TGS - #119

Disclaimer - All the owners have their respective rights. I only own the characters that came from my addled brain (don't worry, I am completely sober).

Dark Dimension [An eternity later]

–Jack Sullivan–

"*Nom* *Nom* This is nice." He said to himself, chewing on a leg that was longer than his body, after roasting it with the Power Stone obviously. Killing himself because he could feel himself slowly dying after being poisoned due to eating the raw meat of the Dark Ones was more than enough.

While the flavour was worse than when he ate the meat raw, at least it was not fatal to him, not immediately at least. He could still move about with ease but aside from being gamey and flavourless, it was perfectly fine.

"Ah, if only Doormatty would show himself," He said to himself as he happily chewed on the leg of the Dark one who he had killed while making sure to keep the Leg intact. He'd eaten a lot of the Dark ones by now but most of them had little to no meat on their bodies, with their bodies actually being hollow for some reason.

That was why he began targeting the bigger ones, who at least had a little meat on their legs. That is why while the leg was very long, it had very little meat in comparison. But that was enough for him to sate his hunger for the time being, allowing him to move about in the endless Dark Dimension.

When he set the Reset for the time loop being his death, he had never thought that Dormammu would simply abandon the quest of breaking out, instead choosing to ignore him and hide somewhere. Though, hide would be a strong word since Dormammu was most likely chilling or brooding in some deep dark corner of the Dark Dimension, forever out of his reach. 

"Yeah, Run and Hide, ~Doormatty~~" He couldn't help but sing as he walked on the broken land masses scattered around him.

"Pew!" He mimicked a finger gun at the incoming horde of Dark Ones which actually let out a concentrated stream of energy of the Power Stone emerging from his index finger, carving a straight line through the horde, wiping out thousands and yet, the rest of the horde carried on, uncaring of the fate of their brethren.

"Cool!" He fell into a fit of giggles as the horde of Dark Ones rampaged on their way to him, their charge creating vibrations that he felt through his barriers. Oh yeah, he had his barriers back now. It was easy, he only had to die a couple dozen times before he combined his super duper ability with the super duper Stone.

"Eww! Gross!" He yelled out, laughing as the nearest Dark Ones spit out some sort of acid on him, and then dogpilled him as well.

"Get off of me!" He shouted, releasing a concentrated blast of energy from his barriers, vaporising everything in sight. The aftermath left him unconscious, albeit with a barrier made up of the Power Stone energy all around him, protecting him from everything in sight.

"Aaaa!" With a shout, he woke up, unconsciously blasting everything around him as he felt something poke him. He took in deep breaths, seeing the utter darkness out of his barriers that now glowed purple for some reason. He felt his mind fall into complete chaos as random thoughts and feelings assaulted his mind, forcing him to dive into his mind to do a check.

He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate, which was not easy, not easy at all. After what felt like hours, he finally managed to enter his painstakingly crafted mindscape and found….

His eyes widened in horror as he saw the state of his mind. It was broken. Nothing was right, there were no shields left anymore, no safe place for his greatest secrets, nothing to manage his memories, nothing to separate his logic centres from his powers, nothing at all.

"Shit!" He emptied his stomach as he saw the many deaths he had suffered in this world. The gruesome deaths were all visible to him now. He remembered then, the pain and the suffering, the despair and due to some miracle, managed to hold on this time.

He was about to do something about his mindscape since he did have all the time in the world when he felt his body erupt in pain, yanking him out of his mind. When he opened his eyes once more, he was in a crater, naked and right below the giant floating head that was Doormatty.

"Hmm? Doormatty?" he asked himself in confusion.

"Had your fill of deaths, insect?" 

He grinned, trying to hide his overwhelming fear, through the piss and the trembling body should clue in on how he was really feeling, "Me? Nah. I can do this all day, Doormatty."

Doormatty growled and before he could do anything else, he saw a giant beam of laser headed his way. Out of instinct, he raised his hand, creating a purple barrier as his right hand shone purple, which somehow managed to resist the laser though it did push him back.

