Chapter 7: A New Day

Seiji awoke to the soft glow of morning light filtering through the window. For a moment, he lay still, staring at the ceiling as the events of the previous day came flooding back to him. He was truly in another world, far from the familiar surroundings of Japan. With a sense of wonder, he rose from the bed, stretched his limbs, and headed downstairs to the bathroom.

After a refreshing wash, he dried himself with a towel provided by the inn and made his way back upstairs to his room. It was then that he realized, with a slight panic, that he hadn't brought any spare clothes on his journey. Aside from the short pants he was currently wearing, he had no change of attire.

Feeling a bit self-conscious, Seiji hurried downstairs to the reception area, where he found a different receptionist from the previous night. This one was a short, beautiful woman with a captivating cleavage-revealing work dress.

Seiji approached the desk, feeling a bit shy about his predicament. "Hello, miss," he said, his voice carrying a hint of embarrassment. "I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of a clothing store nearby. I just realized I didn't bring any spare clothes with me."

The receptionist smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Of course, mister. There's a wonderful clothing store just a short walk from here. Let me give you directions."

Seiji listened intently as the receptionist provided clear instructions to the store. "Thank you so much," he said, his gratitude genuine. As he turned to leave, the receptionist called out to him, a playful tone in her voice. "Oh, mister, are you going out like that?" She gestured to his current attire, a mischievous smile on her face.

Seiji looked down, suddenly aware of his hasty choice of clothing. "Oh, right..." he mumbled, feeling a bit foolish.

Without a word, the receptionist reached under the counter and produced a pair of pants, holding them out to him. "Here, take these. They should fit you nicely."

Seiji accepted the pants with a murmured thanks, his cheeks tinged with a blush. He quickly changed into the offered pants, feeling more presentable. "Thank you," he said again, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. "You've been incredibly helpful."

The receptionist waved away his thanks with a playful smile. "Anytime, mister. Enjoy your day, and happy shopping!"

With a nod, Seiji headed out into the bustling town, his eyes scanning the streets for the clothing store the receptionist had described. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that awaited him in this magical realm.

(End of Chapter 7)