Chapter 3:Teasing at the World Cup


After they've arrived at the World cup, Harry was barely glancing in Cedric's direction.

Cedric took notice of this and started to feel sorry for teasing Harry so much. However cute Harry's temper was, I did not just think that-cute? Scratch that… amusing, that's the right word! Cedric thought.Llike you do not find Harry cute! Said a voice inside Cedric's mind.

No, I Haven't

-Yeah Right, so what's checking out Harry earlier all about?

It's just admiring how he'd become

-Right! So you're admiring him now eh?

Shut up!

Damn, I'm not just talking to myself, I'm battling with myself. Okay moving on… However cute-admiring!-admiring Harry's temper was, he still couldn't stand the idea that Harry thinks he's a big jerk.

-and why care so much? Said the little voice inside Cedric's mind.

It's my Hufflepuff nature, that's why! 

In fact that was true, being a Hufflepuff, Cedric always stands for loyalty and Honor, so that is the reason why Cedric couldn't stand being a jerk to Harry-partly.

If Cedric was being honest with himself, teasing Harry this morning, made his day. He felt like he knew Harry a very long time, and quickly felt at ease today, that he kid Harry, even flirted with Harry, held Harry, feeling those soft skin, caressing his hand -Ok stop, imagination overload. Said Cedric's rational side.

This teasing-harry-thing sure was fun, and Harry's reaction with Cedric's teasing only made Cedric interested in Harry a lot more. It's just he's reaction is different. Cedric argued.

Again, true. Usually, Cedric is the popular guy, who rarely joked a lot or tease a lot for that matter, but whenever he does, people over react, some giggled, some just over-laughed feeling delighted that they were joking or teasing around with Mr. Popular. But Harry, he's just spot on. When I teased he teased, then suddenly he gives me that infuriated look, which is really cu—admiring! Then he doesn't care if he smirked at me or glared or be angry. He treats me normally not some Hufflepuff superstar!

Cedric knows that he knew Harry only a mere hour to make such assumptions, but he just knew he was right! Harry was different and He would find out more. For the mean time, I'll just focus to control myself on not teasing Harry too much.

Cedric was pulled out of his reverie by his father saying goodbye to their company. Cedric said goodbye to the group as he and his father went to their own tent. Still, Harry wasn't looking.

Needless to say, the boy who lived was rather glad that they've finally departed away with that arse-hole! He was really annoyed, that he refused to look or even glance at Cedric all the way down to their tent. He knew, Cedric doesn't deserved the cold treatment, after all they were just playing, but still he can't help but being annoyed. It's just Cedric's effect on him that Harry was really annoyed about, how he blushed when Cedric winked, how he loved Cedric's powerful arm held him when he was about to fall, or how soft Cedric's caresses were. Oh crap, I did not just think that-it sounds gay.. and I'm definitely not- well, I think I wasn't… but anyway, moot point, that bastard now starts messing with my mind… I really hate him! Who does he think he is? Ok, he's Mr. Hufflepuff… and Mr. Popular… and Mr. Drop-dead-gorgeous…okay scratch that, shit… I'm talking to myself.

"Mate, are you okay?" Ron asked. Hermione was staring at him also, concerned.

Apparently, he and Ron are friends again after pulling each other's head-off just awhile ago.

"Harry, what is it? Mate? You've been like that since-"

"Since you've seen Cedric" Hermione finished.

"Is that du—hufflepuff bothering you?" Ron asked defensively. Hermione eyed Ron, sure she catch how Ron almost stated dumb.

"No, no. I'm not even thinking of him. I'm just really, really excited about the World cup!" Harry stated.

"Well mate we're here might as well have some fun!" Ron exclaimed.

"You betcha" Harry replied and clapped Ron on the back.

"Boys! Sometimes I just don't understand your moodswings." Hermione declared before stepping out inside the tent.

They immediately followed her.

After they've settled inside the tent, which thoroughly amazed Harry by its huge inside compared to its miniature outside appearance. They all went outside, after much insistence by Fred and George on how to spend the afternoon just before the match to play bucket water.

