The Girl in the Light

Born raised his hand, sending a bolt of electricity upward.

Soon, he discovered that there were four or five Lickers in the elevator shaft.

These Lickers resembled the ones from "Resident Evil," moving on all fours like monsters, with long, barbed tails.

The difference was that these Lickers had upright blades on their backs, resembling Stegosaurus spines.

"Get down quickly! Do not fight the Lickers in the shaft!" Born ordered urgently, using electricity to harass the Lickers continuously.

The Lickers could cling to the walls of the elevator shaft and move with extreme agility.

Despite Born's swift orders, two of his people were struck by the barbed tails of the Lickers, their fate uncertain.

Lane quickly extended her mental network.

But it was already too late to reach those two maids.

Their deaths infuriated Born. This Star Labs facility was insane, keeping zombies within their own base?

The loss right at the beginning made Born's expression turn cold.

"Born, we lost twelve people on our side. What about yours?" Edwin's voice came through.

"Two," Born replied flatly.

It seemed Edwin's path was not peaceful either.

"We're on the -2 level now."

"We are too. Let's regroup quickly."

"Alright. This place is set up with D Zone on -1, C Zone on -2, and so forth."

"It looks like we need to go all the way to the bottom."

The group rapidly exchanged information through the mental network.


A loud crash echoed, and the elevator fell rapidly. Several Lickers crawled out slowly from it.

There were six Lickers in total, each larger than a zombie cat.

Born frowned.

Because of its large size, he had left big cat outside for support.

Facing these big creatures was indeed a bit of a headache.

However, the combat abilities of the maid squad had significantly improved. They switched from automatic crossbows to submachine guns, unleashing a hail of bullets.

When a Licker got close, the melee team rushed forward to hold them off.

The coordination was seamless.

Curtis led the way, clearing the path, fighting as they advanced. The Lickers seemed to realize this group wasn't easy to deal with and scattered, disappearing into the complex passageways.

The underground facility was all silver-white metal walls, now covered in blood and rotting flesh, which was extremely disgusting.

Laboratories divided the area, creating a labyrinth of complex passages with intersections at every turn, making it feel like a maze.

After two exhausting hours, the group finally regrouped at a safe passageway.

Edwin's team was visibly fatigued, even though they had a large group of 200 people, they had still lost quite a few.

"Damn it, what is Star Labs doing with all these zombies?"

"Everyone, calm down. Aileen definitely won't give up on Star Labs. There are still many important documents here and satellite control permissions. We need to get to Area A," Stanley said, playing the peacemaker.

Born looked at Stanley with interest. Their missions were quite similar.

He also needed to find virus data and see if he could seize satellite control to restore basic communications.

Therefore, Born brought along several esports girls and computer experts.

The esports girls were adept at dismantling hard drives, while the computer experts were protected in hopes of seizing satellite control.

As for the data on the hard drives, they would have to wait and see once they returned.

"Rest here for a while. Mr. Chen, Mayor Wu, we need to prepare ourselves. There are likely more zombies below Star Labs."

Born's expression grew serious.

The entrance to the -3 level was sealed off; this was Zone B, and they had no idea what awaited them there.

Having already lost a dozen people, all three leaders felt the pain keenly.

Everyone had brought their best for this mission.

Born had invested a lot of points into his maids, and losing even one was a significant blow.

Curtis' team, despite their lack of strength, had plenty of experience in handling unexpected situations.

Born's maids weren't scared of zombies, but their ability to handle emergencies still needed improvement.

For example, in the elevator shaft, after discovering the Lickers, Curtis' men immediately let go and dropped, ignoring the cuts from the nylon ropes.

The maid squad, however, was still climbing down, which caused some to lag behind and be killed by the Lickers.

"Yes, it's more complex below, with large experimental areas," Edwin said seriously.

"This mission won't be easy, but you all know how many secrets Star Labs is hiding. We're doing this for the greater good," Stanley added, continuing his official tone.

After resting for half an hour, they opened the sealed door.

A piercing alarm sounded, but beyond that, there was nothing.

The -3 level was much more spacious, as Edwin had mentioned, with large experimental areas and massive equipment that Born couldn't recognize.

Lane followed closely behind Born, clutching his coat.

She looked at Born with a complicated expression.

They saw many signs of past battles, including charred zombie remains.

As they continued forward, the lights suddenly turned on.

Ahead of them stood a little girl.

Born looked closely and realized that it wasn't a little girl at all—it was Angelica.

Angelica was entangled in numerous wires connected to a complex device. Her eyes were vacant.

Looking more closely, Born saw that Angelica was biting her lip, and veins were bulging on her forehead. She was clearly in extreme pain but made no sound.

"Born, Angelica seems to have a mental ability too!"

Being mental ability users, they could sense each other's presence.

As Lane mentioned this, she suddenly clutched her head in pain and squatted down.

When she looked up, blood was dripping from her nostrils.


Another scream echoed.

A man with glasses beside Stanley also fell to the ground, convulsing.

Born's team thought they were under attack.

But after a moment of alertness, there was no sign of an assault.

The lights illuminated only the area they were in, leaving large sections in darkness.

Born could faintly hear footsteps coming from the shadows.

After pondering for a moment, he walked towards Angelica.

"Angelica, it's me, Born. Don't you remember me?"

As Born got closer, he suddenly felt his body stiffen.

With his electric abilities, he could clearly feel a strange current coursing through his body.

This eerie current seemed to be trying to control his movements.

He raised his hand, and a burst of electricity shot out.

"Run..." Angelica murmured.

Born couldn't hear clearly and hurriedly asked, "What are you saying? It's me, Born—the jerk, the bastard, Angelica!"

"Out of control, out of control, Born..." Angelica suddenly began bleeding from her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, looking extremely distressed.