Chapter 3, Enlightened Warrior


Covered in sweat he kept punching the tree in front of him. His knuckles bloodied and torn, he didn't seem to mind the pain.

{That is good, young pupil there was no technique. You are getting sloppy, you need more training. Besides that you have officially reached the requirements to start down the Body Tempering path. I will teach you tomorrow, for now let's continue your mana training.}

"Yes master."


{To begin the path to body tempering, you must understand pain. It is extremely difficult, you were very skinny before but under the nourishment of mana and food you have met the requirements.}

Daemon looked at his now meaty body, it had muscle but not too much. He was far superior from what he was a month ago.

Training for a month has made him confident in his power. He wasn't a newbie like before, he now knows mana spells.

{So I will give you a training regimen for the next month. Refine your qi so it becomes more pure. As well train your body to the peak of the mortal realm. Then you will breakthrough both your magic and body.}

"Yes master."


Daemon slashed the tree in front of him with a wooden saber. He had chosen this as his weapon, the tree fell in a single slash.

He panted as he looked at the countless other fallen trees.

{Good good, you have reached the peak of the mortal realm as well as the peak of the mage apprentice realm. Next is the Mage realm and the Body Refinement realm.}

{But, before I allow you to break through you must complete a test. Defeat a beast comparable to a Senior Mage, a 3rd Rank Beast.}

"Wha- master that's two realms above me!"

{You're lucky I'm going easy on you, when I was at your level I defeated a 4th Rank.}

"Okay master.."

{Ha you think I'm letting you off easy? Defeat 200 Peak 1st Rank beasts. Defeat 100 peak 2nd Rank Beasts. Then I'll let you break through.}

"Master.." He felt like crying, however he still walked into the forest outside of the barrier that held this mountain.


He vigilantly walked through the forest, night was setting soon. He wanted to confirm his first kill before then.

He held a ordinary saber in his hand as he quietly searched.

He found himself at the edge of a cliff, below him was a group of deer. Seeing this he got ready to attack them.

He was about to attack before he thought of something. A small sharp icicle formed, it floated silently before shooting out and going straight through a deer's head.

It slumped to the ground and the other deer ran. Nodding to himself he jumped down and cut open the deer.

It's guts and blood spilled out, he jumped back up the cliff and hid in a tree.

Not even ten minutes passed before a large bear appeared. It sniffed the deer before starting to eat it.

'Hm only a 1st rank, 7th Tier bear.' He thought before slicing it's neck in one clean cut.

The wind didn't even rustle from his speed, he did the same with the bear and hide in the tree again.

Time trickled by before a red salamander appeared. It crawled in quick little steps as it inched to the body.

'Oh? A Inferno Salamander, they can grow to become 3rd rank beasts. This one seems to be at the peak of the first rank, my luck.'

He smiled as he looked at the lizard which started to feast on the bear. He stretched his finger out and a large ice ball started to form.

The salamander seemed to sense it but the ball of ice already was shot at a extreme speed.

The ball of ice slammed into the lizard making it fall back. The lizard was dazed before a saber came and slashed it's head off.

"Haha, first of 200..."

Depressed his days of hunting continued.


Three weeks had passed, he had finally finished hunting 200 Peak 1st Rank.

He stretched at the waking sun, his saber was dulled from the constant fighting.

'I suppose today is the day I fight a Peak 2nd Rank.' He sat there for a moment.

His technique of attracting beasts didn't just attract beasts at the peak of the 1st Rank.

It attracted some early and mid stage 2nd Rank Beasts. The strongest one was even a 7th Tier, 2nd Rank.

Even then it wasn't too hard, after all they are just beasts. They only obtain intellect at the 5th Rank, which is far above what he is right now.

Even then a 5th rank only has the intelligence of a 5 year old. For one to have the intelligence of a 18 year old they have to be a 7th Rank.

Some beasts can defy that rule but they wouldn't be in a small forest.

He knew that there wouldn't be any peak 2nd rank beasts around. He would've attracted them at this point.

He walked through the forest making sure he wasn't quiet so he could attract a beast.

Suddenly a dagger came across his shoulder, startled he quickly blocked with his saber.

His shoulder had a small cut, he looked cautiously at the attacker.

A large human-like figure looked at him viciously. They had webbed large hands that had sharps nails.

Two beady black eyes shifted at every part of him. Their skin was blue in color and had weird ancient armor that only covered certain places on its body.

It's chest and stomach were covered in scars most likely because of the lack of armor there.

'What is that.'

{Hm a salamander warrior, this one seems to be at the peak of rank 3. They travel in groups so be cautious.}

'Peak of rank 3...'

As his teacher said, three more salamander warriors came out of the trees. They striked at him extremely fast.

He wouldn't be able to defend himself from four angles.

Suddenly they stopped, a sword went through each of their hearts.

Shocked he looked at the third party, three skeletons stood motionlessly.

Next to them was a illusionary man, he held a blue saber and floated.

'Is that a ghost?'

{Hm indeed, not a weak one either. He seems to be in the middle of 6th rank. Well because he's not a beast, he's a Wizard.}

'A wizard?'

"Young man, leave. This place is now the battle zone of Lord Uchbenbak and General Brass." The ghost suddenly spoke.

"Oh, okay thank you." He sighed happily having been spared.

He quickly sprinted back to the barrier, when he entered he laid down in relief.

'Sorry teacher but..I don't really know the realms.'

{Oh yes I apologize, for mages it is Mage Apprentice, Mage, Senior Mage, Sorcerer, Magic Transformation, Wizard, Wizard King, and Wizard Emperor. After that you don't need to worry, they ascend to another realm.}

{But for warriors it is Mortal, Body Refining, Body Nourishing, Body Transformation, Body Transcendent, Sage, Sage King, Sage Emperor.}

{From what I could sense, that Lord Uchbenbak and General Brass are Wizard Kings.}

{Sadly this barrier can only withstand wizards, so that can only mean they have to take their fight elsewhere.}

" mean we might not be able to stay here when they start fighting."

{When did I say that boy?}

Suddenly the world started to tremble, a purple portal appeared before him.

A man in red armor came out, he had a helmet which defied his face from being seen.

{Ha, sadly I don't have enough energy to come out myself. This subordinate should do, what realm was he again?}

The warrior clad I'm armor unsheathed his huge broadsword slowly.

{Was it Sage Emperor? No no that can't be right.}

He brought his sword up and swung down so fast light itself seemed to reverse.

{Ha I got it, he should be a Earth Immortal!...oh shit.}

A golden barrier suddenly appeared around him, tightly wrapping him.

The world changed color as a dark sword light came down. The world cracked a churned as it appeared before two figures.

They stared dumbfounded at the attack that came from nowhere. One was a skeleton which immediately took out a artifact and disappeared.

The other was a old woman who disappeared from existence as she stood before the attack. Not knowing what she did to be attacked.
