TGS - #93

Disclaimer - All the owners have their respective rights. I only own the characters that came from my addled brain (don't worry, I am completely sober).

Ego's orbit [July 2015]

–Jack Sullivan–

"This is pointless. Cease this instant," That's rich coming from you, was what he wanted to say but he had to maintain the uber raged, frenzied, almost gone warrior as he made his barriers brighter and brighter, prompting Ego to attack him with heavier attacks, attacks that now began making use of his giant ass body. His very surroundings began turning on him but he was prepared for that.

In the end, after a particularly nasty blow, that blew off the head part of his Gundam, he immediately created a small barrier around his body and collapsed on one knee, the very picture of almost defeated. He also had several microincisions made during the fight, so he was very much bloodied as well. It was all theatrics so he wasn't worried.

"See, Peter," 

And then, Ego did the one thing that every third rate failed villain does, he tried to monologue during a fight, even if it seemed as if the fight was over. 

"This–this is the fate of all the beings in the universe. They are destined to kneel before us, our glorious heritage. We are superior to them, always will be. Open your eyes, my son, and be better," By the end, Ego was nearly shouting and was about to press a golden glowing hand on Quill's head. Something told him that it would be a pretty fucking bad idea and Roicket and Groot had just planted the first bomb.

Theoretically, they had already won but he was not going to leave something like this to a fluke.

He made a small noise as he stood up, and flung his hand in Ego's direction, creating a layer of barrier that travelled so fast that it slicked straight through Ego's hand, creating a shockwave later on, pushing him back, as he was currently "weakened". He looked to the side and rolled his eyes as he saw Thor in the same position as before.

"You dare," There it comes again.

He let the man ramble and let him walk towards him, as Rocket [planted the second bomb as well. Well, he supposed that it was time to stop sandbagging then, not his style anyway.

"Yeah, I dare," He stood upright, blood disappearing from his body as lightning flashes in the entire cavern, the smell of ozone potent in the air.

He took in Thor's royal garb from the corner of his vision.

"Now, why don't we let you unite with all your dear children," Thor understood his signal even as Ego's face morphed into one of pure confusion, even as Mjolnir just created a rectangular hole in Ego's face. 

Welp, that was brutal. As expected from Space Vikings though.

He snapped his fingers, creating a portal right beneath Quill, as multiple blades just cut through energy, even as the entire planet began shaking.

He dropped Quill in front of him because he couldn't really make intergalactic portals on his own, punted Rocket and Groot out of the core, something that Ego must have realised but he was not given time to think because, to his enhanced vision, the very air around them combusted due to the sheer pressure generated from the speed with which he had thrown all of them right into orbit.

He had already scanned the planet and aside from some skeletons and wild animals, there were no other sentient beings on the planet. Within a flash, they were out into orbit, with Ego's body, the entire planet lighting up in blue and yellow, and yet, he could see the pure white, the moon breaker doing its job as Ego's body was destroyed from within, through the weakest point of his body. 

His brows furrowed as he watched a part of Ego's body bulge in one direction. "No," Thor muttered to himself before an Asgardian hand was put on his shoulders with a meaty thwack.

"Comrade Guardian, we must finish this," Damn, somehow, they were able to converse in super speed, with all the Guardians not even reacting to anything happening to them, with Quill's body still sparking arcs of blue.

He couldn't even speak as he created a section in the barrier, opening up the space for them. He flew right behind Thor who flew without the aid of Mjolnir, with the Raikage's lightning shroud filling his vision as they both, slammed right into Ego's body, even as the planet began to bubble, bulge and fracture in all places as it seemed like something was trying to escape the planet's dense core but was unable to do so.

Tracking Ego's core could not have been easier, now with all his defenses completely gone, he was a giant target to his senses. He let THor's lighting barrages disintegrate any attacks coming their way as he covered Thor's legs in his barriers, Thor turning to him with a raised eyebrow.

All of this was happening at super speed, while they were descending on Ego's breaking form at mach fuck speeds, dropping straight into the blast radius of a moon breaker. Yeah, so he just laughed nervously at Thor's questioning gaze and let his powers do the talking. With Thor allowing it, his barriers covered the entirety of Thor's body, the lightning cloak flickering a bit before it suffused the barriers.

