Chapter 39: Acceptance or Rejection

The statement about reclaiming what was lost made the Uchiha elders take a deep breath. The split within the Uchiha clan into two factions was primarily driven by their desire to reclaim what they had lost for the family. Regardless of their ideological differences and the conflicts that arose, this core goal remained unchanged.

In truth, Yuhara's proposal to integrate both factions' ideas wasn't particularly groundbreaking or novel. Wise individuals within the clan had suggested similar concepts over the years. However, as always, thinking of an idea was one thing, but implementing it and having the courage to do so was another.

Years of internal strife had led to irreconcilable differences, making it impossible for either side to take the first step toward reconciliation. As they aged, their motivation and determination to change waned, and the younger generation inherited these ideological conflicts, perpetuating the divisions.

Yuhara, however, stood out as different. He was a genius within the clan, yet he did not belong to any faction. He maintained good relations with everyone but seldom mingled with the clansmen. His position was akin to that of Uchiha Fugaku, but he remained truly unentangled in the factional disputes.

Observing Yuhara's energetic demeanor, the elders couldn't help but acknowledge his point—they were indeed old.

"We have indeed grown old, burdened by concerns and unable to act rightly due to our positions and worries," Uchiha So finally said, breaking the silence that had followed Yuhara's speech. "But integrating both sides' views is not easy. How do you plan to satisfy everyone? And what will you do if we refuse?"

Yuhara found this question particularly challenging as it touched on the most difficult aspect of unifying the clan's ideology. He realized that honesty was crucial here, even though it made him uncomfortable.

Taking a deep breath, Yuhara scanned the room before speaking. "Integrating both sides' views is difficult, and key issues will require decisive leadership. I am the most objective person to make such decisions since I haven't been involved in any factional disputes. As a great man once said, there can be no freedom without discipline. Your diverse opinions are valuable, as they allow you to excel in your roles. But on crucial issues, discipline is essential for the unity of the clan."

His words brought silence to the room again. The elders, accustomed to Fugaku's weakness, found Yuhara's firm stance difficult to accept. Yet, they recognized the need for strong leadership to reverse their fortunes.

"And if you refuse..." Yuhara's voice grew somber. "I will, alongside Shisui, rally the lower-ranking Uchiha members, both shinobi and civilians. I've told Shisui that true power lies in the obedience of more clan members, not in inherited status. We've been communicating with them, preparing for a larger plan. And if that fails..."

Yuhara's eyes sharpened, and his chakra surged as he continued, "I will eliminate all of you elders. You are too influential and dangerous. Your thoughts can mobilize your followers. Once you're gone, the rest will be like scattered sand, willing to follow us, the two Mangekyō Sharingan holders. Don't doubt my resolve or my ability. Even if I can't do it alone, Shisui will help me. Better to eliminate you to save the clan from destruction than to watch it perish under your leadership."

Yuhara's forceful declaration stunned the elders, their faces growing grim. His open threat to kill them if necessary left them uneasy, despite acknowledging their importance. They understood that Yuhara's frankness indicated his confidence and willingness to act.

After a prolonged silence, Uchiha So broke the tension. "We understand your point. For our survival, it seems we have to compromise."

Uchiha So's tone was a mix of resignation and bitterness. "We had already considered this before your arrival. We have two conditions you must accept."

"Let's hear them," Yuhara replied, sensing that the matter was nearly settled but curious about the conditions.

"First, if you become clan leader, Shisui must be the deputy to oversee your actions. Only Shisui can stop you if you go too far."

Yuhara was momentarily surprised but quickly nodded. He hadn't expected his earlier promises to become a formal demand, but he had no reason to refuse. "I accept. What's the second condition?"

"This one, I'll explain," Uchiha Naoki interjected. "Please visit us tonight. We need to verify a few things."

Yuhara nodded again, smiling. "I accept. But I suspect you want to do more than just verify a few things, right?"