Together Again

The first light of dawn filtered through the cave's entrance, casting a soft, golden glow over the sleeping figures within. The warmth from the fire had dwindled, but the blankets still provided a cozy shield against the morning chill.

Ivan was the first to stir, his senses slowly returning to him like a gentle tide. As he opened his eyes, he felt the soft rustling of his long white hair against his face and turned to see his twin, Ian, nestled against him. Ian's shorter pink hair was spread out like a halo on the pillow, a stark yet beautiful contrast to the dim cave light.

Ivan's heart swelled with relief and gratitude. It wasn't a dream, they were alive, safe, and together. He gazed at Ian's peaceful face, the red blindfold covering his eyes a familiar sight that brought comfort. 

The memory of the chaos they'd endured flickered through Ivan's mind, but in this moment, those fears melted away. He reached out, gently brushing a lock of hair from Ian's forehead, his touch tender and filled with love.

As if sensing his brother's wakefulness, Ian's eyes fluttered open behind the blindfold, and he turned his head to meet Ivan's gaze. For a moment, they simply looked at each other, their bond deeper than words could express. 

Tears welled up in Ian's eyes, a reflection of the overwhelming relief and joy he felt. Ivan's eyes mirrored the same emotion, a silent acknowledgment of their shared ordeal and the unbreakable bond that had seen them through.

"You're okay," Ian whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I was so scared, Ivan."

Ivan nodded, his own voice thick with feeling. "We're okay, Ian. We're together."

Their hands found each other, fingers intertwining in a grip that spoke of their deep connection. Ivan felt the warmth of Ian's skin, the reality of their survival grounding him in the present. The emotional weight of their journey created a profound sense of connection between them, a reminder that they had faced death and come out stronger.

Ivan slowly sat up, the thick, warm blankets falling away as he did. He examined the spot where his supposed deadly wounds had been, his fingers tracing over smooth, unmarked skin. His heart raced as he looked at Ian, who was doing the same. There was no trace of the injuries that should have taken their lives.

"It's gone," Ian said in awe, his fingers still lingering on his unblemished skin. "How...?"

Ivan's eyes drifted to the sleeping figure of Kallous, whose long blue hair cascaded around him like a waterfall. Kallous lay peacefully, his silver eyes closed, and Ivan knew in his heart that their miraculous healing was his doing. Kallous had something to do with their survival, just as they had taken a shot for him.

A bright smile spread across Ivan's face, a mix of gratitude and admiration. He couldn't help but feel the urge to wake Kallous sooner, to thank him for what he had done. Ian nudged Ivan gently, his excitement barely contained.

"Hey, brother," Ian said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "should we wake Kal?"

Ivan chuckled softly, the sound a balm to his weary soul. "Let him sleep. He's tired."

Ian pouted, crossing his arms in mock defiance. "But he's missed so many meals! He needs to eat, and it's morning now. We can't let him sleep forever!"

Ivan's resolve wavered. Ian's enthusiasm was contagious, and he couldn't deny the logic in his brother's argument. As he contemplated, Ian nudged him again, a playful grin spreading across his face.

"Come on, Ivan. Just a little noise. He'll wake up grumpy, and it'll be funny!"

Ivan sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Alright," he agreed softly. "But just a little."

The twins exchanged conspiratorial glances before inching closer to Kallous, who lay peacefully beside them. Ian took the lead, leaning over and whispering, "Kal, wake up! It's morning!" His voice was loud enough to be heard but still gentle enough not to startle.

Kallous groaned, his face scrunching up in annoyance. He rolled over, pulling the blanket tighter around himself, but Ian was relentless. "Kal, you can't sleep all day! We have things to do!"

Ivan, the mother of the group, added, "You should eat something. You've missed meals."

Kal's eyes slowly opened, a grumpy expression on his face. "Can't a guy get some sleep around here?" he mumbled, his voice thick with exhaustion.

Ian giggled, unphased by Kallous's irritation. "Nope! It's time to wake up and eat. You've slept enough!"

Kallous sighed, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes. His hair fell around him in soft waves. "Alright, alright. I'm up," he grumbled, but a small smile played at the corners of his lips. Despite his grumpiness, the sight of the twins' bright faces was a welcome start to the day.

As he stretched, he noticed the twins examining their chests, fingers brushing over the smooth skin where their wounds had been. They turned to him, gratitude shining through their blindfolded eyes.

"You healed us," Ivan said softly, awe in his voice.

Kallous nodded, his silver eyes meeting theirs. "I couldn't let anything happen to you two. You saved me, after all."

