Part 1

"Sir! Sir!"

A voice boomed, jolted me from my slumber, and my senses slowly started to come back. The radiant scene unfolding beyond the car window, the city shimmered under the cloak of night; its myriad lights akin to distant stars in a celestial tapestry. Amidst the urban symphony, a chorus of diverse souls traversed the streets, each a silent protagonist in their stories of city life.

I blinked away the remnants of sleep, my gaze settled to my right, and I found a 27-year-old man, who manned the driving seat with practical ease. His eyes reflected concern as he inquired about my weariness

"Sir, are you tired?" he asked

Suddenly it dawned on me that he was my subordinate, Abhi. I nodded, a faint smile tugging at my lips.


"Yeah, I am feeling a little tired," I admitted, grateful for his understanding.


"Sir, your phone was ringing, that's why I called you," he explained. Guilt gnawed at me, and so, I apologized for my unintended slumber.


"I am sorry, I shouldn't have fallen into sleep, while you're driving," I said.


"It's okay, sir," Abhi said fleshing a reassuring smile, casually dismissing my concern.


I retrieved my phone from my pocket and discovered some missed calls from my wife.


"It's my wife," I said.


"Sir, I think you're so lucky," Abhi remarked, his eyes reflecting a hint of wistfulness. "Your wife loves you a lot."


I chuckled softly, offering a playful nudge.


"I think, you should get married too," I teased. A self-deprecating smile graced Abhi's lips.


"Who would marry me? I am not even handsome," he quipped, his tone laced with humor.


I tried to counter with a genuine compliment.


"I think you're handsome," I said, gazing down at my phone.


I raised my head toward him before Abhi could even respond, the tranquility of our exchange shattered in an instant. My gaze snapped towards the impending danger, from the side a colossal truck barreled towards us with terrifying speed.


"Abhi!" I cried out, panicking I reached out my hand instinctively. I closed my eyes when the fear of impending doom gripped me. Darkness enveloped my senses, and I braced myself for the inevitable. At that moment, thoughts of my wife flooded my mind, and regretting not calling her back for the last time.


As time passes, the darkness persists, and I find myself gripped by fear at the thought of opening my eyes. Yet, mustering every ounce of courage within me, I force my eyelids to part, bracing myself for whatever awaits.


"Why the fan is spinning so slow," I said, the room greed me, the ceiling fan lazily turning above. I realized I was lying on my bed, a relief flooded me. It all had been a nightmare.


Turning to my right, I beheld the peaceful sigh of a beautiful woman, my sleeping wife. A gentle smile played on my lips as I absorbed the features.


"You're so beautiful when you're sleeping," I whispered, careful not to disturb her.


I turned to my bedside table and reached for my phone. Its luminous display reviled the morning hour, prompting a realization, as I decided for a predawn walk, I thought it might clear my mind.


Attempting to rise from the bed, I found myself standing on the side. A gentle, half-awake voice, belonging to my wife, reached my ears, inquiring about my destination.


"Where are you going?" she murmured, her voice a delicate whisper in the quiet room. Gazing at her, I reassured her with a tender smile.


"Maya, you don't have to wake up. I am just going for a walk and I'll look the door behind me," I replied.


"Okay," she responded in a soft, half-awake tone, her acquiescence accompanied by a content sigh. Leaning down, I pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead before slipping into a comfortable T-shirt, and track pants, and lacing up my shoes.


Exiting the apartment, I ensured the door shut and locked behind me, sealing the tranquil haven. However, a subtle disturbance caught my attention. The left shoe's lace tangled untied. Pausing in front of the stairs, I bend down to remedy the oversight.


As I straightened after tying my shoelaces, the familiar surroundings of my apartment corridor morphed into a disorienting nightmare. The scene before me defied belief, the cacophony of gunfire and explosions echoed, bullets whizzing through the air, creating a surreal warzone.


Confused and dumbfounded, I look down at my hand, only to find a rifle clutched tightly within my grip. The dissonance between the tranquil moments before and the chaos left me paralyzed with disbelief. How had I gone from tying my shoelaces to standing amidst a battlefield?


Suddenly, a force pulled me back, yanking me into cover of a wall. A stern voice addressed me as "Captain," a title that felt out of place. Confusion etched across my face, I turned to the person who had forcefully pulled me away. Upon seeing his face, I was in complete disbelief. The man who had pulled me was Abhi, my subordinate.


