal at the moment, Klad and his friends go on a special quest. Oslan quickly glosses over these sayings that an honor student must go through. Naturally, he didn't know what they were.

The special program is only known by a select few, highly trained royal teachers that pass a test and swear before the sun god. So on the surface level, their mystical training will be classified as "special training"

They also have been sent after school to help with mystical works like catching heretics or banishing the dead. Oslan includes that detail but vaguely since he doesn't think it's important. John speed-read the page and found nothing worthy of his attention, as far as he was concerned, Klad was on the right track.

However, his eyes widen when he switches to a different page, someone who wasn't supposed to be in the novel has been named. Brent Eyre, the 13th prince. He is in the same bully group that Original Reeva was in. He is the guy that spearheads, the bully group that Reeva was in.

That's why he finds it so puzzling. The 13th prince wasn't in the novel, he also fizzled out after the clash with Klad, since he was the 13th prince that has no talent in Mysticism and basically no power as a prince. He got shoved to the wayside by his more competent brother late in the story.

Another variety that John has to account for.

But this one is more dubious than the rest, John could see why the thing that changed so far was the result of him swapping with Reeva but he couldn't possibly guess how he could affect the story enough that the prince joined Klad's friend's group.

What is more interesting is that Brent immediately blames Reeva for his misconduct. This ticks John the wrong way since in the original, Reeva is just pathetically beaten and expelled after he lost his power but from rumors Oslan could gather, the price has been outspoken about this matter going as far as saying that Reeva is a heretic.

That part turns out to be somewhat true

Either there's something John Is missing or he did change too much of the setting to arrive at this point. Other than the late inclusion of the Brent nothing else changed much. The original cast of members is still there.

Klad the reincarnated high-circle mystic, trying to get back at his family for their betrayal

Onia the falling noble who wants to revive her house, got a second chance by awaking mystical power

Ghaarsh, a boy picked up from the jungle who wants to be the king of the jungle. He was raised by the wolf there.

Bramon cursed child that has a powerful ability but no one wants him. his family has a higher standing but he is not popular. They said that he was unlucky.

And lastly, the unlikely addition to the cast

Brent The pitiful prince, born late into the race of succession could catch up to any of his brothers and sisters and resort to petty bullying to feel superior.

John couldn't help but sigh as he considered his changing future. He couldn't have imagined that things might shift so dramatically while he wasn't even in Lememore.

After that, John continued reading and was shocked to see that the group was on their way to Tumidus for a special assignment. They will arrive at the beginning of next month, along with Plutus and some priests. His brows curve.

This was also not in the original story.

However, if he thinks about it, it was likely not that much of an issue since they wouldn't recognize him at first glance anyway. With such a big city, one would be looking for a needle inside a haystack.

He just needs more cover and to expand his business until one wouldn't look for a heretic at a successful food establishment.

After he finishes reading the letter, John burns it up. He could use it for blackmailing Oslan later but he decided against it. Other than leaving a bad taste in his mouth it would also be self-reporting too.

He sent a letter to Osland's house with the money saying that it was for next month. Even if there is no information on Klad, bring John some major incident that happened at the academy.

With that he was done spying on the main character of the novel, his plan forward is to train with Hilda and expand his business. Maybe finding the ice mystic but that's not a priority.

The thing that he wants to do right now is find out who sent a mystic to kill him.

For that, he needs to wait for Holen to find something.

When exiting the post office John also saw something interesting, a new issue of Tumidus news. He fished one coin out of his pocket and bought the paper. The headline is none other than the incident that he was involved in. After 2-3 days the church finally cough up with a cover story.

About a moster that broke into the city and ravaged nearby buildings and took the lives of innocent people. John couldn't help but laugh at the cover-up story that they made. If one were to see the damaged building, one could never tell that people caused that.

They also said that the priest was on the case, and they would catch the guy who sneaked the moster into the city. As to why they were late to respond, they said that the area around it had been clear of people, so no one could report it to them. They also put up a bounty for any information about the incident.

John wished he could report it to them himself!