Old days

Holen's heart beat faster, and even though he couldn't move anymore, he felt his finger lift a bit. Trying to talk with these guys was not feasible, they would likely kill him the first chance they had.

"No... no...."

Holen felt like he was about to die, his eyes wandered to Jell who's right now was not in good condition. The armor had almost merged into his body, he could not speak anymore. Lunto Pale's body moved closer to Holen.

"Let me see what you got here..."

He waited a bit he brought Jell closer to Holen. For the first time, the detective could see Jell up close, and his stomach churned at the sight. It was unbearable to see his friend in this condition. The worst part was that Jell was still breathing—a faint, fragile sign of life that made it all the more painful.

"K... me...."