38: Foiled


"Miss Jodie!" Chewing on her nails nervously, Ms. Van hovered around Viola's bed. "Oh, this is bad."

"Would you relax?" Viola reprimanded. "The worst is over; she looks much better."

Ms. Van looked at her disbelievingly. "She looks pale!"


Jodie stirred sluggishly. Her head felt heavy; her body was aching. The aftereffects of Viola's numerous portions had left her feeling so foggy, she wondered how long she had been asleep.

"What time is it?" Her voice was a hoarse croak. She started to try and sit up after several horrendous hours of restless bone cracking, snarling, and mind-blowing pain. Her fever worsened during the ordeal; delirium had set in, and she threw up twice.

Viola rushed to help prop her against the pillows, easing her skillfully back. She glanced at a wall clock before replying, "It's almost 7 pm. How do you feel?"