Chapter 12: The Clash in the corridors


After breakfast, The Golden trio headed for their next subject of the day-POTIONS. Great, Harry thought inwardly. Meanwhile, the Populars were heading to their first subject of the day Muggle Studies. The group stayed at the back, barely contemplating what the others are saying. Cedric is the only one in fact, in the whole classroom that is paying particular attention to the class. Cedric was about to scribble something in his notes, when a paper hit him in the head. Glaring at Draine, who was behind his chair, Cedric picked up the crumpled paper and read: So when does operation de-virginizing Potter starts?

Cedric wrote,

I'm not really sure, I'm planning on catching Potter in the hallways maybe later today.

He threw the paper back on Draine, Draine quickly wrote: Then, what're you going to do?

Don't know same old, same old

Well, you better hurry mate, I think Spencer might actually go for Potter. I've seen him looking at Potter like a piece of meat. Damn, Spencer is obsessed with Potter as far as I can see it. Not sure I blame him though, Potter is really fine. Quite mysterious and pretty at the same time

Cedric, after reading Draine's note he glared at Draine, then at his seatmate, Spencer catching the glare mouthed, What?

Potter's MINE! Cedric thought, becoming too territorial, of why? He still couldn't figure out, then he said to Spencer, "Nothing!"

Better Hurry Cedric, before one of this stupid arse holes get to Potter before you. Cedric thought, now totally NOT concentrating on the lecture.

After Potions, Harry was in a heated pace, as usual whenever he had potions, Snape was relentless! They were heading up in the Gryffindor tower to deposit their bags.

"That evil, stupid, brat. I think I merely lost Gryffindor 50 points! I'm gonna kill that stupid, lousy excuse of a-argghhh" Harry said angrily.

"Yeah! We both know you're no good at potions, but at least you're not as bad as Malfoy's goons. Can you see how their shrinking potion just swelled their ants into a size of a hand…Geeze, and Snape gave him 10 points? So bloody stupid!" Ron said, adding into Harry's outraged.

"Yeah and I got deducted 10 points, Why? For scarring the fucking chopping board! Isn't that the use of chopping boards? To scar them rather than the tiles?!" Harry said outrageously.

"Wait can you hear that?" Hermione said. Harry and Ron listened a raucous laughter can be heard, and a tiny whimper.

Cedric just went out of their Muggle studies, he was prepared to catch Harry. He smoothen his clothes, and flatten his wavy, gorgeous hair. When all of a sudden a 1st year, carrying piles of book slammed into him, books scattered everywhere.

"Sorry…I wasn't looking!" The 1st year started to pick up his book, but Cedric shouted, "Sorry, bloody hell, are you fucking mental? Couldn't even looked and walk properly!"

"S-sorry" the 1st year whimpered.

"Next time try to look properly, Stupid first years!" Cedric said.

"Hey! What's this? Aww, reading love stories?" Draine sneered.

"C-can I-I have that p-please?" The first year stuttered.

"W-what t-this?" Draine imitated the 1st year's stuttering causing huge laughter from Mark and Spencer.

"Come-on Draine, stop playing!" Cedric said.

"Aw! Cedric where's your sense of fun?" Draine said, the look at the first year, "Okay, little thing, I'll give it to you…but only if you can catch it!" Draine tossed the book to Mark, then to Spencer, while the first year keeps on running to catch his book. The three boys kept on laughing.

"Come on guys quit playing." Cedric said, in fact Cedric feels sorry for the first year, but he couldn't voice his opinion loud enough, it would damage his popularity status, so he just watched.

Harry saw the scene laid before him. Cedric's group bullying a first year, Harry remembered how it felt like, being bullied, and so with his rage at Snape doubled by his rage on bullies he shouted at the Populars.

"Hey! Give that back!" Harry shouted. The Populars and the first year looked at Harry advancing on them with a deadly facial expression. Spencer who was holding the book, quickly tossed it at Cedric's direction. With his seeker's refelex, Cedric caught it, only to realize what just happened and looked frozen at the green-eyed boy.

"Harry, this is not what it looks like" Cedric muttered. Harry glared, "Oh yeah? Then tell me what it is, because I'm so lost here!" Harry shouted.

Cedric couldn't bring himself to say something, Harry was a bit heated…and quite sexy…

"Give it back!" Harry demanded. Cedric handed the book. Harry then gave it to the first year, the first year proceeded in collecting his book, Harry helped. Cedric don't know what to do. So instead he helped in the book collection. Harry glared but doesn't speak. After all the books were collected, Harry muttered to the first year saying ,"GO!" the first year looked thankful at Harry. Then leave immediately. With a final glare, Harry looked at the group particularly at the handsome hufflepuff, and started to leave. When Cedric reached for his arm, "Harry, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. We're not bullying, we're only playing."

"Oh really? Maybe you should play with your own size. Damn Cedric, I actually thought you were different, but it seems your just a good actor. Did you see the look on that first year face?" Harry said incredulously. Harry's statement stung. So Cedric smiled his gorgeous smile (this is what he does whenever he was in conflict before, sure it would do the trick) and said, "How about I make it up to you? Join me at lunch" Cedric said tentatively.

"How about you try to be nice to people, then I'll consider having lunch with you!" Harry said, the strolled off.

Cedric's friends were snickering at the situation. Spencer looked hopeful. Cedric looked at his group, then Draine said, "Guess your same-old same old doesn't work huh?"

Cedric just glared. Damn…that was a rough start!