It was an abandoned town, that seemed to be almost destroyed in war, how did I end up here. Why was Abhi here? And my clothes changed, I was wearing, a battle dress, a helmet, a tactical vest, boots. How could suddenly I have a rifle in my hand?


"Captain, why did you stand up in the middle, exposing yourself?" Abhi's voice barked at me angrily. "Have you gone mad, Sir" his urgency and the chaotic surroundings made me crazy? I am completely bewildered; it's making me crazy. What just had happened to me.


"Where am I?" I barked looking at Abhi.


"What's wrong with you, are making a joke?" Abhi replied, his voice was loud. I can hear his words even though the sound of bullets firing was echoed everywhere.


"The enemies are getting close we need to retreat back. Captain, give us your order."


"Why are you addressing me as Captain? I was at home how did I end up here?" my tone was filled with anger, and looking at his eyes I grabbed his collar. However, the look on his face was disgusted, is it towards me. He looked at me as if I was a worse person.


Abhi put one arm on my neck, and forcefully slammed me to the wall, his other hand was tightly holding his rifle. His tone was filled with anger.


"What on earth is wrong with you? Do you forget what just happened? We came to scout the abandoned town for survivors, but it was a trap. Expect four of us all of all are killed."


Hearing his words, I became more scared of my surroundings. What going on? I was completely confused, I am not a soldier, I am just an office worker. But suddenly what happened, shocked me to death.


"Sir we need…" Abhi didn't get to complete his words, a bullet ran through his head, dropping him to the ground. In an instant he lost his soul, in front of my eyes, the scene terrified me.


I didn't know what I should do, looking to the side I saw three men coming towards to, there are wearing some casual attire, with tactical vests, covering their half-faces hiding their identities. There were two cut heads in their hands. One man was pointing his rifle at me, and out of fear, I raised the rifle towards him trying to shoot at them.


As I raised the rifle, the men became alarmed. I shot but not one of the bullets hit them, the recoil of the rifle, I couldn't control it. The rifle bounced off my hand. I don't know how to fire a rifle. I had never seen one so close.


My throat became dry, I was so terrified, that they might kill me. I put my hand up.


"Please don't kill me. I am not a soldier, I don't know how I ended up here, I was just at my home, I just got out for a stroll" My tone was impatient and scared, as they looking at my face, felt a sinister feeling came from those men.


The man pointing the rifle at me came behind me and pocked his rifle at my back. I thought he wanted me to move, so I did. They threw the heads they had in their hand to the lifeless Abhi's body. They took me to a room, put me on my knees, and placed a camera in front of me. One man was just standing beside me, took out his gun, and placed it against my head. The other two were just standing behind the camera. No, were they going to execute me? But why? I told them I was not a soldier. I was so terrified, why was that happening to me.


"Sir! Sir! Please hear me out. I am not a soldier, please sir don't kill me. Just let me go, I won't say a word to anyone. Please, sir, let me go," I pleaded for mercy, not so soldier-like, right? I bagged reaching out to his leg.


The man just kicked at my face, making me fall on my back. He stomped at my stomach as hard he could, and then kicked my face again. My nose broke, bleeding. Then the man gripped my hair, raised me, and forced me back on my knees. But this time get behind me, took out his knife, and put it against my neck. He might be going to cut my head too. This is my punishment, so what if I am not a soldier, I disrespect this uniform, and I let my team die. Abhi died in front of me, and I couldn't even do anything. What! Why was I thinking like that? Like a soldier.


As they turned the camera on, he was going to kill me. But something happened, or maybe I did something unexpected. In an instant, it was as if my body started to move on its own, with my left hand I grabbed his hand, and with my other hand, I gripped his vest. As I stood up, with a surge of strength I positioned him in front of me. As he was still holding his knife, with his hand, I forced his knife into his neck.


As the other two encountered that, they were shocked and attempted to point their rifle towards me, my body acted on its own once again. Using the man as cover I pushed towards them, I pressed both of them against the wall. Clutching the knife in my hand, I forcefully thrust it through one's eyes incapacitating him.


I retrieved a gun from the man's body. I tossed the body I used as a shield; I aimed and shot the other beneath his head.


