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——•✧✦ A cut for silence III ✧✦•——

I am a bacterium, or rather, a parasite.

The first creature I named would be like an angel in front of a devil.

I infect and convert, alter and move everything at my will. Your cells, your thoughts, your very essence.

I can be positive; in fact, I am in most cases. I strengthen your immunity, aid your digestion, and sometimes, I am the unseen hero.

However, I can also destroy you from within, turning your body into my playground.

I ravage your defenses, twist your functions, and leave you to wither from the inside out. Your organs rot as I feed, your flesh blackens and festers—a living corpse serving my insatiable hunger.

I do not deserve to live like you.

I thrive in the darkness, in the spaces between life and death.

I am a silent invader, the uninvited guest that brings ruin. I dwell in the festering wounds, in the rancid blood that curdles and stinks.

My existence is a paradox, a balance between creation and destruction. I am the harbinger of both life and death, the catalyst for both healing and havoc.

I slither through your veins, a venomous serpent spreading disease and decay.

I am the maggot in your flesh, the pus in your wounds, the foul stench of death that follows you.

Do you fear me?

Perhaps you should. For I am a part of you, and yet, I am nothing like you. And hope you are nothing like me.

I wasn't talking about parasites, though.

˜"°•.   ♪   .•°"˜

Seeing this monologue that I have idealized, just as I barely stand, I can confirm with great sadness that my plan has failed miserably.

Who knows, if in the end I heard the symphony, or if I simply fell asleep and dreamed it all because of the blood lost.

Better cover the tracks with this earth and leaves, before some kid or strange couple comes here to do weird stuff.

Now that I think about it, I should also call Elijah, it should be around 2:30 PM from what it looks like outside.

But better check the phone, actually I'll call that animal directly.

"So, where have you ended up, I've been out of the shower for 30 minutes now."

"I was dead, but now I'm back to life."

"Cute, I see you're lucky, but when are you coming back?"

"Eh, I'm on my way home... anyway don't go into my room."

"Don't worry, I won't go in there that easily, considering your kids."

"Ahhm, Hhaha."

"So, I'll wait for you at home, hurry up I think your parents are back, but I'm lying on the bed, a bit tired I'll greet them later."

Good, it seems he hasn't found the letter.

Then I would have hated having to run, I detest running.

After all, I have all the time in the world, plus I love observing the local wildlife.

It's one of the reasons why I love the city where I live.

Sure, I would have preferred to take a walk without having to bleed while walking, but it's still a beautiful day, completely cloudy, and dark.

🔺−−− ☁ −−−🔺

Avoiding everyone like only a master ninja would do, I managed to return home, but now I must fight a greater war.

"Alex, are you back? Did that friend of yours finally arrive?"

Good, now go straight to my room. If you keep talking to me, I'll pretend I'm wearing headphones.

"Alex, are you alive? Where are you?"

I managed to get in. Now I need to text Elaija to let him know I'm home.

"Hey, so what do we do now?"

"Did you kill yourself?"

"You're sleeping, right?"

If you're not answering my messages, I guess that's the truth.

Hmm, what can I do... Oh right, Isolde, let's see if she has...

No, not yet.

It's been 2 months since she did it..

Now I'll explain better to you guys at home.

Maybe a few hours ago, if you remember, I mentioned some certain kids, well...

These kids aren't exactly mine, I mean, not biologically.

Not that I can't have any, I have a decent reputation with the girls, okay?

Anyway, as I was saying... Oh yes, I have over 100 Tarantulas.

Of course, I also have other animals, including snakes and scorpions, but the ones I mentioned first are my favorites.

Sure, you might be asking now...

"Alex, okay, you like spiders or tarantulas, but why 100?"

Let's say I adore them, and some of them are really beautiful.

"Okay Alex, but more than 100, how do you manage them?"

Well, it's simple. In reality, they are very easy to take care of, since adult specimens eat once a month, while the young ones every 3 or 4 days.

But trust me, if I start telling you more, I might end up just boring you, at least for now.

I'll finish by saying that anyone who have tarantulas like I do must also breed BBC, also known as Big Black Cockroaches. (Better not search the abbreviation I mentioned on G-Images.)

Well, if she hasn't molted, then I'm done with them for today, since the snakes eat on Monday, and today is Sunday.

I think I'll read a book before going to sleep.

Today I'm reading "War of Happiness", a book that, well, not that I want to advertise, but it talks about war and massacres, not physical ones to be clear.

In a society that is driven only by the feeling of happiness and pleasure, people fight for their own happiness, almost taking it (not literally) from others to feel good.

Naturally, I haven't finished it yet, I'm only at the beginning, this is just what I've been able to understand.

Also, the author hasn't fully released it to the world yet; she gave me a copy because she knows I can help her.

And here comes the feeling of disgust again. I need to prepare things before going to bed; I have to work tonight.

But enough spoilers, my story will last at most another day, so I'll see you when I wake up.

🔺−−− ☁ −−−🔺

"Number F-456, you have failed your mission, and yet you are still alive. This grace will not be granted to you again!"