His eyebrows rose as he could feel another point of control enter the normally exclusive zone of control that he maintained over all of his barriers. Gulping nervously, he just did his job, throwing Thor at the location of Ego's broken brain with all his power, creating a large shockwave as he was blown back.

He ground to a halt later on as he watched a white dot of light appear in his vision, then another, and then another, as he finally felt Thor slow down. He pulled Thor back completely, THor letting him do so, because apparently, The Crown Prince of Asgard was now the Odin Borson of Asgard when it came to magicks and hijacking of said magicks.

Then, the small dots of light somehow expanded so much that, even across that much distance, even after being engulfed by a dizzying amount of layers of his barrier, he felt the sheer heat of the attack that Thor had just unleashed on the poor pseudo celestial's brain.

When the attack subsided, he let the barrier covering his eyes fade and then had to blink a few more times as his healing factor worked to erase any minor discomfort he would have felt in his eyes.

When he finally opened both his eyes, without immediately being assaulted by a mesh of blurry white, his jaw hung agape as he looked at Ego, or rather, what was left of it.

"Holy Fuck," He muttered to himself, suddenly becoming aware of his companions. He immediately used his barriers to check in on them.

He wasn't a fool. There was no way in any heaven or hell that he was going to miss an attack like this. Like, what in the fuck?

Where Ego's elongating body was, now was just white dust, still sparking with electricity. The white formed an elliptical wave that became brighter the deeper one went into the center. 

He looked at Thor, who looked at the attack with a solemn look in his eyes and also, he was holding his right arm, with Mjolnir floating beside him.

"Are you injured?" He asked Thor and if he came to know that the attack in front of him was something that Thor could do only once before becoming a glass canon, he would eat his action figure collection, which was buried deep into the ocean, with runes responsible for maintaining optimum temperature, airflow, humidity, and even automated systems to warn him in case something needed h9is attention.

Thor answered his question by just shoving his hand back against himself, with a manly grunt. He then shook his hand, the lightning fading from his eyes, as he could Thor's aura, the hyper dense aura of energy that Thor kept active at all times right under his skin faded to such alarming low levels that it almost matched that of past Thor's energy levels.

"Nay, I still have fight left in me. Alas, even one such as I can't do that lightly, again." Thor rumbled and turned around, heading to the Guardians, and he found himself looking at the literally cosmic phenomenon that Thor had created and then after shaking his head at the absurdity of it all, found himself following after Thor.

Something had happened, something drastic in Thor's travels, to turn him into such a brooding powerhouse capable of even besting Thanos unpowered with ease and he would give Thor, Captain Marvel, and himself very fair odds of beating even Thanos with a couple of stones, provided they add someone on their side disrupting Thanos from using the full power of the stones.

With his hopes raised, especially with the Single Infinity Stone that was stored in his storage with another one in Asgard, which would now, inevitably fall under Thor's rule, he was feeling pretty great.

So great, in fact, that he forgot that they had no SHIP!

No fucking way of getting to the nearest Jump Gate or something. Maybe Rocket would have something to communicate with someone Rocket had NOT needlessly antagonised on his contact list. The odds were low but oh well.

He used his barriers to give all of them low powered zaps of electricity, except Quill who probably deserved his full sleep now, and also because he did not want to be there when Quill was informed that his daddy was killed. He didn't even need to show Quill the bone cave to break Quill out of whatever trance his daddy dearest had put him under.

"Ah, what the fuck happened," Rocket swore as Groot probably did too, in his language. Gamora was asleep one second and fully awake and aware of the space with all its exits and entry points, i.e., zero, in a second.

"Asgard is safe, yes?" Thor asked him and he couldn't help but furrow his brows at the sheer hollowness in Thor's tone as he spoke of his home, his supposed pride and soul, as if protecting Asgartd was some old promise that had seeped deep in his being, with no reason to question the directive in any way.

A drone, of sorts.

He frowned. "No, this is just one of the ways. We need to get to Asgard soon–" he then interrupted Thor who probably had opened his mouth to object to going home, on principle, since his "father" would be the one who would cancel his banishment, forget the fact that the current Thor could smoke Asgard as it was, on his own, without breaking a sweat.

