Chapter 5: Growing Power

Scene 1: New Strategy Planning

After the fight with Sukuna and Kenjaku, Himalios, Gojo, Yuki, and Megumi return to headquarters to plan a new strategy. They realize that the threat from Kenjaku and Sukuna is growing, and they need to be better prepared.

Gojo leads the meeting. "We have to find a way to stop Kenjaku once and for all. Sukuna is also getting stronger. We can't let them continue to threaten the world."

Yuki nodded. "We need to identify their weak points. Maybe there is a way to break the power of their curse."

Himalios, in a calm tone, added, "We will find a way. We have to do it to protect everyone."

Scene 2: Intensive Training

To face the growing threat, Himalios and his team began undergoing intensive training. Gojo and Yuki train Himalios in various jujutsu techniques, while Megumi helps with strategy and tactics.

Himalios shows rapid development. His strength, speed, and endurance continue to improve with each workout. His reflexes became increasingly invisible, and his speed exceeded the speed of light.

"Wow, you are truly unstoppable," Yuki said in awe when he saw Himalios defeat a number of cursed creatures in a short time.

Himalios just smiled faintly and modestly, "I just want to become stronger. All of this is the result of our training together."

Scene 3: The Appearance of an Ancient Creature

In the middle of their training, an ancient cursed creature emerges from the ground. The creature was very large and possessed extraordinary strength. The team immediately prepared to face this new threat.

Gojo frowned. "This isn't an ordinary cursed creature. It's more powerful than any we've ever faced before."

Himalios advanced confidently. "Oh, I'm almost bored. Let's show them our strength."

The battle with this ancient cursed creature was fierce. Himalios shows his incredible strength and endurance. Every attack from the creature was avoided or parried by Himalios. With almost imperceptible speed, Himalios launched an extremely powerful counterattack.

Scene 4: Sukuna and Kenjaku are in cahoots

Elsewhere, Sukuna and Kenjaku plan their next attack. They realized that Himalios was becoming a growing threat to their plans.

"We have to find a way to stop him," Kenjaku said in a voice filled with hatred. "If he continues to develop like this, we will never win."

Sukuna nodded. "We have to look for weak points. Everyone has weaknesses."

Scene 5: The Battle Against the Ancient Creatures

Returning to the fight, Himalios continues to show his strength. Those ancient cursed creatures were no match for him. With one powerful blow, Himalios managed to crush the creature into dust.

His team was amazed to see Himalios' growing strength. "You're truly amazing," said Gojo.

Himalios just nodded humbly. "All this is thanks to our cooperation. We are a strong team."

Scene 6: Kenjaku's Unexpected Attack

Suddenly, Kenjaku appears with a number of powerful cursed creatures. He launched a surprise attack on the team. The battle resumed, with Himalios and his team facing an increasingly powerful enemy.

Kenjaku used all kinds of tricks and tactics to defeat Himalios, but Himalios remained unwavering. His unlimited endurance makes him able to withstand Kenjaku's deadly attacks.

Kenjaku was surprised at how quickly Himalios developed. "This is not possible!"

Himalios smiled coldly. "Oh, you almost got me into trouble. But we won't lose."

Scene 7: Temporary Victory

With a combination of strength and tactics, Himalios and his team managed to defeat Kenjaku and the cursed creatures. Kenjaku, although almost battered, managed to escape once again. Himalios knew that this fight was not over yet.

Yuki patted Himalios' shoulder. "We've been winning for a while, but we have to stay alert. They'll be back."

Himalios nodded. "I'm ready. Their power won't be able to stop me. We will protect everyone."

Scene 8: Ongoing Mission

After the battle, the team returns to base to rest and plan their next move. They know that the threat from Kenjaku and Sukuna is not over, and they must prepare for a bigger battle.

Himalios, with ever-expanding power and infinite resilience, is determined to protect the world from the threat of damnation. He knows that this journey will be full of obstacles, but he is ready to face any challenge.

Scene 9: Second Fight with Sukuna

Just a few days after the final battle, Sukuna appeared again. This time, he seemed more dangerous and better prepared. Residents again run in fear, while Himalios, Gojo, and Yuki prepare to face this increasingly powerful enemy.

Sukuna launched a stronger attack than before, but Himalios remained calm and met it with increasing strength. Sukuna tries to use Black Flash, but Himalios manages to block the attack with one bare hand.

Sukuna was surprised. "How is that possible? It should be the Black Flash!"

Himalios just smiled coldly. "Oh, it was just a normal punch."

The fight gets more intense, with Himalios continuing to dominate Sukuna. Every attack that Sukuna launched was successfully avoided or parried by Himalios. With increasing strength, Himalios hit Sukuna with even harder blows, making Sukuna's face full of blood.

Scene 10: Kenjaku are almost battered

As the battle with Sukuna reaches its peak, Kenjaku reappears, trying to help Sukuna. However, Himalios easily dealt with it. Kenjaku used all kinds of tricks and tactics, but Himalios still won without difficulty.

Kenjaku received blow after blow from Himalios, his body was almost battered. "You... can't be..." Kenjaku panted.

Himalios just looked at him with his cold bright green eyes. "Remember my name, Himalios Leonidas. You will never forget it."

Sukuna and Kenjaku, despite nearly dying, manage to escape. Himalios knew that this fight was not over, but he was ready to face them again at any time.


At headquarters, Himalios looked out the window, contemplating about the battle he had been through. He knew that this journey had only just begun, and that many challenges lay ahead. However, with ever-growing powers and loyal friends, Himalios is ready to face any obstacles that come his way.

"It's not about being the strongest," thought Himalios. "It's about protecting those who can't protect themselves."