Chapter 22: A Quest for Knowledge II

Seiji made his way to the old library, his curiosity piqued by the promise of ancient secrets and forbidden knowledge. He felt like a kid in a candy store, eager to uncover the treasures hidden within those dusty shelves. Upon entering, his eyes immediately landed on the library receptionist, a friendly woman with a stack of books in her arms.

He approached her with a smile, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. They exchanged greetings, and Seiji inquired about any fees required to use the library. He was determined to gain access to the knowledge within, no matter the cost.

The receptionist explained the options, her voice warm and inviting. "For a small fee of five copper coins, you can gain access to our collection for a day, perfect for those seeking quick answers. Or, if you plan to delve deeper, a monthly membership for twenty copper coins will grant you unlimited access."