The Puppet's Clone

[Eight Layer: Defeat the level 35 Boss-Level 'Ultimate Trial Puppet']

[Ultimate Trial Puppet - Level 35]

[HP: 8000]

In front of Leon stood a massive puppet, roughly three times his size, bigger than any of the other puppets of this trial.

And the most impressive of all… was its appearance.

Not only did it have four arms like the [Elite Trial Puppets], but two of them were carrying silver swords, just like the [Elite Swordsmen Puppet], and the other two magic staffs (yes, two of them), just like the [Strong Magic Puppets].

That thing was a legitimate combination of all the previous challenges merged into one big monstrer.

The [Ultimate Trial Puppet] was its name for a reason!

So now, Leon basically faced the ultimate challenge of this trial: a puppet who could cast two spells at the same time, all the while swinging its swords at him.

[Partner, it is DESIGNED to be impossible, you should watch out,] even EGO wasn't smiling.