
At one o'clock sharp, Kallous decided to go back to his room. He already had his second meal of the day with Allyn under his now favourite tree.

Only attending breakfast in the hall was a must the rest of the day. Kids can go and eat at any time they like, while older orphans could just go outside or get back to the hall and eat there after class. 

Even though this place didn't have the most beautiful view, Kal preferred being alone himself to dining with a group of rowdy, noisy, unmannered kids.

He went to the orphanage's dormitory section with Allyn, and to his relief, nobody spoke to him as some of the staff members were busy. 'News travel fast,' He thought. 

The workers and maids must have heard about the incident that occurred from Lucy, for everyone is now secretly monitoring for any potential unwanted guests.

With that in mind, Kal's mood improved. Nothing beats seeing the old hag suffer. 

He located his room at the end of the corridor with ease, and as soon as he entered, the sight of the twins welcomed him.

After nodding courteously, he went on to his side of the room, only to discover a plate of freshly cooked meal on the table beside his bed.

Allyn hovered in the air and checked the plate. 

✿ 'Nothing's off, a simple lunch if anything. But why is it here?'

A thought crossed his mind and shook his head. One of the twins, presumably Ian, must've left it here. 

Kal was never one to dismiss food, so he took the plate and dove into it as he chatted with Allyn. 

✿ 'Those two little demons confuse me.' Allyn said in all honesty. She knew how Kal felt towards them and saw how he treated them like air after that eventful chat few days ago. And if she was on the receiving end, she would try to be as far as possible from Kal. 

However, the twins not only kept a close distance, especially when they share a room with him, but they also kept sneaking glances at Kal. Even Ivan, to her surprise, started sharing this little habit of 'stalking' Kal with his brother.

─ 'They are kids in the end. A bit unique with a huge background but still kids.' Kal commented as he took a spoonful of the meal.

✿ 'Don't give me that. You are a kid as well, albeit a bit older in the inside but still a kid.' She added. 

 ─ 'I'm still way older than them though.' He quickly defended himself.

✿ 'Right. And I'll make sure you'll grow old and handsome and even outlive yourself this time.' Allyn lit up in a beautiful shade of pink, indicating how she felt right at that moment. 

Kal sat there silently in a daze. Allyn noticed his current mood and felt something off about it, recalling what she said made her realize the situation and hesitantly tried to change the topic to not upset him. 

✿ 'Cian got out of the clinic today, not as healthy as he was but still standing.' 

Kal hummed in response while finishing his meal.

─ 'I should've added a bit more poison, but it was only a matter of time until he recovered. This world is advanced in medicine, and the healing potions are of high quality, so it would be expected that the old hag would use some of her connections and get a high-grade potion to heal that two-legged pervert.'

✿ 'Please stick with one nickname, I can't memorize them all (oT-T)尸' 

─ 'Can't memorize? Right you do need an update. Been almost a year since the last one you had.' Kal took his time and checked the system for the requirements needed for the update. 

─ 'Level eight? I'll need to take on more quests to reach that. Got any side tasks I could do?'

✿ 'Only the main mission. Still, I can set few tasks for you to work on given that the latest quest isn't like the normal missions you've had so far.

Oh- I just remembered! Here's the latest update of the quest. Best to remind you so you can keep track on the time.' 

With that, a system panel of the quest appeared. 


 Life and death is nothing to whoever holds the fate of others.

Changing one's fate is risky but worth to those who deserve it.

To you who is challenging such fate,


Survive and show the world that you are worth the sacrifice!

 ➢ Time left: 27 days

'In other words, I have less than a month to end this.' There was no need to rush. All he needs to do now is allow more chaos to leak in and soon everything will fall apart on its own. 

The first step has already been taken due to Lucy's misfortune. Kal could always sit back and watch everything unfold naturally, but where's the fun in that? Furthermore, he needs Lucy and her minions taken care of so that no incident happens when the gates appear.

'I need to gather evidence.' 

Kal knew that the fastest way to end everything is to gather enough evidence and anonymously send them to the knights and it will be a matter of minutes before everyone will root in jail. 

'Even if I send out Allyn to search the old hag's office, it won't be enough. I need access to the restricted section of this place.'

Since advanced technology isn't used here, he can't ask Allyn to infiltrate in the system as there is no system in the first place. 

However, if he was chosen to be one of the kids to be 'adopted', he could easily access that place and no one will ever know what hit them. 

No one will suspect a lovely child who knows nothing of the world to do anything other than act cute and lovable. 

'Once everything is over, which will hopefully be before the esteemed visitors appear on these lands, all that's left is to deal with the twins. Though that might happen sooner than I thought.'

Kal looked over and noticed that Ian, who was followed by his brother, walk over to him. 

"Can we talk?"


'Something is wrong with me.' 

Ian couldn't resist keeping an eye on Kallous, even though it had been almost a week since they last spoke.

It was strange. Ever since he first met Kallous, he has felt a strange force drawing him towards the boy. At first, he assumed it was friendship. Kallous, being the angel that he is and having the reputation he had, Ian felt that it might've been fate at work.

With friendship as his goal and also his twin's permission, he stood close to Kallous and observed him. 

He chatted with the boy, enjoyed his company and absolutely adored him. 

All in a single day.

He liked the feeling of having a friend, even though he knew that Kallous never felt the same, but it was the first time someone made him feel safe other than his brother, and he planned to take full advantage of that.

