
Holen felt his blood boil when he saw Athan's face. His mind flashed back to his childhood—a time when life was simple for a young boy in the northern lands. He would go out with his father to hunt wild animals and return home to chop wood for the fireplace.

At that time, he absolutely despised chopping wood in the snow as night began to fall because it meant enduring the freezing cold afterward.

He understood that his father assigned him this task simply because he, too, disliked it. But what option did he have? He was just a kid, and his father was one of the best hunters in the village. So he sucked it up and chopped the wood.

However one day, his life changed forever. He and his father came back to the village from their hunt and saw the village in flames. He ran to their house and found that Holen's mom was already dead. 

Slide in the throat with a knife.