Chapter 37: Time to Show Our Cards

"Time flies so fast."

Standing at his doorstep, Yuhara gazed at the clear sky with a smile. Indeed, time had flown by. It had been a month since he had used his Water Bird Dance technique to let those Root ninjas experience the "Blade of Mikaila."

A lot had happened in that month. As Yuhara anticipated, his brutal methods of dealing with the Root ninjas led to mixed reactions. While Konoha publicly praised his strength, they also whispered about his 'ruthlessness.' The words spoken by the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, that night were not forgotten by the gathered shinobi. Rumors began circulating that Yuhara had a peculiar attitude towards the 'demon fox.'

Yuhara didn't need to think hard to realize that soon, the village would start spreading rumors about the Sharingan's ability to control the Nine-Tails. Prepared for this, Yuhara was unfazed. After all, he had eliminated over ten of Danzo's ninjas. It was only natural for them to try and get back at him with rumors. The additional infamy wouldn't make much of a difference to the already notorious Uchiha.

"What's important is not these rumors, but the changes in Shisui and the clan after that night," Yuhara thought.

That night, Shisui had indeed been critical of Yuhara's harsh methods, believing that those men were still Konoha ninjas. Yuhara had posed a question to him: "If someone is trying to kill you, do you wait to be killed?"

This question had left Shisui silent, understanding that once someone intended to kill him, it was no longer a matter of loyalty or kinship.

In the week that followed, Shisui sought out Yuhara late one night. "I think I understand now. If they had succeeded, the clan would have been enraged at Konoha's audacity, causing irreconcilable conflict. And Konoha, in turn, might have welcomed such a scenario to justify action against the Uchiha, right?"

Yuhara nodded, pleased with Shisui's understanding. It had taken a week, but his progress was significant.

"But why would Konoha do this?" Shisui asked. "Isn't the Uchiha clan part of Konoha?"

Yuhara smiled at the question, glad that Shisui was beginning to investigate on his own. "I've told you before; the roots of this issue are ancient. You must have discovered much by now, right?"

Shisui nodded. Yuhara continued, "Consider the recent history. Since Hiashi Hyuga's death five years ago, the Hyuga clan has been distant. Other clans have also grown wary, fearing they might be next. You've seen Root members in Anbu, right? Many are from bloodline clans, yet they act like emotionless machines. How do you think Danzo acquired them?"

Shisui began to understand, though he wondered how Yuhara knew so much about Root. He decided not to pry, respecting Yuhara's privacy.

"The other clans are discontent with the Third Hokage. He should have retired after the heavy losses of the Third Great Ninja War, but he reclaimed power after the Fourth Hokage's death. To maintain their grip on power and ensure village stability, they need to solve these issues. The best way is to make an example, and the Uchiha are the perfect target. After all, the Uchiha are seen as unruly and disliked."

Shisui fell silent, unwilling to accept this but unable to deny its logic. Over the following days, Yuhara's words seemed prophetic. Even though Yuhara remained unscathed, the clan sensed something amiss. Discontent grew, with both hardliners and moderates voicing their frustrations. Fugaku Uchiha struggled to maintain balance, but even he seemed ready to side with the majority if pushed.

"But I can't let that happen," Yuhara thought. If things continued as they were, it would lead to the same tragic end. Though the Uchiha massacre was still some time away, Yuhara knew he needed to act now to change the course of events. Some things could not be delayed.

"Today is a good day; hopefully, it will yield good results."

Yuhara set off for the residence of Uchiha So. Today, he intended to get a decisive answer. Whether Uchiha So gave him a satisfactory response or not, Yuhara would ensure he got what he came for. If reasoning didn't work, he would resort to force if necessary, even if it risked village stability. Better to endure short-term pain than long-term disaster.

With these thoughts in mind, Yuhara arrived at Uchiha So's residence. To his surprise, he found not just Uchiha So but several others as well.