Something to look forward to

 Chisuke stared down at Sumire, her spirit had been completed broken after watching him grow back his fingers. What's more, she was scared. She had jumped at every chance she got to kill the swordsman without considering the fact that he might as well.

 Sumire threw her gaze on the floor, she was consumed by the pressure coming off him as he grabbed the hilt of his katana, her legs lost their strength. 

"It's time I put an end to this farce."

 Sumire trembled as she awaited death, not because she wanted to, but because of a primal instinct. 

 Humans struggled to make a clear distinction between themselves and lesser lifeforms, but at the end of the day they were still animals themselves.

 When faced with a threat to their lives they had an automatic response built into their brains. There were two options, either fight or flight. Only a few turned to a third option when faced with an overwhelming danger. 

 Sumire froze. It wasn't the result of conscious decision making, but by instinct. Even then, she felt it in her bones, Chisuke was dangerous.

 She had no hope of beating him in a fight and her chances of outrunning him were non-existent. Stronger, faster, smarter, Chisuke was more than those. He was better, he was a superior lifeform. He held the advantage over her in every way so all she could do was freeze. Sumire froze in hopes that the storm in human form would pass away, and it did.

"Just kidding."

 The swordsman removed his grip from his katana and walked around Sumire. Killing a human was bad enough, but a kid? Society wouldn't even allow him the pleasure of beating her up, not even after Chisuke had lost a few fingers to her, granted they did heal in no time.

 The whole thing seemed like one big mess. He turned his back on Sumire and resumed his steps. The defeated girl rose back on her feet, her footsteps followed behind Chisuke causing him to turn back.

"Do you have a death wish or something?"

 Sumire begged to differ, the only death she wanted was that of Chisuke.

"You killed my sister."

"I killed a demon."

Chisuke protested. It seemed the reaper did remember. He had only chosen to provoke the girl's wrath to stave off his boredom, and now even that was becoming a bother.

"I don't care!"

 Sumire really didn't care. Deep down she knew what Chisuke did was for the best, she knew that, but she couldn't bring accept it. 

"So what are you going to do?"

 The unruly girl glared daggers at Chisuke. It was like she was trying to burn a hole through him. The atmosphere was tense. It felt as though a fight was unavoidable, but Sumire resisted the urge to attack. She had to consider the situation carefully.

"I'll kill you."

Chisuke chuckled. He was barely holding himself from bursting into a fit if laughter.

"What are you, twelve? Well, then again, I guess you certainly look it."

 Chisuke briefly took in the view of Sumire's petite frame. She was small, but could hardly be called immature. Her chest was modest, but it did have a slight curve to it.

"Shut up!"

 Sumire screamed, apparently the question of her size more than annoyed her.

"You're strong, and your body heals when cut. It might not be today, or tomorrow, but I swear it. No matter how long it takes, I'll make sure I kill you"

 Chisuke was absolutely stunned. He gazed at Sumire's eyes which gazed past his mask at his. Both gazed held something synonymous. Their eyes held both sorrow and hatred.

 "You're smart. I don't dislike smart women."

Chisuke went to Sumire with his hand raised to pet the girl's head only to have it slashed at the wrist. The cut was terrifyingly deep running halfway through it.

 Chisuke remained calm. He bled, but his hand was already putting itself back together, the steam coming off the wound confirmed that.

"I swear I'll fucking kill you."

"Is that so."

 He could tell, Sumire was serious. The look in her eyes spoke not of a raging inferno of bloodlust, but instead a cold and calculating will.

 Chisuke lifted his hand. His wrist had already healed allowing him to take off his mask. Sumire struggled to stand as Chisuke met her gaze with his own. His eyes terrified her, and then he grinned. 

 A childish grin that betrayed his demeanor. In that moment, that was the look plastered on Chisuke's face.

"Well then, I look forward to it."

 Chisuke felt a sense of kinship from Sumire that allowed him to place his faith in her. He wouldn't mind dying by her hand, if anything he looked forward to it. It was something he had craved, the release of death.

Chisuke marched on with Sumire behind him. He pondered over his meeting with the unruly girl, perhaps it was fate. He wondered what the future held in store for him, maybe Sumire would kill him, maybe she wouldn't. Either way it didn't matter, if anything it gave him something to look forward to.

 For the first time in a long while, Chisuke felt his heart race. He was excited. 

This is going to be interesting.