Away from the capital

"Could you do me a favor and send me far away?"

Reeva was reluctant to get involved in capital politics. If he can avoid it, that will be beneficial to him. Furthermore, forming a cult here is far more difficult than persuading a naive villager to join you.


The orange robe guy spoke in a stern tone. He didn't agree with Reeva going so far away from the main church. Their apostle should only be in the capital, promoting the church's legitimacy and instilling faith in ordinary people. The capital could benefit from another strong voice of an apostle to gain more believers.

"As you can tell, I am not a believer in the sun god. This does not improve your image in the public eye, right? The sun god will appear flimsy in his choice of an apostle when even ordinary people who do not believe in the sun god are considered for this position."