The throbbing in his hand increased as the barrier's shape changed, turning from a shield into a pointed cannon, which was absorbing the energy from the laser. Running purely on instinct, he did something that flipped the switch on the stone in his hand, blasting off another energy beam of his own, which began steadily gaining ground in the beam tug of war game that he was playing with the Dark Lord Dormammu.

Or rather, Doormatty. For some reason, he had a pretty strong compulsion to use that name and that name only when addressing Doormatty. Something to do with his previous personalities, he thought to himself as he pushed back on the energy beam. He couldn't even see the giant fuck off face of Doormatty as he focused on pushing as much energy as he could throw the beam.

Slowly, the consequences of channelling that much energy became evident to him. His hand began burning with veins of purple coursing through his body. The next the smell of burnt meat entered his noise as he felt his entire burn burn off. Then, to his horror, his skin began melting off as his hand was now covered completely in a purple glow, even as he saw everything stripped away to the bone.

His concentration diverted, he failed to react when a tentacle of some sort burst through his chest and then spiked through his chest, tearing apart his torso in the process. His cannon burst apart, subjecting him to the full brunt of the energy beam.

The next time his eyes opened, he opened them to a hand glowing with Purple energy, an entire arm burning on Purple fire, which strangely didn't hurt him somehow.

"Huh? Neat." he then began looking around for Doormatty but he didn't find any. Pouting, he blasted off the rock and began his search for either Doormatty or the Dark Ones. From the memories that had not been suppressed by his brain for being too horrible or traumatising, he could remember the consequences of being alone for extended periods of time. 

Self-harm? Not fun or cool, at least in hindsight that is. He still had phantom pains from that particular life before it was all, thankfully reset by another horde of the Dark Ones arriving.

He heard a sound and before he knew it, his form was shrouded in green, an entire avatar forming around him, except… "That's new!" He commented as he found his right arm glowing completely purple with a purple fire lit up on it, the same for the avatar as well.

He was about to unleash another wave of Infinity Stone energy when he saw who it was.

Not dispelling his avatar, he merely shrunk it as he came face to face with…


The only response he received was a frustrated sigh that shook the entire dimension he was in.

"Mortal, I will say this once and only once. I have come to bargain."

"BWAHAHAHAHA!" He couldn't help it. The second he heard that coming from Doomatty's mouth, he displayed his avatar and began rolling on the ground in laughter. After having his fill, during which he dodged multiple tentacles, skewers, and lasers, he stood up and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry for that. You were saying?"

".....In exchange for ending this time loop, I will leave Earth alone as long as you remain alive and well."

He instantly shook his head in denial, "Nope. too Open ended and also way too short. I want you to promise to never look Earth's way again and also to take back all the zealots or avatars you have on the planet."

Doormatty contemplated that before countering, "I will leave Earth alone but taking back all the agents I have? Impossible."

He shrugged at that, "Well, then we have no deal then, Doormatty."


When he came to be, it was in the middle of innumerable hordes of Dark Ones above a volcano of some sort.

"Worth it."

So began the game of Jack Sullivan, the now deranged Green/Purple Guardian battling unending hordes of the Dark ones who continued to change, evolving to come up with new and better ways of battling the unstoppable battle engine that was the Green/Purple Guardian.

After getting the purple arm though, he was never hurt by the Dark Ones, no matter how hard they tried. He even met some former humans capable of casting spells in the middle of the horde but just the same, the spells couldn;t crack his shields.

Despite being unhurt, Jack sometimes just got tired and would end his own life, the act of essentially committing temporary sui*cide becoming routine for him.





DEATH! X 6969

"Woohoo!" he yelled as he flew down, to crash into the…Dark ones?

"Where'd they go?" He questioned as he crashed into a landmass, cracking it in half before slamming down into another landmass, to see that he was all alone in the background.

"Oh, man! Not this again," he whined as he realised that Doormatty was recycling tactics once again. This was the worst tactic of Doormatty, in his opinion, even above using cute puppies as attack engines.

Leaving him alone for a long would always result in the same thing, self unalivement. He would eventually go either insane, hungry, or both, and then the end result would be the same.

