
Walking through the field of reeds was the same old experience, his mind couldn't comprehend the monotonous repeating scenery and everything was blue. After some time he arrived at a field of ice. There's no gaping hole that separates the desolate land of rock and field of reed. The ice landscape was directly connected to the land of reeds.

However, It felt a little jarring because when the field of reed was abruptly stopped. It's like someone just painted the land over with ice. The sun god was not kidding when he said that this was the land of ice since as far as he could see, this place was filled with nothing but crystal-clean ice.

Reeva tested one of his feet to step on the ice, trying to figure out if it was safe for him to step on. The ice didn't do anything, then he realized that he himself couldn't interact with the world. So this place just felt like a normal floor to him.