In an instant, I killed three people. The sight of their lifeless body made my stomach churn, making me vomit. As I looked at my hand with blood, gripping a gun tightly. What was happening to me? How did I lose control over my body?


Suddenly a sound came, from outside, like someone was observing me. I pointed the gun in that direction on my own. I was slowly stepping forward in that direction.


"Hey, whoever you are come out," my voice was loud.


A little girl came out, her clothes torn, her full body and soiled skin. Her hair was a tangled mess. I lowered my gun; I couldn't point a gun at a little girl. She was clutching a small bag tightly to her chest. What was she doing in a place like that?


I didn't understand why, but a wave of guilt washed over me, there was a regraded in me, a thought that I was unable to protect her as I had abandoned her. But didn't I just see her the first time, why was I feeling like that?


Suddenly I heard a sound, like cars approaching. Were more enemies in their way? Panic surged within me, I should hide, but where could I go?


Then the little girl, suddenly approached me, without saying a word grabbed my hand, and pulled me. Perhaps she wanted me to follow her.


As she led me, we reached a shop nearby. Rather than entering the shop, she took me to the back of the shop. There was a seemly large cart, she released my hand and attempted to push the cart, struggling against its weight. I stepped forward and pushed the cart for her, I wondered why didn't she ask for my help?


As I moved the cart, she cleared away some dirt on the ground, I saw a handle, was there a trap door? To my surprise, there was indeed a concealed trap door, buried beneath the soil.


She desperately tried to open the door but her effort was in vain. Eighter she was too weak or maybe the door was too heavy. Panic flicked across her face; her hands were trembling.


"Hey, hey, calm down. I'll open the door, okay," I reassured her, as I held trembling hands, I noted some cut marks on her frail and dirty hand. I just became worried, being in this place, what horrific even she had to witness.


As I forced the door open, she entered first, then I followed her. I closed the door behind us, leaving us in darkness. I put my hand on my tactical vest, there was no magazine, but my hand brushed against something, a small touch. As I clicked it on, a bright beam illuminated our surroundings. I noticed the girl finding something in his bag, perhaps finding her touch too. But she found nothing, she was still a little panicky.


"Take it," with a gentle smile, I hand over my touch to her, she needs the touch more than I do. She hesitated at first, perhaps she was unsure of my intentions. However, I must say, she was a kind girl, and even though she didn't trust me completely she saved me.


Eventually, she accepted the touch from me.


"Thank you," she murmured quietly as if she didn't want me to hear her.


With the touch, she searched the surroundings and found a lever on the wall. The lever was placed lower, likely that she could also use it. As she flipped the lever, a light came to life. I noted there were some car batteries wired together, powering the light.


There were two beds adorned with some old rags, likely serving as makeshift bedding. Opened empty food cans lay scattered around, suggesting that the place had been used as a hideout.


Without any words the girl went to a bed and lay down, turning to the other side.


"Hey, are you living alone here?" I inquired.


"Yes," she replied.


"What's your name?"




"Where are your parents?" I asked again.


She didn't respond. I realized my mistake; something terrible must have happened. How could I be so thoughtless? Guilt washed over me as I sat on the other bed. She was still facing away from me, lost in her thoughts


Feeling the weight of my mistake, I also lay down and closed my eyes. I was hoping that, as I opened my eyes next time, I would wake up from that nightmare. perhaps that was just a bad dream, or so I wished.


In that darkness, a voice reached my ears, a little girl, calling me.


"Baba… Baba… say something," as I opened my eyes, I saw Radha holding my hand tightly. Her clothes changed, but how and why was she calling me 'Baba', kids used to call me father by that.


She was wearing something like an old kameez (tunic-style top) and a salwar (loose-fitting pants). What happened? As I looked at her, I noted something more unusual, my clothes changed to I was wearing an old white dhoti, raping a black cloth around my upper body, bear feet, griping Radha's hand on my hand. I was stunned, but there was something else that left me utterly bewildered.


Abhi was also there beside me, wearing an old white dhoti like me. but how was that possible? I saw him lifeless in front of me, but now just standing there, but how? I could see some concern on his face. As I was observing his worried face, the thought of the moment when he got shot in front of me came to my mind. I was so weak and couldn't protect him at that time.