The twins looked at each other and grinned, an unspoken plan forming between them. Before Kallous could react, they lunged at him, wrapping him in a tight hug. Ivan took the opportunity to lift Kallous off the ground, his strength surprising the smaller boy.

Kal's silver eyes widened in surprise as he was hoisted into the air. "Hey! What are you doing?" he exclaimed, trying to sound annoyed but failing to hide his laughter. His usual guarded expression softened, revealing a glimmer of genuine emotion that the twins had rarely seen.

Ian giggled uncontrollably, his arms still wrapped around Kallous. "We're just so happy you're okay!" His voice was filled with pure joy.

Ivan chuckled, the sound echoing warmly through the cave. The glowing crystals on the walls seemed to shimmer more brightly, as if reflecting the silly shiny moment between them.

Kallous, despite his initial surprise, felt warmth spread through his chest. He hesitated for a moment, the instinct to pull away conflicting with an unfamiliar but welcome feeling of connection. 

Slowly, almost tentatively, he wrapped his arms around the twins, hugging them back tightly. It was the first time he had allowed himself to be so openly affectionate with them, and it took the twins by surprise.

"I'm glad you're both okay," he said softly, his voice filled with emotion that he rarely allowed himself to show.

But he will allow such exceptions, only for the twins of course.

Allyn, who had been watching all along, beamed with happiness. Invisible to everyone but Kallous, she recorded their reactions and the rare hug. This moment was too precious not to capture.

The tender moment was interrupted by the sound of Ian's stomach grumbling loudly. Ian's cheeks turned a shade of pink that matched his hair, and he laughed nervously. Ivan tried to stifle his laughter but couldn't help a small chuckle escaping.

Kallous, still held tightly by Ivan, smiled warmly. "Alright, alright, let me down," he said, his voice gentle. "I'll prepare breakfast."

Ivan, ever the gentleman, carefully set Kallous back on his feet. "Do you need help?" he offered, his voice filled with sincerity.

Kallous shook his head, a mysterious glint in his silver eyes. "No need. I've got this."

Kallous stepped back and, with a graceful wave of his hand, accessed his system. Allyn provided the support he needed, and in an instant, a table laden with a variety of foods appeared out of thin air. Fresh fruits, warm pastries, steaming bowls of porridge, and savory meats filled the space, the aroma filling the cave with a mouthwatering scent.

The twins' eyes widened in astonishment. They were used to Kal's extraordinary abilities, but such a display of magic still left them in awe. They looked at each other and then at the feast before them, their expressions a mix of wonder and acceptance.

"How...?" Ian started, but then he laughed, shaking his head. "You know what, never mind. I'm just glad we have food!"

Kallous grinned, pleased with their reactions. "Dig in," he said, gesturing to the table. "There's plenty for everyone."

The twins wasted no time, eagerly filling their plates with the delicious offerings. The magical cave, with its glowing crystals and enchanting flora, seemed even more vibrant as they shared this meal together.

Ivan reached for a bowl of porridge, the steam rising and warming his face. Ian grabbed a pastry, the flaky layers crumbling slightly under his fingers. Ivan, always the doting older brother, kept a watchful eye on Ian. 

Every so often, he would reach over to gently wipe crumbs from Ian's face, his touch gentle and affectionate. Ian giggled each time, his cheerful demeanor lighting up the cave. Kallous watched them with a soft smile, enjoying the simple pleasure of their company.

Ian's curiosity soon got the better of him. "Kal," he began, his voice full of energy, "what happened when we passed out? Who dared to shoot at you? And why were you there in the first place?" The questions spilled out of him in a rapid-fire sequence, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Ivan shot Kallous an apologetic look but couldn't hide his own interest. Kal's expression darkened slightly at the memories. The knife in his left hand, covered by a glove, began to turn to ash under his grip. Noticing the change, he took a deep breath and forced a bright smile.

"I've taken care of everything," Kallous said, his voice steady but with an edge that hinted at the turmoil beneath. "There's nothing for you to worry about now."

Ian and Ivan exchanged a glance, both noticing the subtle signs of Kallous's distress. They decided to steer the conversation away from the painful memories. Ivan, who was not particularly talkative, subtly signaled to Ian to change the topic.

Ian, ever perceptive despite his exuberance, caught the signal and nodded. "So, Kal," he began again, his tone lightening, "how did you find this place? It's amazing!"

Kal's smile returned, more genuine this time. "This cave was found by chance," he explained. "I discovered it when two portals clashed in this area. The energy from the collision formed this cave, hidden away from prying eyes."

