A trip to Warri.

Chapter Song: Numb little bug by Em Beihold.

Age 8.

"Zaire stay with your brother and sister!"

"Zuri where are your shoes?!"

"Ohmygodness, where are my car keys!"

"Zion, stop dragging your sister's hair!"

"Everybody in the car right now!"


"ZION, PUT YOUR LITTLE SISTER DOWN THIS INSTANT!" My mother yelled at the top her lungs, slapping my brother at the back of his head.

Ah, yes, the chaos.

I used to love it. Live for it; My older brother always looking for ways to annoy me, my other older brother(the oldest amongst the three of us) always looking for ways to ignore me, my mother always yelling and my father always misplacing things. Our family wasn't perfect and that's what made me love us so much.

If we're going to narrate my story. I say we start from the very beginning. Not the very very beginning as in my birth, I mean the beginning of my hell. The day my life truly changed. The day my light turned to darkness. The month of December, 2015.

Every year we'd visit a new country during the holidays. It was family tradition. Unfortunately, that year Dad had to work during the holidays, but my mother wasn't happy about it so she told him we were all going with him. No one ever dared to disagree with my mother, and my dad knew better not to. So that year, instead of going to a new country, we were all taking a trip down to Warri. My brothers weren't happy, and I just really didn't care where we were going as long as I got to be close to my Dad.

Zion screamed in pain, startled, as he rubbed the spot my mother hit him. I stuck my tongue out at him and skipped out of the living room, walking next to my oldest brother, Zaire. Zaire was busy typing something on his phone and only acknowledged me with a side glance before returning his gaze back to his phone. I helped my mother put our suitcases into the boot and sat at the back next to Zaire. Father was already in the driver's seat, car in ignition as he waited for the rest of us to enter the car. Zion was the last to enter, still in a sulking mood. I giggled at the face he was making, happy that my mother put my bully of a brother in his place. Zion narrowed his eyes at me but I noticed he was trying to hide his smile. I pulled out my tablet, going to my YouTube and clicking on a barbie movie I hadn't watched yet. 'Barbie: Princess Charm School.' I kicked my feet in excitement, skipping the intro.

"Zuri," Zaire called harshly, his brows hitting each other and his face showing displeasure. I hummed, my eyes trained on my tablet. "Turn down the volume of that princess show of yours. It's irritating me."

"Is there anything in this world that doesn't irritate you." I scoffed, but did it anyway when he glared at me. Zaire and his anger issues, I swear.

"Better." He mumbled, rolling his eyes and turning to face the window, staring at the trees and poles that we passed by. Zion sat at my other side, lost in his own world with his earphones plugged in as he chatted or did whatever it was he was doing on his phone.

We'd stop two to three times throughout our journey to fill the car and pee. Mother would buy things from the men and women hawking on the road because she'd feel bad when they approached our car and we said we didn't need it. My mother was far too kind. She ended up buying two belts, a pack of handkerchief, rat poison, six bottles of groundnut, unripe plantain chips, gum, and some random ebook that no one knew who the author was. Each time she'd bring out her wallet to pay, we'd all shake our head and sigh. Everything she ended up buying ended up on our laps at the back of the car.

"Mom, please. It's okay. If they come to us again, just don't roll down your window. Ignore them, it won't kill you." Zion grumbled, tossing the small sized umbrella she had bought on top of the platform behind us. Zaire and I hummed in agreement. Mom looked offended and turned to my dad for back-up, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms when even Dad was giving her the same 'please stop buying things' look. The car had stopped at the red light and dad turned his head to kiss my mother in apology, earning loud groans from their children literally behind them.

"Eww." Zion and I said, gagging to ourselves, just as Zaire also said, "Come on guys. Please stop." My parents laughed, kissing again just because they could, and because they both liked trouble.

"I love you baby."

"I love you more, my sweet, handsome, hunk of a-"

"It's green again!" Zaire exclaimed, cutting my mother off. Zion and I sighed in relief as they both pulled apart and my father faced the road again, continuing driving.


Getting to Warri from Port Harcourt was a three hour drive, but considering we had to face traffic up to three times, we were on the road for almost five hours. By the time we had gotten to the hotel my Dad chose for us to stay, we were all exhausted. I was half asleep and I could walk myself, but I didn't want to do that, especially when my mom commands Zaire to carry me inside. Free ride!

I pretend to to be fast asleep as Zaire lifted me up from my seat and took me out of the car. He grumbled under his breath about how heavy I was and how he shouldn't even be carrying an eleven years old. I shut my eyes tightly and enjoyed my free ride, my cheek resting on his broad chest. I could hear the footsteps of everyone around me and my parents chattering to each other. Zion was teasing Zaire and when he growled, I jumped in his arms, startled. Zaire stared at me blankly and drops me on the floor. I groaned as I landed on my butt, pouting. Zion burst into boisterous laughter, taking pleasure in my pain.

"Good, You're awake, now you can make use of your two fucking legs and walk." Zaire told me with narrowed eyes, then he walked around me and went to meet mom and Dad who were ahead of us.

Zion offered me a hand, although the fool was still laughing at my expense. I huffed as I took it and then I smacked him in the arm once I was standing on my two feet.

"Stop laughing, It isn't funny! Zaire's a werewolf, Zion. Did you see the way he growled? Gave me a heart attack." I rubbed my chest, pouting. Zion laughed more loudly, cackling like a hyena and each time I hit him on the arm, he wouldn't stop absolutely irritating me. I groaned, storming off.

Great. One brother was a grumbling, moody werewolf and the other was a cackling hyena bully. Isn't life just fantastic.