TGS - #98

Disclaimer - All the owners have their respective rights. I only own the characters that came from my addled brain (don't worry, I am completely sober).

Asgard [July 2015]

–Jack Sullivan–

"So, did he talk?" He was just outside the prisoner dungeon, which was now much more secure than before, most probably because of the whole Dark Elf incident, leaning on one of the pillars, when Thor came out, with an unreadable look on his face.

As far as his knowledge went, this was the first time that Thor had met Loki, ever since Thor took over Asgard's day to day functions. And what a disaster it was.

Refused and rejected meetings about revenue, military, protection, and more, had to be taken over by Thor. Loki really was a very shit ruler, not suited for ruling at all. Neither was Thor, to be perfectly honest but the current Thor was a complete unknown to him so who was he to comment?

He had heard that Thor had poured over everything that had happened in Asgard over the past few years and had taken some major decisions, including personally going to every single of their allies and apologising for Asgard's mistake, and also doing a subtle show of power in every realm to remind them that Asgard, while vastly diminished, was still on top.

For one, he just straight up obliterated the pirate encirclement that was happening around Nidavellir, despite the stupid spell that THor had cast around it. Some people's greed simply knew no bounds and in the vast cold space, the value of life tended to drop significantly.

The spell remained, obviously, but a permanent cover of Asgardian Einherjars also joined them for protection. He just wished that they could establish contact with Eitri somehow because there was no plausible way of contacting Eitri unless he reached some nexus and called them back.

So far, they had not received a single update from him but that was to be expected. It took time for things to happen in Omnipotence City, especially since it was filled with Immortal Gods who had all the time in the world and were also quite lazy and indulgent in their own realms of power. Also, prideful, the lot of them so convincing them to do anything that required effort on their part was going to be a chore and a half.

Especially since said chore would require them going somewhere that was the territory of Odin Borson, someone who is the "established" strongest of them all, someone who has lorded over all of them for most of their lives, even though they didn't even see each for Millenia, simply because the Gods in Omnipotence city knew that there was a SkyFather out there that could defeat them all, someone on a whole other level.

Odin was probably the reason why they never really came to Earth anyway. Convincing them to extend protection to Nidavellir was going to take a lot of grovelling.

And all of this was contingent on Eitri actually reaching Omnipotence city. That was his biggest fear, that Eitri was going to be kidnapped midway by Thanos and then forced to make the Infinity Gauntlet on some other Dyson Sphere that Thanos built and then hid away, however unlikely as that might be.

"I know where Father is," Thor said to him and brought him out of his thoughts as they came out of the prison dungeon, which was only guarded by a small group of Einherjars, which were nowhere near enough to stop someone of Loki's calibre if he truly wanted to escape but then….

As soon as they crossed the threshold of the dungeon, Thor snapped his fingers, creating a zooming noise behind him and as he turned around, he saw a golden net, crisscrossing with glowing blue lines appear for a second before it disappeared but his senses warned him of the high energy lines that were there, to ward off any intruder or the more likely outcome, slice the intruder into pieces.

Either way, it would be very hard for anyone unauthorised to enter or leave the dungeon. And the Einherjar squad was equipped with enough resources down there to not leave the place for months at a time, which her was sure was going to be more than enough for them to resolve the issues caused by Loki and then return for his sentencing, because Loki had not been officially punished yet, for his various crimes.

Something like that would have to wait for later on, when they had enough time on their hands.

"So, are we leaving soon?" He asked Thor, excited to get moving and get some stuff done, because with him and Thor on one side, he doubted there was anything that could truly stop them.

"Aye, I must meet Father and make sense of the mess that he has allowed to happen under his watch," Thor said gravely and he snorted internally. If only Thor knew the even deeper pile of mess that his father was about to dump on his lap and then just fuck right off.

"Good. Just tell me when you are ready," he informed Thor and went to his favourite place in Asgard, the Medical Wing. Eir was a formidable woman, capable of magic that most of Asgard had forgotten already. She was not just the medic of the Valkyrie unit but also the resident magic nerd of the unit as well. As such, she knew a ton of magic that probably only Frigga and Odin knew about.

Even most of the nobles were just fat lords who had gotten complacent under Odin's powerful rule and were just sitting ducks for anyone to kill them. So, expecting advanced magics from them was a fool's errand. Books of powerful magic could be held by the nobles but Odin had long since confiscated anything truly dangerous so the most reliable source of new magic for him in Asgard was Eir.

Thor knew all kinds of new magic that he had not seen but the man was very much busy and he had a hunch that Thor's magic was not going to be compliant with his own magic. So, Eir's chambers it was.

"Eir! I am here again!" He said as he entered the Medic Wing, carefully wrapping himself in barriers as Eir was not above dismembering someone because they were being an annoyance and then stitching that limb back together, painfully.

"She's not here. She is putting together a report on something, to present to Prince Thor," The gravelly, but thankfully, much healthier voice of Heimdall answered his call. He relaxed and entered the Soul Forge room and was surprised to see Heimdall already out of it. 

"I thought Eir forbid you from getting out of that pod without her express permission," He asked Heimdall who was now doing stretches and lunges on the ground.

"And I thought Eir forbid you from disturbing her again, just for some shiny new piece of magic that most of the Nine Realms had forgotten about," He quipped right back as he continued stretching his body, which thankfully, was not just skin and bones. Man, Asgardian bodies recovered quickly.

