Chapter 8 Helped


"So, what happened, girl?" Mathew asked as soon as we arrived in his room. As I was unpacking my things, I couldn't help but feel ashamed to tell him.

"Hello? Girl, can you hear me?" He waved his hand in front of my face.

I pressed my lips together and started sobbing. Just thinking about what happened made me want to lose it.

"Girl… w-what…" I couldn't finish my sentence because of my hiccups.

"Ahhh, just let it all out, girl. What did your mom do this time? Besides neglecting you for so many years, this is the first time I've seen you run away from home, which makes me question what she did that made you cry like this." He came closer and gently patted my back.

I let out all my tears before I could speak. "The money for my education… it's gone… all of it," I explained.

"Wait, what??!!! What happened?" he asked.

"My mom spent it all on my sister's birthday. It was supposed to be mine… but now it's gone, like it vanished into thin air. I want to be mad at them, girl, and tell them all my grievances… am I selfish?" I asked him.

"What? Selfish? In what way are you selfish? After all those years she neglected you? Of course, you have the right to be selfish, especially about the money your dad set aside for you," he said.

I laughed bitterly. "Really? Of course, I have the right to be selfish, but it hurts a lot when those harsh words come from your family. Being called selfish, when in fact she went into my room, took my bank card, and withdrew the money without asking me? After ignoring my existence for so long, she calls me selfish?"

I felt like losing control, wanting to lash out. I didn't know where I'd get the money for my tuition.

"Exactly! Girl, you don't need to explain yourself. That anger is understandable. What, are you supposed to be okay with them spending the money that was rightfully yours? You know, your family really pisses me off; they're so insensitive. What, are they the only ones who should benefit from everything? Tsk." Mathew ran his hand over his shaved head.

I sighed heavily. "What am I going to do? Our exams are next week. Where will I get the money, girl?" I asked, confused.

"Just borrow from me for now. You can pay me back when you have it," he suggested.

I looked at him, shocked. "Huh? No way, you still have your mom's health expenses to think about, and now I'll add to that?" I said in disbelief.

"Girl, are you deaf? I said you can pay me back… duh," he insisted.

I pressed my lips together. "Girl, do you know of any part-time jobs I can take? I'll just become a working student. With the amount of money I lost, I don't think I can keep up with the school fees. I need to find a job as soon as possible," I said, worried.

"Perfect timing, I know of a job we can take. OMG! I'll work too; I don't want to rely on the money my aunt set aside for me. It's embarrassing," he smiled at me.

"Girl, thank you… I'll forever be in your debt," I said, grateful to Mathew.