Defeating the Principal, Boss Monster

"FOXXY, USE BITE!" Dan pointed at the principal, and the golden fox suddenly rushed at it.

"Need to go," Leon spoke to the others as he began to rush alongside the fox.

He was the one putting himself in the most amount of risk since, y'know, close-range combat, but oh well, it gave him the highest chance to deal the final blow.

[Devour! Devour! Devour!] EGO was constantly smiling.


The principal, seeing the fox and human getting closer, grabbed the edges of the golden book with its two hands, then pointed it at them.


A golden aura began to charge up, and it almost looked like it was trying to use a beam even stronger than its previous attack.

"Not on my watch," but Noah acted accordingly and immediately threw one of his [Energy Balls] toward the boss.


The lightning ball hit the principal, which shocked it and stopped its attack as it was stunned.


The archer girl with black hair also began to summon arrows out of thin air and launched them at the principal, all charged up with the energy of the stars.

[Principal HP: 380/1000], it was already down on most of its health, the attacks that were sent by the group actively injuring it as it couldn't keep up with this many people.

"Grrr…" Foxxy reached the principal and bit its leg as hard as it could, tearing off a piece of flesh and making the boss stumble.

[Oh, wow, we didn't even have to do anything,] EGO was actually surprised that they managed to demolish the boss so easily.

But it was still alive, and so it kept the golden book in its hands, this time charging up an attack that would be sent toward Leon.


The attack charged up in less than a second, much faster than before, and there was no chance he could avoid it from this close.

[Tough luck, huh?] EGO laughed, Leon had finally reached the boss to attack it as well, yet here it was, using an attack that could kill him almost instantly, [But don't worry…]

EGO left Leon's head and with a swift motion bit… the golden book?

[DEVOUR!] the powerful golden aura from before slowly began to weaken and disappear as EGO was absorbing it.

'Oh, wow,' Leon was surprised as he finally reached the boss, 'That thing is actually useful other than just talking for no reason…'


And then… as Leon's eyes glowed.

He focused his entire aura in his right fist, then sent a swift punch toward the principal's face (book face), who was crouching down because of its injured leg.


The impact of Leon's fist against the boss's face could be heard all over the room, as his expression truly showed that he was mad.

[Nice punch, bud!]

The boss was sent flying toward one of the bookshelves, crashing against it and falling to the ground.

And just like that, the principal died.

Yes, no joke, the boss actually died.

The fight was so short actually that the four surviving students were expecting a second phase to appear.

And yet, even after two minute passed, nothing happened.


Taking the risk, Leon approached the principal.

'EGO, use Devour!' Leon pointed at the corpse, and EGO sucked the white aura out of it, meaning that it truly was dead.

[You have been granted 10 stat points for devouring the 'Principal']

[+5 souls!]

"Yeah," Leon waved his arm at them as he shouted from his location, "It's dead for good!"

[I think I get it…] EGO smiled as Leon began to walk toward his teammates.

"Same…" Leon mumbled.

"This was wayyy too fucking easy," Dan scratched the top of his head, "I mean, I think even just one of us would have been enough to beat it…"

"I think that's the point," Leon spoke, looking at the ground as he placed his hand on his chin.

"What do you mean?" the others asked.

"Well, they did say that this trial would be fairly easy if we awakened our powers, remember most of the deaths were only at the start and middle of the trial since people didn't know how to activate their talents…"

"Oh, so you mean that this trial was actually easy to begin with?"

"No, I think it is still fairly difficult but…" Leon remembered the words of Toji.

'Only the strongest of awakeners are needed.'

"I think it's just… because we are the strongest, and that our talents are actually good," he didn't want to sound egotistical, but it was the only reason.

Only four had survived, but to Toji and the nation, they would surely have high expectations for them.

[Wow, you're actually using your brain!]


But suddenly.


A portal appeared at the end of the room, it was blue, just like the one they used to come here in the first place.

"I guess that's our exit," Dan gave quick head pats to Foxxy, then it transformed back into a bell, and he began to walk toward the portal, "I'm exhausted~"

"Wow, how surprising," Noah shrugged as he snapped his fingers and the two other energy balls disappeared.

"…" the black-haired archer didn't say anything, her bow disappeared, and she slowly walked toward the exit as well.

And so with that, Leon was the only one left behind as he checked all the panels that appeared around him.


[EGO has leveled up to level 5!]

[You have leveled up to level 5!]

[Obtained 5 stat points!]



[You have completed the Quest "Devour Them"!]

[You have obtained the 'Partial Healing' Skill!]



[You have completed the Quest "Final Blow"!]

[You have obtained 30 stat points!]

[You have 45 stat points available!]

"20 on perception, 10 on vitality and 15 on strength," he didn't need any more speed than he currently had.

[Your Perception Stat has increased by 20 stat points!]

[Your Vitality Stat has increased by 10 stat points!]

[Your Strength Stat has increased by 15 stat points!]

All of this was great: he completed his two quests, got a massive amount of stat points for dealing the finishing blow to the weakest boss of all, and now his attributes were looking pretty damn good.

But then, what about [Partial Healing], what was it about?

"There is no way to check a skill's description without a special skill… meaning I'll have to figure it out myself…" Leon mumbled, "Any ideas, EGO?"

[Every time you or I eat something, we get healed, that's all!]

Oh, it seems like EGO could actually give skill descriptions.

"Fine, let's go then," Leon began to walk toward the blue portal, Noah and the [Star Archer] already traversed it, but Dan was waiting for him.

As soon as Leon reached him, Dan nodded and went inside, quickly followed by the red-haired boy.


[You have completed the beginner-level trial dimension!]