"Too bad, Doormatty!" He yelled out loud, hoping for his voice to reach the perpetrator, "I will not break, not from this."

"I realise that." He whirled around, to find himself face to face with the humanoid avatar of Doormatty once more. He raised his right hand, purple fire blazing.

The avatar, for some reason, looked resigned, "Jack Sullivan, I have come to negotiate."

Okay, he didn't say bargain this time so it was considerably less funny. Even so, his answer was still the same. Take back avatars, never set sights on Earth and then the time loop will end or….

"I will take back my avatars….But on one condition." There we go, he knew something was wrong. Still, it didn;t hurt to hear Doormatty out.

"Which is?"

"..That time loop of yours," Doormatty gestured at his neck, which still held the glowing form of the Time Stone. It was practically melded to his chest by now, with the sticking function of the Eye. He had to say, Agamotto really knew what he was doing when he built the eyes. It was all very functional, "Is it powered by the Time Stone and will time return to normal on Earth once I leave?"

He felt uneasy about answering but if it could let him out of this hell hole, then he would do it.

"Yes, I will rewind time back to when the first Sanctum was destroyed."

Doormatty grinned at him for some reason, "Excellent."

"Do it! Preprogram it right now. Only then, Dormammu will swear on my Domain that I will never set sights on Earth and will retract all my agents and avatars from Earth as well." Doormatty said in a pretty passionate voice.

For some reason, he felt as if he was forgetting something when he preprogrammed the whole thing but he was so close to freedom he could almost taste it so he did as Doormatty said and then hit enter, the Eye glowing slightly as a result.

"Excellent. Go! I vow to never try to conquer Earth and will take back all my agents and avatars now," Doormatty said as he felt himself being pushed somewhere. 

He grinned as he felt the Manhattan sky once more being blue instead of black and purple. He finally felt freedom.

He was about to head out of the convenient doorway made for him when a red missile attacked him. He almost reflexively blew her head off but he redirected it behind him at the last moment, obliterating multiple landforms.

"I'm sorry…" Was all he heard before his head was lit up in red, his mind falling into a haze as all he saw was a pretty red book floating in front of his face. His hand involuntarily flew towards it only to be grasped by a pretty white hand that was darkening somehow.


Wanda Maximoff

"I'm sorry." Was all she could say as tears ran down her eyes. Her time had come, she knew it. The universe had let her stay here for a reason. Even with all her power, she should not have been able to resist something like that and yet, she was able to stay here with Pietro for years, which was nothing short of a miracle.

And miracles don't come free. She knew that and today was the price she had to pay for that miracle.

Her eyes glowed red as she dived into the broken mind of Jack, manipulated him into breaking off all the spells he had cast using the Time Stone, so that she could prevent all of reality from being fractured.

Jack had cast some sort of spell that would end up creating multiple paradoxes that would end up in Dormammu winning anyway. So, she was tasked with undoing that spell.

The only problem was that doing so on her own was impossible, no matter how much Chaos magic she pumped through her body. She needs the Chaos Magic to have shape, structure, purpose for it to reach its full potential.

And the only thing that provided that was the filthy thing floating right beside her.

With teary eyes, she cast the spell, wrenching the spell away from the Eye, and also safely dumping Jack back onto Earth. If only she could do something about the side effects.

She was not worried for herself as he could already feel her anchor in reality slipping and with her soul already being damned, she was dead anyway. An afterlife didn't await her, just dissipating into void.

It was fine. She deserved that.

Her gaze went to the falling form of Jack, still covered in Green and Purple, 'He didn't deserve that' Before her vision went dark.




Thus ended the story of Wanda Maximoff of this reality, helping save the universe from Doormatty, becoming a true hero in the process, even if she didn't believe herself to be one, even in her last moments.

As for Jack Sullivan? Well, he was no longer the Jack Sullivan that most of Earth knew and some loved. No, he was different. Changed.

To find out, watch the next episode of Dragon Bal– Ahem—The "G" Shield.

Word Count - 2635

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