Chapter 1:Fated meeting

City Z, a place where heroes and monsters often fight, has now become more dangerous with the emergence of cursed creatures. Himalios Leonidas, a hero with extraordinary strength, stands in the middle of the ruins of a building destroyed by an attack by a cursed creature.

With white hair fluttering in the wind and green eyes shining like a demon, Himalios looked ahead. In front of him, a giant cursed creature with a dark, ominous aura threatened to destroy everything. The creature let out a roar that echoed throughout the city.

"Oh, monster. Okay," Himalios muttered in a flat tone, as if this was a normal occurrence.

With speed exceeding light, Himalios disappeared from sight. In an instant, he appeared in front of the cursed creature and swung his arm. One simple blow but filled with incredible power struck the creature.

A huge explosion occurred, and the cursed creature crumbled into dust. Himalios stood amidst the dissipating cloud of dust, his face remaining calm without any signs of tiredness.

In the distance, a man in a long coat and eyes covered with black cloth watched carefully. He is Gojo Satoru, one of the strongest wizards of Jujutsu High.Gojo smiled in awe at Himalios' strength.

"Interesting," said Gojo. "Looks like I need to get to know him better."

However, before Gojo can get close to Himalios, another cursed creature appears, attacking at incredible speed. Gojo jumps to protect himself, casting his Hollow Purple technique accidentally directing it towards Himalios.

The energy from the Purple Hollow shot towards Himalios, wiping out everything in its path. People around panicked and ran, trying to save themselves from the powerful attack.

Himalios, who had been standing casually, only raised one hand. In an instant, he caught Hollow Purple's attack with his bare hands, without showing any signs of difficulty. The energy from the attack disappeared instantly, as if it had been absorbed by Himalios.

"Huh, who is that?" Himalios muttered, still in an indifferent tone.

Gojo was stunned, his eyes widening behind the black cloth covering him.

"You... caught him?" he said, in disbelief.

Himalios yawned slightly, as if bored. "Oh, that's close," he said casually. "Is this yours?"

Gojo smiled, amazed and challenged at the same time. "It seems like you're more than just an ordinary hero. What's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Himalios Leonidas, by the way," he answered briefly. "And sometimes I'm indifferent."

"Gojo Satoru," Gojo answered. "I'm from Jujutsu High. I think we should talk."

As Himalios nodded slowly, another voice was heard from a distance. A man in a flashy hero outfit, Bang, one of the S class heroes, approached them.

"Himalios, you did it again, huh? Defeated a monster with one punch."

"Oh, Bang," said Himalios in a normal tone. "Yes, as usual."

Bang nodded and then looked at Gojo. "And you must be one of the wizards of Jujutsu High. I've heard about you guys."

Gojo nodded, acknowledging Bang's statement. "Yes, I'm Gojo Satoru. I came here to investigate the increase in curse activity in this area. It seems like there's something bigger going on."

Bang frowned. "Increased curse activity? That doesn't sound good."

Himalios sighed softly, feeling a little bored with this serious conversation. "So what's the plan?"

Gojo and Bang exchanged glances. "We need to work together," said Gojo. "The cursed creatures are getting stronger and more numerous. This is not only a hero's problem, but also a magician's problem."

Bang nodded. "Agreed. We must combine our powers to protect this world."

Himalios nodded in agreement, albeit a little indifferently."Fine. I'm in, but only because it sounds interesting."

Thus, this meeting became the beginning of an unexpected cooperation between the hero and the magician. They know that great challenges await them, but with their strength and abilities, they are ready to face whatever comes.