Sadly this friendship wasn't meant to last.

When he witnessed Kal's true face, to say he was shocked was an understatement. 

He knew from Ivan that Kallous wasn't innocent. 

The shadows never lie. 

He knew that Kallous was faking everything but, what could he do? 

He was still but a child. 

Was it selfish of Ian to wish for a mare friendship?


Ian was prepared to do anything.

But the beautiful picture he wished to paint, shattered just like that. 

Kallous didn't even acknowledge him. 

However, he was kind enough to answer his question unlike his brother's. 

Ian knew that the chance was close to zero.

Nonetheless, he still had hope. 

Kallous rejected him, only to see that his actions contradicted his words.

He acted like he didn't care, but he never rejected the gift he offered.

Even the meals he had left for him were never thrown by him and even took his time to finish it all.

Ian was happy. Confused, but still happy. 

So, he kept an eye on Kallous almost every single day.

Ivan warned him, advised him that this obsession wasn't healthy and wouldn't end well. But did it matter?

Not really.

Ian wasn't obsessed, he was simply fascinated by Kallous.

How could someone be cute and deadly at the same time? 

How can he be dangerous yet warm? 

It took few days to make Ian understand that something was wrong with him.

He was never felt this way towards anyone.

What would any five year olds do when they couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel in the cold, merciless night? 

Run to the nearest source of warmth.

In Ian's case, that was Ivan.

Immediately after he was at his brother's presence, he felt his mind clear up.

He sought out advice from him, he knew how worried his brother was so he told him everything. 

Ivan simply listened and took him in his embrace. 

He told him of the only solution that could stop all those thoughts and feelings he had towards the boy. 

He didn't like it, but he knew that he had to do it.

He already made his twin worry so much; why should he bother with baseless thoughts if it's going to make his brother worried over it?

Ian made up his mind. 

He will face Kallous and end it all.

Only when he hears his straight-out rejection will he be free.

As if the world heard his plea, he saw Kallous enter the room right there and then. 

Encouraged by his brother who stayed right by his side, he went straight to him.

Nothing will stop him from ending this. 

Only then will he be able to start all over.


Kal sensed the strange vibe around the twins and was puzzled, but did not comment on it.

Hearing the tone that came from the five year old made Kal raise an eyebrow in question. He could read the boy, not because he had this special ability to read people's faces and small reactions, but becouse Ian was simply an open book.

Sensing that things might get a bit crazy, he nodded at them and offered them a seat.

The two were quite. It somehow became a staring competition between the three. 

Ian soon opened his mouth and began to speak.

"I- I'm sorry. I know that the.. relationship between us wasn't the best and I forced it on you in a sense. But,.."

'This kid, what the hell is he talking about?' 

The more he listen to the five year old young demon speak, the more he felt that something was off.

He took a quick glance at Ivan and saw that he was nodding calmly at his brother's words and encouraging him more with his gaze.

'Maybe I'm over thinking this.'

"...With all that said, I believe that we should end it all and break up."


Not only Kal, even Allyn and Ivan, who was silently encouraging his brother, was shocked with the last statement he made. 

The look on their faces forced Kal to believe that he wasn't hearing things.

"Break up?" Kal, thanks to the pure shock he had received from hearing the kid's declaration, unconsciously voiced out his thoughts out loud.

Ian who heard his questioning tone was confused but he quickly nodded at him.

"I know that this relationship was forced on you and even though you clearly drew the line, I was selfish and tried to cross it.

However by doing so, It made me realize that having these thoughts wasn't going to lead me anywhere good and for both of our sake, I decided to end our relationship.."


No one spoke.

Everyone silently looked at Ian who had a confident smile on his face.

Kal was speechless, he didn't know how to reply to such words.

Under the anticipating gaze of the younger demon, Kal, who wanted nothing more than simply get rid of him and end this awkward silence, looked the boy in the eye and calmly answered.

"If that is your wish." 

Ian smiled and stood up. Ivan, who was stilll shook, noticed his brother's movement and looked between him and Kallous. 

Ian offered his hand to Kallous and with a bright smile, he said cheerfully.

"Since we agreed to end our previous relationship, how about starting a new one? 

I'm Ian, and this is my twin Ivan." He paused and cutely introduced his twin as well as if this was their first ever meeting. 

The twin in question could only sigh, followed his brother's lead and nodded at Kallous.

What could he do? If his twin wanted to be silly then he'll be a good older brother and help him.

Ian, seeing his brother's cooperation, could only deepen his smile, making it so bright that Allyn had to look twice to believe what she had just witnessed. 

A smile that could almost rival Kal's own- 

Ian, maintaining his hand gesture towards Kal, continued.

"Would you like to be friends with us?" 

Our poor Kallous, who was still trying to process the situation, took a deep sigh and looked at Ian dead in the eye.

"you are free to do as you please as long as you don't bother me. 

Now, get out!" 

With that, he kicked them both out of his comfort zone. 

Soon after, Kal's head was filled with Allyn's hysterical laughter.

✿ 'Pfft- You did not just get friend zoned by a child! Wahaha-' 

He quickly muted Allyn and threw himself on his bed.

Kal didn't even want to understand what was the kid thinking. However, one thing was clear.

He can't wait to send them off as far away as possible once he deals with the old hag.

He'll keep them around as that is what they want. It won't do him any harm anyway. 

Since they want to stay, might as well make them useful. 

Nothing in life is free after all.