Along with us, there were many people, wearing old dhotis there were little kids to like Radha, some older, some younger. It was like a small village, many huts were there, the walls of the huts were made of some kind of a mixture of mud, and the roofs were thatched with rice straw. But among us there were some white men, wearing a khaki uniform, a pith helmet, and leather boots, there was a rifle in his hand, and rank insignias on their uniforms. They were pointing their rifles at the people wearing dhotis.


Among those white men, a wearing a redcoat, golden button on the coat, a white cross belt over the redcoat, a holster on the belt with a revolver in it. The man was on a horse, gazing at us. He called one of his soldiers and told something to him. Most likely he was their superior, An officer.


"Why are they here?" Abhi asked me quietly, making sure no one could hear us.


He was so worried about something but about what? What is happening there? How did I end up here?


I was so confused; that I didn't respond to Abhi. I didn't know what should I do. The events unfolding around me left me paralyzed, not knowing how to act.


Suddenly some soldiers in khaki uniforms approached the villagers, as some soldiers were pointing their rifles at us, casting a shadow of fear over the villagers. As the tension thickened the air, one soldier forcefully tried to separate one child from his father's grasp. The man desperately attempted to stop.


"Sir, sir, please don't do this… she is just a child," the man pleaded desperately. However, his words fell on deaf ears as another soldier brutally struck the man's head with the butt of his rifle, causing the child to slip out of his hand.


As the scene unfolded more children descended upon the villagers, to forcefully separate children from their fathers. Any resistance was met with violence.


A soldier also approached me, his gaze cold and unyielding. Radha clung to my hand tightly, her fear palpable. With a swift motion, the soldier attempted to wrench Radha from me.


Define by an instinct I couldn't comprehend; my body reacted on its own accord. I seized the soldier's hand, which was holding Radha's hand with a fierce grip, determined to protect her at any cost. Another soldier came close and started to hit me with the butt of his rifle. Each blow with his rifle fueled my resolve, my grip unyielding despite the pain.


The other soldier was relentless. He seized my hair and forced me to the ground.


As Abhi attempted to aid me, he grappled the soldier's rifle, attempting to snitch the rifle from his grasp. In that commotion another soldier quickly intervened, his rifle pointing at Abhi. A forceful kick sent Abhi crashing to the ground where he was quickly subdued and pinned down.


Despite our combined effort, Abhi and I struggled in vain, I felt my grip slipping, and in that moment a weakness a soldier succeeded in tearing Radha from my grasp, wrenching her away from me.


Pinned to the ground, I could do nothing but watch helplessly as the soldier griped tightly on my hair, and forced me to meet Radha's gaze. Her eyes, filled with fear and desperation, pleaded for me amidst her own struggles.


"Baba, please don't hurt him, please, Baba" she pleaded, her voice echoing with echoing as she was dragged away by that soldier.


As I and Abhi was pinned down by two soldiers, others approached the remaining villager, their refiles menacingly pointed. With a cruel command, they forced the villagers to their knees.


"On your knees, now," one soldier barked, compelling the villagers to comply.


The officer, who was observing all this, dismounted from his horse, he approached the frightened children, his gaze sweeping over the subdued villagers.


"If you people wish to save these children, surrender your own," the officer declared, a sinister smile played on his lips.


At his word, the remaining villagers bowed their heads in resignation.


Despite our struggles, Abhi and I remained trapped. Our efforts were futile against the soldiers' overpowering force. I watched hopelessly as the officer turned his attention to the children. His grin sent shivers through my spine.


"Hey… don't worry we are just going to play a game… you'll just have to run as fast as you can," the officer said to the frightened children, his words failing to mask the terror in their eyes. As one soldier lined them up, seven children in total, corresponding soldiers positioned themselves behind each child, refiling at the ready.


Witnessing the menacing display, the children's father recoiled in fear, their pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. Abhi, too, joined in the desperate plea, attempting to intervene despite being pushed down by a soldier.


"Sir, please spare them, they are just children," Abhi implored, his voice drowned out by the chaos around him.


The children, eyes wide with fear, looked towards their fathers, scared, calling out to them in desperation. Radha's frightened gaze met mine, her tear-steaked face pleading for help. Feeling helpless in the face of her fear, I struggled to find a course of action.


"Baba…," with a trembling voice she called out to me, tears streaming down her cheek.