"A what?" Hermione asked

"Bucket water, we each carry a bucket of water, and splashed each other with water until they're dripping wet. The last one dried standing would be the winner." Fred exclaimed.

"and what happens to the loser?" Ron asked.

"well that depends, the last one who was splashed by the winner, would have to kiss on the lips for 5 minutes, the last one who splashed by the splashed loser?" George replied.

"Umm? What?" Harry was confused by the explanation.

"For example, Hermione was the winner and the last one he splashed was Ron, Ron therefore would have to kiss the last person that he splashed. Get it, small-minded Potter?" George joked.

"I don't know, it sounds immature!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Come on, Hermione, where's your sense of fun?" Ginny asked while filling her bucket with water.

"and please don't take away Ron's chance to finally kissed you" said Charlie, who arrived awhile ago with Bill and was now filling a huge sized bucket.

"What?!" Hermione blushed, Ron was trying to look anywhere but on Hermione, also a deep scarlet.

"All right" Hermione said, getting her own bucket.

"One last thing how do we know who the winner is, and be positive about the last splashed." Harry asked.

"Oh, it's simple. Cogito agua familiaris!" Bill said casts the spell and they were surrounded by a white bubble. "Ok, the Winner, with this spell, would be encapsulated with gold orb. The kissers, or losers, would be with blue orb. That's how we'll know"

"and what if I don't like to kiss the other loser. You for example?" Ron exclaimed as he asked George.

"Don't be sneaky brother, as much as I would rather die, than kiss your halitosis! That spell would also keep the losers wet, literally, by continuously dropping buckets of water at them, unless they started kissing" George said. Everyone laughed at that except Ron, who glared murderously at George.

"So everyone up?" Fred asked eyeing the crowd. George, Ginny, Ron, Bill, Charlie, Hermione and Harry all agreed. They immediately filed their buckets of water, performing a lightening spell to carry each bucket easily.

"Okay, on the count of three, we run! One, Two-thr-" Bill shouted but Fred and George all ready dumped two buckets of water on Ron. "Hey that's cheating!" Ron said, infuriated.

"We don't want to kiss your halitosis as well" George exclaimed running away.

"I haven't got a Halitosis" Ron said annoyed.

"Well better not find out if that was or wasn't true. Didn't want to risk it loser" Fred went to follow after George.

Soon the group was starting to become less in numbers. Until the only one left were Hermione and Harry. Harry knew he couldn't lose this one. The last one he splashed was George, and he can't kiss George, he'll tease him for it for eternity. Hermione's, on the other hand, was Fred, so quite the same reasons so she can't lose this one either.

They both ran into the forest. Damn, Hermione was fast. I almost caught her and she fucking slipped. Merlin's beard, I never knew Hermione was that elusive. Harry thought hiding behind a tree.

"Hermione! Give it up already!" Harry shouted which he later thought was a bad idea since it gave Hermione his position.

"Haha! And risk being teased forever? No way! Why don't you give it up already, POTTER!" Hermione shouted but Harry couldn't trace where her location is. Damn she was good! "Alright Granger! May the best one win!" Harry shouted.

Harry hurried, away toward the back of another tree, he heard Hermione following, from where? He can't tell. Then he heard footsteps nearing his location. Damn. Hermione's coming…Think Potter! Run or attack? -okay I'll wait here until Hermione is behind this tree then dump the water bucket on her…then I win!

The sound is coming closer… probably twenty feet.

15 feet

10, 8, 7 feet... nearly there Potter comeon….

5, 4, on the count of three…. 3, 2,

Harry jumped from behind the tree and empty two buckets of water to whoever was behind the tree.

"What the fuck!" a velvety voice.

Then from behind Harry, Hermione came and splashed her buckets of water to Harry.

"Shit" Harry's only words when the realization of He being splashed by Hermione and the fact that he just splashed somebody…Well, THIS somebody of all people for that matter…