"--and if that doesn't agree with you, then we need to get to Earth. It is my realm, Crown Prince of Asgard, and I officially extend you an invitation," Thor's eyes widened as he let magic flow into his voice and did something like a pseudo wow, an open ended vow, something that would not kill him when broken but what mattered was the principle.

Thor hesitantly nodded and stood up. He was about to ask what was up when his eyes widened, humongous amounts of energy flowing through Thor as Mjolnir floated right beside him, looking more and more like the spaceman, as a rainbow of energy covered his form, his arm outstretched into the emptiness of space, or rather, the white fuck off cloud of "whatever it was" that Thor made just moments ago.

"Thor–" His words were cut short as, with a thunderclapping sound, Thor broke through his barrier and floated on top of all of them, his green barrier shattering and replaced by what looked like alive lightning. Thor stood up on the barrier, hand still outstretched, his body still glowing in rainbow.

Okay, what in the fuck kind of powerup was going on here? This was MCU, not some shonen anime, and even then, where was the power of friendship.

He realised that he was rambling because, for the first time in years, he was feeling helpless, completely and utterly. Sure, he could make a short range portal but even that would only keep him in space itself, nowhere near any civilisation centres as Ego was sure to be avoiding any sufficiently powerful species that could detect him and do something that might compromise his plan.

He looked up, the Guardians once again being subjected to an entirely new power set as, with a noise that seemed as if it broke space itself, the entire white elliptic was sucked into the center as a shining meteor headed straight towards them.

All he could do was create multiple barriers in the split second it had taken for the meteor to reach Thor.

When his mind finally caught up with what his eyes were seeing, his jaw might as well have been on the ground, as a very familiar outline of an axe became visible in Thor's hand.

"Stormbreaker…" Words escaped his lips at the majestic sight of the weapon.

"Nay, my friend. Tis but merely an imitation, a hollow copy borne by magicks most ancient," Thor answered him as he could feel happiness from the axe. 

"Soon, my friend. Soon," Thor muttered to the axe which seemed to become giddy at those words before Thor pointed Stormbreaker in the sky and he smiled as he felt the familiar rays of the Bi-Frost fall on him, taking them away from the death place of a pseudo Celestial, something that was sure to alert the real powerhouses of the universe.

When his eyes opened, he found himself standing on top of what looked like the burned patio of Avengers Tower, with multiple drones and an Iron Man suit aiming repulsors at them.

Thor looked wistful as he let Stormbreaker, which immediately began dissipating in thin air. He could feel the sadness, the content, and the giddiness at being found again, radiating through the white dust before the light show was over.

"Okay, what the fuck was that? And why did I just sense happiness from fucking white dust? Were those some space drugs?" Tony's voice greeted him as the drones vanished back into their respective panels and Tony's suit folded all around him, turning into a small backpack that then floated and parked itself on the sofa.

He raised an eyebrow at the progress. Not quite the Endgame Iron Man armour but very close.

"Tony, it is a long story but hey, I have some very crappy space tech for you? And another genius inventor." He gestured at Rocket who sniffed haughtily at Tony who deadpanned at him.

"Really? A Racoon," He had to hold back Rocket mid lunge.

"Tempers….have been really high. Now, why don't we all take a day to relax and then we'll meet again? Tony, please get them hosted on my floor, I never use it and it is more than enough for all of them." Tony looked rather offended at being ordered but that was his normal state so he ignored Tony and turned to the rather disgruntled Guardians, sans Quill who was hung around Drax's shoulders like a sack of potato, the well of energy in him almost gone as well.

"Look, Tony is an ally. You will get food, entertainment, safety and all the creature comforts you can think of. I will make sure that you guys are back in space as soon as possible but my mission is far from over, so it might take a little while for me to get you guys another ship on par with the Milano," Especially since he was about to go the Ancient One and figure out a way to get the Power Stone out of the damned box.

Irani Rael. Hmph.

To think she could outsmart and outmaneuver him.

He turned to Thor who was oddly silent and was also looking straight at the sun, "Thor?"

"Heimdall. I can't feel Heimdall's gaze on me. Neither Father's," Thor muttered in confusion and he grinned as that could turn into a spark that would have Hela destroyed, with Asgard not suffering a double genocide in a short period of time.

Word Count - 2751

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I already have upto 15 extra chapters published there.