Better Things To Do


He could always go on a manhunt for the escapee, but that would take a while. Maybe he should just ask for a favor from Aaron. But… the gangster was in a place Mark didn't plan on going to.

If the city were to be mapped, the territory of the Spheks is just below the central district, then further down would be a sort of territorial barrier which was made up of multiple smaller gangs. Then even more south would be Mark's house- inside the territory of the Hounds.

It was a shame the Spheks were so close to the central district. They had the most influence in it. The two places where Mark was truly safe would be far south with the Hounds, or up north with the brunette.

"Here you go."

A glass of some steaming drink was on a plate, placed right next to Mark by the woman in question.

He looked up at the smiling face, then looked at the steaming beverage. A strangely floral scent wafted through the air.

"What is this?"

She tilted her head.

"It's tea. Haven't you drank it before?"

His eye twitched. Whatever extravagant thing she had just given him, of course he wouldn't have had it before. Up until recently, he was broke from paying bills and buying common food!

Thinking about that, he still had many responsibilities at home which were probably need to be taken care of…

'Oh shoot, I forgot to buy food for mom- actually never mind.'

It was the start of the week, that person should have came by yesterday. The problems will simply take care of themselves.

He picked up the steaming glass and tentatively took a sip, wary of the emanating heat.

A floral flavor caressed his tongue and spread through his mouth, the warmth of the delicacy washed down his throat in a soothing sensation.

Mark flashed a smile at the brunette standing next to him. Whatever he had just drank, it was truly a fine luxury to have in such an exquisite morning.

Looking through the window, he watched the sun rise over the distant mountain peaks while continuing to enjoy his alluring drink.

'Right, where was I again? Three people, two killed, both hidden… oh, the one who survived.'

He will simply have to walk around the central district and look for the survivor. The three seemed to come from around that area, so it should be relatively simple to find him. Though, the central area does take around two days to fully cover.

Seems like the next few days will include a lot of walking around.

His gaze became focused.

In front of him, two peach eyes were looking at his face with amusement.

"What is it?"

The brunette stood up. Mark was a bit relieved as she was a bit closer than he thought. Barely any space was between them.

She let out a light chuckle.

"Your face- it's comically serious. Kind of like those guys from the recruitment propaganda posters."

Mark rolled his eyes. After finishing his drink, he stood up and patted the brunette on the shoulder.

"Thanks for taking care of me. I'll be walking around the city for the next few days."

He placed his empty glass back on the plate and walked to the door.

Putting on his windbreaker, he groped through its pockets and was relieved to feel the metallic touch of his gun.

With that, he opened the door and was greeted by the morning sun.

The light brought an indescribable invigoration, filling him with energy as he closed the door and began to walk.

But right after, the door opened once more, followed by the flash of a figure hastily heading outside.

Before he knew it, the brunette was right by his side, catching Mark by the arm before another step could be taken.

"You'll be calling me Cielo today~"

She seemed equally lively while looking at the rising star.

"You're coming too?"

Cielo simply smiled, as if the answer didn't need to be put into words. Resplendent light gave her entire being a dazzling grandeur.

"Of course I am. It's like you're about to go on some adventure- looking all smug and determined before suddenly wanting to leave. There's no way I'm missing out."

Mark nodded and then began to walk with her. He looked up at the brightening dawn.

A good morning, good food, and good company. Such things used to be so foreign to him, yet now he experienced them in all of their glory.

Shifting his sight to the side, he was met by Cielo'a radiant smile- happiness seemingly emitting from the flawless face.

Mark returned the smile with one of his own while the two walked with arms locked.

He shortly found himself standing in an exquisite building. A mass of elaborate clothes flooded him from every side.

He simply sighed.

'There goes my plans to find the damned bastard.'

It didn't take long before Cielo dragged him to the nearest store in her fit of curiosity. He began to wonder why he took the obnoxious brunette in the first place.

And now he was stuck, waiting on someone's whim. Maybe he should just leave.

Then as if on que, the perpetrator of his situation appeared before him with a new dress adorning her.

The silky blue garment seemed to compliment her brown hair, bringing forth an innocent appearance. Her flawless figure seemed to enhance the dress more than it did to her.

"Are you going to say something, or will you let your eyes do all the talking?"

Mark shook his head, leaving the trance the tantalizing woman inflicted on him.

'Who knew that clothing could be used as a weapon?'

With the social skills he picked up from his few years of bartending, Mark quickly came up with a response.

"How stunning- quite literally too! You truly do give beauty to everything you wear!"

With a smile painted across his face, he internally cheated. Mark stretched out his mind and brought forth the purest joy in the brunette.

The ability was useful after all. A smile stretched across Cielo's face as she left the room to try on some more dresses.

She continued to come out with new outfits, stunning Mark each time while he complimented her in return while giving her a dose of bliss.

The pattern repeated until she came out once more, now with a totally new approach.

A black garment had two straps going over her shoulders, the main part covering up to her chest while extremely slim shorts left the majority of her lush legs open.

Mark's right eye twitched. While it was undeniably a treat like no other, seeing the brunette like this irked him more than anything.

He simply was bothered by the idea of Cielo dressing in such a way. It went against his current impression of her as a more refined person.

Mark quickly turned around with slight repulsion.

"Get dressed in actual clothes, we're leaving."

Even though he was turned, he could visualize the image of the brunette lowering her head and leaving the room to change.

After returning, they both left the store in an awkward silence.

Seemingly not wanting to bear the indescribable pressure, Cielo broke it first.

"I'm sorry, the dress was a bit bold."

Mark feigned an incredulous expression.

"Just 'a bit'?"

He shook his head.

"Wearing that kind of stuff in public will give onlookers the wrong impression."

After all, it was what those desperate people wore. Those who really needed money, and were willing to use whatever means possible.

The brunette was not one of them, and should never become one either. She has so much more and that's the way it will remain.

Cielo looked at him with a sly smile and a retort ready.

"And why would you be so concerned?"

The sudden question made Mark's mind freeze.


He didn't know how to answer. It was something that couldn't exactly be put into words. The answer felt simple, yet it seemed so hard to fully express it.

In the end, Mark opted for silence and continued to walk.


At this point, they were nearing the eastern portion of the central district. There were strongmen going to the docks in a search for labor.

But they weren't nearly as important as the men from the army who at times were spotted in this area.

For this instance, the soldier in question was quite familiar to Mark.

A rigid looking man wore a coat that barely covered the national colors under them.

Anton currently had his arm around someone else. They both walked by Mark, unaware that he was watching.

The sight was truly amusing. What better than to have problems take care of themselves.

He almost felt like saluting while he watched the two make their way to the port.

Looks like Mark won't have to go and kill the remaining survivor of the three. The war will simply do the job for him.