"Sir, please, punish me, but please, let the children go, please sir, please" I implored, my voice shaking with fear and urgency. Abhi and the other children's fathers joined in the desperate pleas., their voices echoing mine, yet the officer remained unmoved, and ignored all of our pleas.


"Now, as I say 'run', you will have to run as fast as you can, okay?" the officer instructed the children, and raised his right hand.


"Sir, sir please, don't do this, please," I again called out once more, desperation in my voice, as the soldiers aimed their rifles at the terrified children.


"Run…," the officer commanded, lowering his hand. In that chilling moment, the soldiers, their rifles aimed at the children, pulled the triggers, as the sound of the rifles' bullets leaving the barrel echoed through the air, the bodies of the children crashed to the ground lifelessly. The fathers' cries of anguish filled the air, their desperate attempts to save their children futile.


As I witnessed Radha's lifeless form crumpled on the ground, my mind was consumed by anger and grief. I struggled to rise as hard as I could. The soldier pinning me down attempted to restrain me, but fueled by rage I summoned all my strength and surged upwards. With a forceful motion, I overpowered the soldier, crashing him to the ground, and snatching his rifle from his grasp. Pointing the rifle at him, I pulled the trigger without a second of hesitation.


Consumed by anger, I lost all control over myself. Swinging the rifle, I struck the other soldier who had pinned Abhi down, sending him crashing to the ground. Dropping the rifle I had in my hand, I swiftly sized another from the fallen soldier.


As I turned to the officer, intent on seeking vengeance, however, I was suddenly jolted by a sharp pain in my left shoulder, I had been shot. My grip faltered, and the rifle slipped from my grasp as I crumpled to the ground.


Amidst the chaos, another gunshot echoed, and I turned to see Abhi crashing to the ground, lifeless. He was shot by a soldier. Soldier's rifles now pointed at me as I lay bleeding on the ground. A wave of despair washed over me, though my anger still raged within.


The officer approached me, gazing coldly, as he pointed his revolver at me. I knew what was about to happen, he was going to shoot me. Initially, anger coursed through me, but soon I realized I was defeated. With a heavy heart, I closed my eyes, unwilling to grant him the satisfaction of witnessing fear in my eyes. In that darkness, the weight of despair was pressing me down, but I resigned myself to my fate, I acknowledged my failure to protect them.


As I braced myself for the inevitable, anticipating the bullet impact, a familiar voice pierced through the silence, I opened my eyes to behold my wife, Maya, standing before me. The scene shifted and I found myself in a kitchen, with Maya rummaging through the refrigerator.


"What do you want to eat today?" Maya's voice broke through the haze of my thoughts, bringing an end to the nightmare. In her presence, the despair and anger that had gripped me moments ago dissipated, replaced by a profound sense of relief.


A wave of longing surged within me, and I yearned to embrace her. I was sitting, as attempted to rise from my seat, however, I found myself unable to move. Instead, I collapsed to the ground, my body betrayed me in its weakness.


"Why did you do that?" Maya asked a concern on her face. She rushed to my side, helping me back into the chair. It was then that I realized the chair I had been sitting in was a wheelchair.


"You know you can get hurt," her voice held a hint of frustration.


"I am sorry," I murmured.


"What actually happened to me?" I asked, confusion lacing my words.


"What do you mean what happened to you?" Maya's concern deepened as she inspected my face for any sign of injury. I tried to reach for my hand, but I realized with a sinking feeling that I couldn't move on my own. Panic began to rise within me, what had happened to my body.


"Hey, why can't I move my body? I tried to stand up and raise my hand, but I couldn't do it," I asked her, a ting of fear creeping into my voice.


"Why are you saying this? If I did something wrong, I am sorry, I'll never do that again, but don't say it like that," she replied, dropping to her knees and clutching my hand, her worry and concern palpable.


My thoughts clouded my confusion, but seeing the worry etched on her face. I decided not to ask her anything. I realized that my body was paralyzed.


"No, I didn't mean like that, I am sorry," I apologized, my tone tinged with regret.


"I just wanted to hug you, and I fell," I explained with a smile, upon hearing my words, she enveloped me in a comforting embrace, pressing a gentle kiss to my cheeks.


"No matter what I will always be with you," she reassured me, a gentle concerning smile was in her face.


She went back to do her work, while I remained lost in confusion about my situation. How did I end up paralyzed? Struggling to recall any relevant memories I found myself in a loss trying to remember but I couldn't remember anything like that.


