Chapter 33: The Nature of the System

The sharp blades accompanied by terrifying wind blades swept the earth, even causing the fire dragons previously summoned by Yuhara to disintegrate. He landed on the ground, with the broken bodies of Root ninjas scattered behind him. The brutal slashing from his Waterbird Dance had left their bodies in pieces, and he wasn't sure if any of them could be reassembled into a complete person.

But he was certain none of them survived his attack. Yuhara had a thorough understanding of the power of this sword technique, having been killed by it numerous times in his previous life playing games. Here, in reality, the outcome was even more devastating, with the Root ninjas being dismembered under his blade.

"Now the only concern is if someone was observing from afar," Yuhara thought. However, even if there were witnesses, it would be clear that Yuhara was the true victim. If he were captured or killed, the matter would end there. The Uchiha clan might be forced into rebellion, which might be what Konoha desired most.

As a village, Konoha couldn't openly attack a clan within its walls without just cause. The village's foundation depended on the support of these clans. Attacking the Uchiha would set a dangerous precedent, causing unrest among other major clans like the Hyuga and the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance.

Uchiha and Konoha were already deeply divided, but other clan leaders would see through any unjust actions against the Uchiha. Any move against them had to be justified, ideally instigated from within the Uchiha themselves. For instance, if an Uchiha ninja suddenly went berserk and slaughtered their entire clan, Konoha could claim innocence.

But now, with Yuhara alive, the blame fell on the Root. An inexplicable attack by unknown assailants clearly pointed fingers at them. The scattered remains of the ninjas were evident—too many for a simple "invitation to tea."

"And I've caused such a commotion; someone is bound to come soon. Let's see how they handle this," Yuhara thought. His Fire Release technique was meant to prevent the Root ninjas from escaping but also to draw attention to establish his innocence.

"Besides, what took Shisui so long?" he wondered. As he waited, he reflected on the battle and reviewed his use of the Mangekyo Sharingan. It was his first full use of the Mangekyo in combat, and he had learned much.

The 'Dao Fan' ability had worked as expected, enhancing even his Flight Technique given by the system. The boost to his techniques was noticeable, and he believed that with more practice, he could become as formidable as Uchiha Madara. With just a single Great Fire Annihilation, he could render countless ninjas helpless. His Flight Technique furthered his potential to become a strategic bomber.

However, the use of 'Dao Fan' increased his chakra consumption significantly, reminding him to use it wisely. Through this battle, he found the Mangekyo's chakra drain manageable, especially when not using its special abilities constantly.

"If I use my abilities wisely, like Uchiha Itachi and Madara did, I can maintain my eyes for many years. Plus, I believe the system will help resolve any issues," Yuhara thought. His trust in the system was strong, as it had already aided him in unlocking the Mangekyo Sharingan through unique mental stimulation.

The system favored giving him skills from "League of Legends," indicating a high chance he could obtain the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. "After all, many champions have passive abilities enhancing their powers or granting evolution," Yuhara mused. Some could even resurrect, albeit temporarily.

"Since awakening the Mangekyo, I can feel another power in my other eye, and I have sensed the presence of Susano'o!" The thought of this ultimate defense and offense excited him. The Susano'o was unparalleled in its destructive and defensive capabilities.

"I need to master my Susano'o. With 'Dao Fan' to enhance its power and reduce its activation difficulty, I can't waste this potential," he resolved.

As Yuhara contemplated his next steps, he noticed Shisui rushing towards him, with several other Konoha ninjas following closely behind...