1: New School

Yeah! It's funny how we teenagers describe love, but I call it experience. There no reason loving, just focus on God and your studies.

Hi! Hello! I'm Sonia John but my friends call me Mega. I'm fifteen years old, oh I'm sorry fourteen plus but I'll be fifteen by November, November 28. I'll be in SS2 by September and I'm entering a new school, St. Anthony's Catholic boarding school. I hated the fact that I was going away from home and leaving my best friends in my previous school behind but I promise to always be in touch with them. I was going to miss Yole my best friend and Rej my kid sister. I guess there's always a holiday to come visit and spend time together.

Mom said my going to a new school was for the best. I'll miss First Baptist School and my fun time there but it's time to say goodbye.

" Mom! Do I have to go?" " At least I can go next year, let me just spend the Christmas with my biddies"

" Well! Darling, you have to go. I left you at FBS for a whole year and now the Catholic school is calling and we can't ignore them" mom said putting a smiley face on.

" Come on, start parking, dad will drop you off at the airport" she adds and left.

I lied on my bed, pick up my phone and dialled Yole's number.

' Hey girl'

' Sup'

' I'll love for you to come join me at the airport'

' Sure anything for my darling but you really need to call Seth, his worried sick about you'

'Fine I will' hanged up.

Seth was by best boy. He gave me free tutoring which was one of the reasons I'm entering St. Anthony's Catholic school. I'll really miss him. Hope I find someone like him there.



The school is so big and beautiful. I'll love it here, I said to my self. Dad excorted me to the Rev.'s office.

The office was big and large. In it was a picture of our dear Mother Mary and also get son Jesus. Also, there was a photo of our Lordship, most rev. bishop Anthony Orvariwo Ewerido. And our rev. Fr., Rev. Fr. Orudje Godwin.

The church secretary was sitted at the beginning of the office. She wore a very sharp color eye glasses and black gown. She was very beautiful. The instance I saw her, I knew we had a connection together.

" Good day sir, how may we help you?"

" Yes! Yes! I'm Stephen , Stephen John and this is my daughter,.."

" Sonia John"

" She was given an admission into this great school a year ago"

She was busy on the laptop in front of her

" Yes, miss Sonia John, we've been expecting you. Welcome to St. Anthony's Catholic school."

" Thank you ma"

" Here is your form, fill your details in and I'll get back to you".

I was asked to fill in everything about me including where I come from, my previous school, best subject and lot more but what I don't understand is the extra curricular activities section. Yes I love sports, writing and playing but I don't see any of that in this column. All I see is singing, dancing and drawing.

" Excuse me ma but I don't see my areas here"

" Well that's for later, you just have to pick any of these three. I guess singing will suit you" she said , ticked singing and collected the form.

God no! I can't sing. I would have perfer dancing, I do dance or even drawing, I'm a good painter but not singing. I put on a sad face. Dad noticed and tired to cheer me up.

" We'll miss Sonia, it's time to say goodbye to your dad, pack your luggage and get ready to meet your roommates. Benny!" She calls " This is your personal assistant Benny, she will help you settle in and show you around" she adds.

" Can I at least get one minute with my daughter?"dad asked.

" Yes sir but be fast , she has little time to spend with you"

" Thanks".

Dad took me aside and advise me and also hugged me goodbye. It will be a whole term but I'll be sure to come visit during holidays.

Benny was a lovely person. She made me feel at home. While on our way to the girls dormitory, we met some students at the hallway. I could feel it, they were all talking about me. I was in room 9. In the room were three good looking girls. I was to make it the fourth person.

" Bye Benny" I said as Benny walked away.

" Hello, I'm Sonia but you can call me Mega nice to meet you all" I said giving a partial smile.

" Hello" the girls echoed.

" I'm Eguolor but you can call me love"

" I'm Esther , Esthy for short"

" I'm Rejoice, Rej for short"

" Wow Rej, that's my younger sister's name "

"Really?" They asked and I knodded.

" Well a enough of this introduction, we were just getting ready for our welcoming ceremony tomorrow. We'll just help you pck in and get you ready for tomorrow.

We were discussing as they help me pack out my things from my bag.

At night, I video called Yole and Rej and we all talk till midnight.