Chapter 1, World of Nightmares

The light of the moon illuminated the room, moldy walls, rough wooden floors. A simple desk and chair which a letter sat, a candle half used laid cold.

A simple dirty bed was in a the corner of the room. A boy around the age of 13 sat dazed, his hair was dark and messy. He was dirty and had a face of acne, he looked malnourished like a skeleton.

He looked around the room with his baggy, bloodshot eyes. Standing up he went to the desk and looked at the letter.


{We are sorry to inform you that your application to the Royal Academy has been rejected.}

It was short and direct, he looked blank but his heart was tight and he could barely breathe.

He clenched his fists and pounded his chest as he could barley breathe. His body tightened as he laid on his bed squirming.

He soon calmed down, he stood back up tired. He looked at the letter before grabbing his things and leaving the room.

It wasn't that big of a place, an orphanage for the poorest of orphans. He looked at the lonely hall that led to the stairs.

He never went out at nighttime, the caretaker had strict rules. However none of this mattered anymore.

He calmed himself and walked down the creepy hall. His feet reached the steps as he quietly snuck down the stairs.


He heard a loud creek from the stairs behind him. Turning around he saw a plump woman dressed in a mustard yellow dress.

"Daemon is that you?" She narrowed her eyes and walked toward him.

Seeing this he quickly sprinted with all his might, thrashing the front door open and running through the dirt road.


He ran even faster before turning through alleys and ending up at the other side of town.

He gasped for air as he collapsed, sitting down for a few minutes he got up and walked away.

He stumbled a few times as he walked along the roads. His eyes laid on the towns walls, every town, city, kingdom had walls to protect them from the wild beasts.

Cities and kingdoms had walls to protect them from outsiders as well.

"Monsters.." He mumbled to himself as he slowly walked toward the gate.

'Even if I can exit the just a regular person.'

He looked at the gate which was still open, the gate only closed for emergencies. Many people traveled at nighttime even with the monsters.

He looked around before seeing a convoy exiting the town.

His eyes glimmered as he reached the gate, his eyes still glued on where they left.

The guards merely glanced at him before looking away.

He was obviously a orphan, even if he died in the woods, nobody would care.

Steeling his heart he walked along the dirt road.


Twenty minutes in he was constantly looking at the forest. The sound of footsteps and bushes moving constantly sounded through his ears.

'This was a bad idea.' He could only continue to walk through the night.

Suddenly the night was illuminated, a fire raged ahead of him. Screams sounded as well as loud explosions.

His eyes widened,'Bandits.'

He quickly hid into the forest, the sound of screams resounded through the forest before abruptly stopping.

*Troot troot

He heard the galloping of a horse coming his way. He looked at the road through the bushes waiting silently.

Soon a horse arrived carrying a middle aged man in armor and a young man dressed luxuriously.

He watched as they stopped and the soldier picked the young man up before slapping the horse and making it run further down the road.

He walked toward where he was making his footsteps imprint in the dirt before leaving the opposite way and covering his tracks.

Seeing this his eyes widened, about to run away he heard more horses coming. Holding his breath he had a thought.

The horses stopped where he was as the bandits conversed.

Daemon jumped out of the forest in front of them.

They drew their weapons at him staring coldly.

"Don't attack! I saw where they went, the soldier he put his footprints this way but he ran the opposite way!" He quickly blurted out pointing in the direction they ran.

"Haha thanks kid, you will be awarded." The leader smiled hideously before appearing before him, beheading him.

Everything went black...