Cam site

Damn" I instantly stared to walk over toward my car while cursing the weather.

I started the car and started to drive toward bold Haven, On foot it was only a ten minute walk but in car it was just right around the corner. This time on the other hand I was driving very carefully because it started to pour rain, With the strong winds it thought I was going to be late as I finally came to the large and luxurious campus that I had grown used to seeing.

'Well I needed a wash anyway' I sighed and parked the car while getting myself ready to be soaked but before I could get out my phone beeped.

'What?' I pulled my phone out and the first thing I saw was a message from a group chat with a unread message.

[Class is canceled for the day]

'Damn it!' I couldn't help but feel annoyed that the class hadn't been canceled before when I was laying in bed with Maya.

'Can't that old man tell us earlier' I cursed and looked out my windows and frowned as I saw the wind picking up even more.

'I should wait a bit' although the drive was short I wasn't one who liked driving in bad weather so I decided to sit for a second.

It wasn't like I was going to stay for long but just until the rain let up a bit, I sighed once more and leaned back in the seat starting to feel happy that I didn't have to attend that old man's boring class. The sound of rain hitting the metal is the car sounded out while I grabbed my phone once more and unlocked it.

"I'm already bored" I mumbled to my self and started to scroll through social media with a bored face.

I wasn't someone who liked social media a lot so this was a rare occasion for me, Of course I wasn't really interested as I saw some funny videos and some sport related posts. I scrolled for a couple of minutes before I was about to watch a tv show or something but my finger stopped as I was about to push the home button.

"What's this?" I saw a ad pop up in my my feed that left me very confused mostly because I didn't understand what it was for.

'Secret indulgences?' The name was weird but the picture was literally of nothing but a white rose laying on a beach.

"What a shitty ad" I mean why would anyone any to click on it when they didn't even now what it was for.

"Well actually.." I couldn't help but start to think of the person who made the ad was a genius because I started to feel the urge to push it.

"Let's see" I decided to cure my curiosity as I pushed down on the add and the app instantly took me to the internet.

"W~what!" My screen loaded and I was instantly met with a page that I could have never imagined.

"Is this a cam site?" I could see many boxes to push and different women on them most of them not wearing any clothing.

'Secret indulgences' I instantly felt like a idiot for not realizing that the website was something on the more private side as I felt my face heat up.

'Why do people even use these websites' I frowned while shaking my head not even looking at the nude women for a second.

I had never even been on such a website before unless i was forced to open one due to a pop up ad, I mean I never had reason in the first place. I had a gorgeous girlfriend who none of these women could even compare to so why would I spend time looking at other women.

'What a weird ad' I shook my head and was about to close the site but I halted as I saw something from the side of my eye.

I didn't want to look out of respect for my beloved girlfriend and yet I couldn't shake off a sense of Recognition, After a couple of seconds I decided to once again cure my curiosity as I looked down. The first thing that I saw was the username and the amount of people who were watching, The number of viewers was almost at ten thousand leaving me shocked that so many people were watching.

'Don't they have better things to do?' I thought shaking my head.

Afterwards my gaze soon fell on the cam girls username which was Milky-Maya, The name didn't jolt anything in my head before I looked down at the small box and as my vision focused I felt my entire body freeze. The sound of my breathing -and the rain was the only thing I could hear as I saw a easily recognizable figure.

"M~maya?" I was to shocked to even speak loud as I saw a gorgeous young women with Lily black pigtails.

'A~am I seeing things' I looked away and looked back only to still see my girlfriend making my heart drop in my chest.


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