As evening descended on us, throughout all this time, Maya assisted me with every aspect of daily life, eating, dressing, and more. Unable to perform even basic tasks on my own, I couldn't shake the feeling of burdening her, my depended on weighting heavily on her shoulders.


Lost in my thoughts and despair, I was snapped back to reality by Maya's voice.


"Let's go shopping today… I will call Abhi he will come and pick us up," she suggested.


I nodded, managing a smile, "Okay," I replied.


Together, Maya and I made our way downstair from our apartment building. Maya guided my wheelchair, her supportive presence a comfort admitted my uncertainties.


Dressed in jeans, a pair of shoes, and a stylish T-shirt that Maya had chosen for me. I felt a pang of gratitude for her care. Meanwhile, she looked stunning in a red saree, with a purse hanging over her shoulder. Her beauty never failed to take my breath away.


As a car approached, the window of the car rolled down, and I noticed Abhi behind the wheel, dressed in office attire.


"Am I late?" he asked, with a smile on his face.


"No, you're just in time" I replied. After all I had been through, witnessing him dead twice, seeing him alive brought me immense relief seeing him.


Abhi got out of the car and approached me, I knew that was the moment to ask him about what had happened to me. However, I couldn't ask in front of Maya.


"Maya, did you bring your phone?" I asked her, I already knew she had forgotten her phone. She checked her purse, but it wasn't there.


"Sorry, I forgot my phone. Wait I'll go and get it," she said, rushing back to the building to retrieve her phone.


As I was alone with him, I decided to ask him about my condition.


"Abhi, what actually happened to me?" I asked directly. Abhi looked confused by my question.


"What do you mean by that?" he replied, clearly bewildered.


"How did I end up paralyzed?"


"Why are you asking that? Are you okay?" Abhi's concern was evident in his voice and expression.


"Abhi, please just tell me what happened to me?"


"Okay fine, one year ago you got into an accident, you're alive but the injuries are bad, resulting in you being paralysed from your neck."


"Do you know how I ended up in the accident?"


"I remember you went to a business deal, and when you were returning you got hit by a truck" Abhi was confused, he was concerned about me, and I could see his face.


"Thank you, Abhi" I replied, being grateful.


"Why did you just ask all this?" he inquired.


"Nah, it's nothing" I replied dismissively.


"Ok, we are good to go now" Maya announced, returning with her phone. She and Abhi helped me into the car, stowing the wheelchair in the back. Maya sat beside me holding my hand. While Abhi took the driver's seat and started the car.


Once we reached the shopping mall, Abhi took out my wheelchair. Both Abhi and Maya helped me with it. As sat in the wheelchair, confusion gnawed at me. I couldn't understand why I had no recollection of the accident. I felt like a burden, knowing that Maya had to endure so much because of my mistake. Yet, I also knew that if she had left me, I might not have been able to cope on my own.


After dropping us off in front of the shopping mall, Abhi left. Maya began to push the wheelchair guiding me through the bustling mall. Inside, I observed many people browsing through the shops, each shop displaying their finest goods and products. The lively chatter and laughter of the shoppers and shopkeepers filled the air, creating an atmosphere of bustling activity.


"We need to go to the third floor, let's use the elevator," Maya suggested, steering me towards the lift.


As the lift doors slid open, we stepped inside. We were the only ones in the lift at that moment. Maya pressed a button, and the door closed. Words escaped my lips, feeling strangely foreign.


"I ruined your life, right?" I asked, my words filled with a little sorrow. "I've just become a burden to you. I'm sorry, but I really don't want you to leave me."


Hearing my words, Maya remained silent. She gently bowed her head and reached out to touch my cheek, locking her gaze with mine, a gentle smile gracing her lips.


"No matter what happened, I will always love you," she reassured me, closing her eyes, and leaning in, our lips met briefly. I was overwhelmed. Though I wanted to smile with joy, felt a tingle of embarrassment.


As the lift door opened, Maya quickly straightened up and turned away. Her cheeks flustered with embarrassment. Everything at that moment felt like a dream. With the doors open, she moved behind me and began pushing the wheelchair again.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, a searing pain tore through my head. It felt like my skull was being mercilessly crushed. As I couldn't bear the agony, with a groan, I squeezed my eyes shut.