Chapter 7: New Mysteries and Growing Alliances

Scene 1: Ever-Growing Power

After a fierce battle with Sukuna and Kenjaku, Himalios and his team continued to train and hone their skills. Each fight makes Himalios' strength grow rapidly, his reflexes become more invisible, his speed approaches infinite, and his endurance becomes increasingly immeasurable. However, he remains humble and often helps other team members with their training.

Himalios: "With every fight, I feel like my power keeps increasing. I have to utilize it to protect everyone."

Shoko Ieiri: "You really are a good person, Himalios. Thank you for helping me."

Himalios (smiling): "It doesn't matter, Shoko. We have to help each other to become stronger."

Scene 2: Daily Life and Growing Relationships

In the midst of training and daily life, the relationship between Himalios and Shoko Ieiri grows closer. Himalios, who usually focuses on fighting, begins to show a softer and more caring side.

Shoko: "You've really changed, Himalios. I'm glad to see another side of you."

Himalios(smiling): "Thanks, Shoko. I just wanted to make sure everyone was safe."

They start spending more time together, talking about their past and their dreams for the future.

Shoko: "I've lost many friends in battle. I don't want to lose you too."

Himalios: "I will always be here for you, Shoko. We will get through this together."

Scene 3: Signs of a New Threat

In the midst of their seemingly normal lives, signs of a new threat begin to emerge. Kenjaku and Sukuna, although injured, still plan to attack again with greater force.

Kenjaku: "We're not done yet. I'll make sure they feel the full power of the curse."

Sukuna: "I will avenge this defeat. They don't know what they will face."

Kenjaku and Sukuna began to plan their attacks more carefully, looking for ways to weaken Himalios and his team's defenses.

Scene 4: New Recruitment

Gojo and his team decide to recruit more powerful fighters to strengthen their alliance. They contacted characters from Jujutsu Kaisen and One Punch Man who had not yet joined.

Amai Mask: A hero from the Hero Association who has extraordinary strength and great ambition to become the greatest hero.

Mai Zenin: Maki's sister who has the ability to use cursed weapons very effectively.

Amai Mask and Mai Zenin agree to join the team after hearing of a major threat facing the world.

Amai Mask: "This is a chance to prove that I am the strongest. I will join you."

Mai Zenin: "I will not let this world be destroyed. I will do whatever is necessary."

Scene 5: Group Rehearsal and Preparation

This increasingly large team continues to train together to prepare for the next attack. Himalios, now the team's unofficial leader, provides direction and strategies to improve their abilities.

Himalios: "We have to be ready for anything. This training will make us stronger and better prepared."

Gojo: "I agree. This training is important to ensure we can face the next threat."

Their training became more intense, with Himalios leading combat simulations and strategies for dealing with various situations.

Genos: "This training really helped. I feel like my strength is increasing."

Mai Zenin: "We must be prepared for any possibility. Kenjaku and Sukuna will not give us a second chance."

Scene 6: Important Discovery

In the middle of training, they find important information about Kenjaku and Sukuna's plans. This information gives them clues about the next attack and allows them to better prepare.

Megumi: "This is very important information. We have to tell everyone and prepare ourselves."

Yuki: "We can't underestimate them. These preparations will determine our victory."

This information reveals that Kenjaku and Sukuna are planning to attack their base in the near future, with a much greater force than before.

Scene 7: Preparation for the Battle

With this new information, the team began preparing strategies to deal with the next attack. They work together to make sure every team member is ready and knows what to do.

Himalios: "We will face them with all our strength. Prepare for a big fight."

Genos: "I'm ready. We won't let them destroy this world."

Training intensifies, with Himalios and Gojo leading battle simulations and discussing strategies to counter surprise attacks.

Scene 8: Emotional Engagement

Meanwhile, the relationship between Himalios and Shoko Ieiri deepens. They started talking about their future and dreams outside of fighting.

Shoko: "What do you think about our future, Himalios?"

Himalios: "I want to see this world at peace. Maybe we can build something together after this is all over."

Shoko: "I hope so. I want us to be able to live without having to fight every day."

Scene 9: The Threat Approaches

At the end of this chapter, the threat from Kenjaku and Sukuna is getting closer. The Himalios team is ready to face whatever comes, with more strength and preparation than ever.

Kenjaku: "We will see how strong they really are. This attack will decide everything."

Sukuna: "I will destroy them. No one can stop me."

With thorough preparation and growing strength, the Himalios team is ready to face the next threat. A great battle was on the horizon, and they knew that this was the true test of their strength and courage.