Chapter 77: Seduction Game

Lina sat before Seiji, her heart pounding with anticipation and desire. She had prepared a sumptuous meal and selected a fine bottle of wine, hoping to entice him. But Seiji had other ideas. He played it cool, pretending not to notice her arousal, keeping their interaction playful and light.

Lina, feeling bold, decided to raise the stakes. She casually revealed her thigh, adjusting her dress as if it were an innocent act. Yet, Seiji pretend not to notice, keeping the flirty banter going. Frustrated but determined, Lina took a bolder approach. She stood before him, revealing her medium-sized breasts, her cheeks flushed with desire.

Seiji pretended not to notice her breasts, his gaze fixed on her face. Lina, feeling rejected and embarrassed, began to pull her dress back up, her cheeks flaming with heat. "I'm sorry," she stammered, her eyes downcast. "I shouldn't have interrupted. I just... I thought..."