Arrive at the wedding

The day had finally arrived, and Reeva dressed in a proper suit, while Theia wore a light white blouse, and Hilda donned her usual maid uniform. The wedding was to be held at the Sun God Church, a grand celebration that would last from sunrise to sundown—a full day to honor the love of two individuals.

For Reeva, attending this wedding was surprisingly easy. All he had to do was express his interest, and he was immediately welcomed. The only condition was that he provide burgers for the guests' lunch, for which they would pay him handsomely. The couple were avid fans of his burgers, making it a win-win situation.

In the morning, there wasn't much for everyone to do. The bride and groom were in separate rooms, preparing for the big event. Reeva, Theia, and Hilda arrived early to scout the venue, hoping to spot anything suspicious or sniff out potential heretics.