Chapter 35: Stirring Up Trouble

"Do you think you're the Hokage?"

Yuhara's words dripped with sarcasm, and they struck Danzo into silence. Inside, his anger flared even hotter. Already seething from the loss of over ten subordinates, Yuhara's remark ignited a raging fire in Danzo's heart.

The title of Hokage had always been Danzo's dream, a goal he had strived for but never reached. He had even attempted to assassinate his old friend Hiruzen Sarutobi for it. Danzo could never forget the day he imagined himself proudly sitting in the Hokage's chair, envisioning Konoha's future flourishing under his leadership. His old friend Hiruzen had walked up behind him quietly, speaking gravely yet casually.

"Danzo, you've overstepped. I am the Hokage."

Those words, spoken so calmly, had carved themselves into his heart. Danzo knew he would never sit on the Hokage's throne as long as Hiruzen lived.

Today, hearing a brat from the Uchiha clan say such words in front of everyone enraged Danzo to the core. The title of Hokage might be out of his reach, but no Uchiha brat had the right to question him.

His fury reached a peak, and in that moment, Danzo's demeanor became chillingly calm. His visible eye glared at Yuhara with icy coldness, and his voice was like a blade of ice.

"The truth is what I see. You killed so many Anbu and expect to avoid responsibility? I may not be the Hokage, but I am a Konoha ninja. For Konoha's sake, I must capture you or even kill you! Seize him!"

At Danzo's command, the Root ninjas with him sprang into action. The Konoha ninjas present couldn't help but furrow their brows, and Shisui's face darkened.

Yuhara was a bit surprised, looking at Danzo. Was this man calm or just enraged out of his mind? He had already killed over ten Root ninjas, and now Danzo thought sending three more could subdue him?

"Or does he think I won't dare to go all out in front of so many people?" Yuhara pondered. If Danzo's goal was merely to capture him, then reacting with lethal force might play into his hands. But now, as attacks came directly at him, Yuhara couldn't just stand and take it.

Gripping his sword, Yuhara decided to assess the situation. If the Root ninjas truly aimed to capture him, he would respond accordingly. But if they had darker intentions, he would teach them a lesson.

However, before Yuhara could act, Shisui had already leaped into the fray. Drawing his sword with lightning speed, Shisui engaged the three Root ninjas using his Shunshin technique.

Yuhara frowned at Shisui's impulsiveness. Shisui's actions were problematic because he was an Anbu member. Anbu and Root, despite their differences, rarely clashed openly. Yuhara, who was supposedly unaware of Root's existence, could justify his actions. Shisui, however, could not.

With a resigned sigh, Yuhara joined the battle. This fight was different from the previous one. While he had fought without restraint earlier, now he had to be cautious. The Root ninjas had revealed their identities as Konoha ninjas. Any reckless action could spell trouble for him.

Despite not using their full power and lacking coordination, Yuhara and Shisui were both Mangekyo Sharingan-level fighters. Each focused on a single target while simultaneously restraining the third. In such a situation, they managed to hold their ground against the three Root ninjas.

Yuhara noticed that despite their precise teamwork, the Root ninjas seemed uncomfortable with the restrictions of this battle. He also noted that they must hold significant positions within Root, as they refrained from lethal force despite Danzo's earlier command. This restraint indicated their understanding of the delicate situation.

"Stop! What are you all doing?" A commanding voice rang out from a distance.

At the sound, Yuhara and Shisui exchanged glances and quickly retreated. The three Root ninjas also stepped back, returning to Danzo's side. The new arrival was none other than Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of Konoha.

Hiruzen, his face grim, walked onto the training ground. The flames had already been extinguished by other Konoha ninjas, but the training ground now resembled a battlefield.

Despite the gruesome sight, Hiruzen, a veteran of war, kept his composure. He glanced at the mangled bodies on the ground, his brow twitching slightly. Finally, his gaze settled on Yuhara.

"Explain what happened here. Whose bodies are these?" Hiruzen demanded.

Before Yuhara could respond, Shisui stepped forward. Bowing respectfully to Hiruzen, he began to explain.

"Hokage-sama, Yuhara invited me here tonight to train his swordsmanship. I accepted his invitation, but by the time I arrived, this had already happened. Yuhara explained everything to me."

Shisui spoke clearly and methodically, demonstrating his experience in Anbu with a concise and effective report. Yuhara listened, nodding inwardly at Shisui's thoroughness.

As more Konoha ninjas gathered, including members from various clans, Yuhara spotted Hiashi Hyuga and Fugaku Uchiha among them.

"It looks like I've inadvertently staged quite a show," Yuhara thought with a hint of amusement. The larger the audience, the safer he felt.

The present clans were no fools. Tonight's events, especially Danzo's manipulative behavior, would surely make them reconsider their positions. The Uchiha clan, in particular, would likely engage in more heated debates and strategizing.