His eyes had not sunken in now and they had regained their healthy yellow glow. He was curious though.

"Did you regain your sight?" 

Heimdall stopped mid stretch, looked at him deeply and then stood up straight, closed his eyes, as he could feel faint swirls of magic appearing around his body, centered around his head. 

He yelped as he jumped forward, a sword of glowing yellow magic barely missing his back as he scrambled with his barriers ready, confronting….Eir.

"Just what in the Nine Realms gave you the audacity to not only disturb my patient but goad him into activating the single most magically taxing ability in all of Asgard," Eir snapped at him as she rushed towards Heimdall who was…bound?

Oh my god, she had bound Heimdall in yellow bounds, and just dumped him right back into the Soul Forge. She then sealed his mouth shut as well, and then snapped her fingers, which released some sort of gas in the Soul Forge and within moments, the small struggle that Heimdall was able to put up against the bonds ceased.

Damn, this woman was scary.

"Anyway, Prince Thor has called for me. I will take my leave," He had a hunch that he was not going to get any new information on any extinct magic in this room, without first having to fight his way out of it.

"Where do you think you are going!" The same bonds reached for him but he was much faster than Heimdall who was recovering from life threatening conditions, and escaped her wrath. THough, he should give her ample time to cool down and meet her sometime in the next year or so.

In the meantime, he floated over to the Observatory, since it also housed another interesting individual. Someone by the name of Skurge. Yes, the one who would end up betraying Asgard to go on serving Hela but right now, he was just someone who was appointed to monitor the BiFrost by Loki and for some reason, Thor had not relieved him of his duties immediately because he had no specialised magic that would help him as the Caretaker of the Bridge. Then again, there was no bloodline other than Heimdall's which was more suited for that position in all of Asgard and probably the Nine Realms as well.

"Hello, mortal, I assume you are aware that all travel in and out of Asgard is only permitted by the express permission of Crown Prince Thor," Skurge greeted him, trying to be all intimidating but he lazily waved him away as he floated by.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just waiting for him. We have to leave soon," 

And as he uttered those words, he heard a whistling sound in the distance and turned to see Thor flying towards them, in the old fashioned, holding Mjolnir's leather strap as it flew forward, way.

"Skurge, start the Bi-Frost. To Midgard," Thor ordered as soon as he landed and began walking forward. He followed through and asked Thor since he had had to maintain his clueless look.

"Earth? I thought we were going to retrieve Odin?" 

"We are. ODin is on Midgard,"

"Safe travels, My Prince," Skurge told them before their vision was consumed by the colours of the rainbow before they appeared on a pavement. A pavement that was now carved with the symbols of the BiFrost.

He looked up and groaned as they found themselves near Times Square. He followed THor who had already changed into his civilian get up with Mjolnir turned into an Umbrella. Marvel never really did explore the whole Donald Blake persona thing. 

They walked for a few more minutes, and came across a quaint little building, with a very posh receptionist. Thor entered the establishment and every single woman in sight immediately had a blush on her face.

Stupid Asgardian genetics.

"Let's go, they moved him," He looked up from the magazine he was reading.


"Yes, they moved him to another facility upstate. This is the address," Thor showed him a piece of paper, which also had a heart and a phone number written on it. He rolled his eyes and stood up, following Thor outside the old age home, only to come face to face with the Ancient One.

"I had a feeling you boys might need a ride," She made some sort of internal joke with that statement and waved her hand in a circle, creating a portal.

On the other side of the portal, was a cliff with greenery, with the faint sound of the ocean in the background, which was very much not an upstate facility.

"He's waiting for you, Prince Thor," 

Thor nodded at her and entered the portal. He wisely didn't go because it felt weirdly personal. In fact, he wouldn't be surprised if Loki was whisked away by the BiFrost and brought there to have one final father to son talk.

"So, Odin's dying? Hela's coming then?" He asked the Ancient One while they entered the portal that took them to Kamar Taj, right into one of the lobbies.

"Yes, that is another fixed point in time, Master Sullivan and you should know about that," She said as she poured tea for herself and him.

"I see. So, how do you propose I go to Asgard to help Thor against Hela if we can't open portals directly to Asgard? Or do you want me to contain her here on Earth itself once we can obviously sense her vile energy entering the planet?" He asked her since he was unsure of what she thought best of the situation.

"Why are you asking me about it? I am just someone who was tasked by Odin to make sure that his sons found him. You are free to do as you wish,"

He deadpanned at her. "Seriously?"

"Master Sullivan, your actions are your own. Therefore, the consequences of those actions are yours to bear as well so why would you ask someone else for advice? Do what your mind tells you to do and bear the consequences. That is how you move forward in life," She was, once again, in her old life guru mode.

"Okay. Great. I will be in Norway then. If we can contain or even kill Hela without any catastrophic damage to both Earth and Asgard, then it will be for the best but I have a feeling that Ragnarok cannot be stopped, at least not completely," He said to her and after gulping down the amazing tea, stood up, ready to stop the strongest Child of Odin Borson.

"Don't forget the Mirror Dimension, Master Sullivan."

"Yeah, yeah," He waved as he created a portal to Norway and flew through, waiting for the Death energy spike to hit his senses so that he could work on defeating Hela, in her weakened state, or even negotiate with her to fight against Thanos, in the best case scenario.

Atleast, half of Asgard will not die for Ragnarok to happen.

Word Count - 2377

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I already have upto 15 extra chapters published th