'Chance? heh it was all thanks to my starlight and starlight alone.' Kal thougth as he took a bite from the specially made chocolate cookie.

Ian's eyes sparkled with fascination. "That's incredible! And these crystals," he said, gesturing to the glowing formations around them, "do they have special properties?"

Kallous nodded, his silver eyes reflecting the gentle glow. "Yes, they do. They have healing properties and can amplify certain types of magic. It's why I brought you two here. I knew it would be the safest place to help you recover."

Ivan's admiration for Kallous grew even more. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity. In turn, Kallous simply smiled and gave them each few shares of his special cookies. 

Soon, the meal came to an end and the morning light continued to seep into the cave, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere. The gentle glow illuminated Kal's face, casting soft shadows that accentuated the intensity of his thoughts. Ivan and Ian, still basking in the warmth of their shared meal, couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Kal's demeanor.

Ian was the first to sense the change. He nudged Ivan gently, his eyes never leaving Kallous. "brother, do you feel that? Something's different about Kal."

Ivan turned his head towards Kallous, the smile fading from his lips. "Yeah, I feel it too," he replied softly. "He looks...distant."

Kallous, sensing the twins' scrutiny, turned to face them. His expression was tempered with a hint of seriousness, but there was still a softness in his eyes. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.

"There's something I need to talk to you about," Kallous began, his voice gentle yet firm. "I've been thinking about our journey and what comes next for all of us."

The twins exchanged a quick glance, their curiosity piqued. Ian, always the more vocal of the two, leaned forward eagerly. "What is it, Kal? What's on your mind?"

Kallous smiled, appreciating Ian's enthusiasm. "We've been through a lot together, and I want you to know how much you both mean to me. But I've realized that it's time for you to make a choice."

Ivan's brow furrowed in confusion. "A choice?"

Kallous eyes locked onto theirs with a mix of sadness and affection. "You can either stay with me and continue this journey, or I can take you to your family."

The twins paused, their expressions instantly hardening at the mention of family. Ivan's jaw tightened, and Ian's playful demeanor vanished, replaced by a look of quiet resolve. Their reaction was immediate and unmistakable.

"No," Ivan said firmly, his voice cold and final.

Ian hesitated, his eyes flickering with a mixture of emotions, but he nodded in agreement. "We don't have a family, Kallous. We've been on the streets for as long as we can remember, living worse than rats. If we had a family, they abandoned us a long time ago."

Kallous felt a pang of sympathy and regret. He had thought he was offering them a chance at happiness, but he hadn't understood the full extent of their past. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't know."

Despite his words, Kallous couldn't shake a nagging feeling. He knew the father of the twins. In the novel, The duke, had gone to war over the news of the twins deaths after years of searching for them. There had to be more to their story, perhaps a secret birth or kidnapping that had kept them apart. Kallous decided to investigate further, keeping his suspicions to himself for the time being.

Even though it would delay his master plan of being the ultimate slacker, the twins were worth it. He might even let them join in his obviously super important dream of doing absolutely nothing.

Kallous cleared his throat, changing the topic to something more immediate. "In light of that, there's something else we need to discuss. We'll be staying in this cave for a couple of days until the outside world calms down."

Ivan raised an eyebrow. "Why? What's happening out there?"

Kallous's expression turned serious. "The outside world is in turmoil. Other races are starting to appear on this land, and with them, changes that could be dangerous for us."

Ian's eyes widened. "Other races? Like from the story books?"

Kallous nodded. "Yes, something like that. The balance of power is shifting, and it's safer for us to wait here until things settle down a bit."

Ivan, always the cautious one, asked, "Are we in danger?"

Kallous shook his head. "Not here. This cave is hidden and protected. As long as we stay inside, we should be safe from any immediate threats."

Ian pouted slightly but nodded in understanding. "Alright, if you think it's best."

Kallous gave them a reassuring smile. "I do. We'll use this time to rest, recover, and plan our next steps. There are things we can do here to prepare ourselves for what's to come."

The twins exchanged glances, their trust in Kallous evident. Ivan spoke up, his voice determined. "Alright, we'll stay. What should we do in the meantime?"

Kallous's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. "Well, for starters, how about we explore the cave a bit more? There are hidden nooks and crannies that might hold some interesting surprises."

Ian's face lit up with excitement. "That sounds fun! Let's do it!"

Ivan smiled, his protective nature giving way to curiosity. "Lead the way, Kal."