
"Thank you! You, my friend just made my day, what can I do for you?"

Holen's smile lit up the room's atmosphere. Yellow mist seeps through his clothes again. Reeva catches that but doesn't say anything about it.

"I need information about weddings and restaurants"

"What? Are you marrying someone?"

Reeva tea almost escapes his mouth.

"No it's not like that, I'm finding something and I'd like to have information on it. I would like to know how many weddings were in this month and if anything weird happened at a restaurant recently."

"Consider it done," Holen said "It's not hard information to get, anything else?"

"Maybe some church activity, I need to keep an eye on them"

"I could do that for you my friend. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, the guy that is in the files is also attending the black market auctioning too."


"Yeah look at the paper"

Reeva flips the paper until it arrives at paper that has special markings on it. Clip with a picture of a bearded man wearing a top hat. He looks rather old in this black-and-white photo.

"Ulla Huron, a baron that recently made rounds in the trading market. He has a hand in the import and export of goods. A big distributor from the southern sea that made it big in Eyre. He has a son name Ulma. A total failure of a son who doesn't have any notable skill... scratch that he does have a nick for provoking people. As for Ulla himself, I got nothing much on him other than his slave-purchasing history. Which could raise eyebrows. In just 2 months he has traded over 152 slaves. For reference normal scummy noble only trade like 5 or 10 per month."

Reeva also read the statistics as he introduced the man to him. Reeva was also curious about the guy. His son made quite a bold impression on him.

"I got a tip that He will attend this auction because he wants to purchase a rare slave from overseas."

Reeva looked at the guy's track record and he fit the description that he was going for. A guy that would purchase blood for a blood-controlling mystic.

"I will have a look at the guy myself, what about the missing person case?"

"Not much on that I'm afraid, there is constantly somebody missing, about 10-20 people a month, and not every case is reported to the coppers. I gather some of them and list them in the paper, you could check it out later if you want to."

"I'll do that then"

Reeva stayed for a bit to chat some details and say goodbye when the time was right. There are still things he needs to do. There is still some time before the white monster emerges in the center district.

From the situation inside [Foresight], he could tell that it's not deep in the winter since the snow hasn't fallen yet. This means it will happen this month or next month. He narrows it down by the opening of the restaurant and a promotion.

If he were to do it, he would run the promotion for about 4 to 5 days after he opened the burger shop. This means if he could find out how much time the burger shop would take to rent and renovate, he would get a rough idea of when it happened.

However, as he was about to go to discuss his shop opening, he spotted a group of people encircling something. It piques his interest when he walks over and sees that's there a guy sitting in the praying position.

"What's going on?"

Reeva asks one of the people who encircled the guy.

"A preacher from a heretic cult. It's funny to listen to his bullshit."

The guy goes back to looking at the preacher, all in his lonesome, encircled by many people laughing at him.

The Sun Church, which has been around for many generations and received support from the royal family, is the sole recognized religion on Eyre. Although the sun god didn't have any grudge against minor religions, people will still mock anyone who follows other religions. Calling them a heretic. And even though the sun god didn't care about it, his believers might have different ideas.

"You don't see the light of god!"

"Die heretic!"

Many people throw stuff at the guy wearing grey robes. The best of it was only tomato and soft items but the worst of it was a stone brick. The guy in the middle has suffered many bruises and bleeding from various wounds.

"You fool! you don't see it. He is with all of us, all around us! Open your eyes and you will see god!"

The middle-aged age grey robe man shouts but no one listens. His voice was drowned by the countless people attacking him. Ruthless words were shouted calling the guy to end himself.

"Someone call the sun church!"

"A priest is on his way here! No, he's already here!"

A path opened among the people and out came a guy with blonde hair and black eyes. A young priest in a white robe with golden trim, a picture of a sun torch plaster across his outfit.

Reeva quickly hides among the crowd, the person who just arrived at the scene is none other than Plutus.

"What is this all about!"

He asked the people that were encircling the grey robe man. The people change their attitude, expressing their concern in a lighter tone.

"Priest! This heretic over here proclaims that the sun god is inferior to theirs"

Plustus's head had gone a bit light. He couldn't let the sun god slander slide. His brows fold together. An aggressive question left his mouth.

"Who is your god?"

"I don't know his name but he is everywhere! Everything is him, the earth you walk the light you see, everything is him! I didn't disrespect your god, priest. I'm simply stating a fact!"

"Preposterous! Simply claiming that there's something above the sun god is blasphemy. I sentence you to 10 years of sunfire torture."

"But what I'm telling you is real! even Father Theodore didn't punish us. That means our god is real! We aren't heretics!"
