WHEN Thea ENTERED the office, she was immediately greeted by the impregnable face of her boss. With just one look, he knew it was a bad mood and he prayed that he wasn't the reason. And it actually entered before him. It's a shame.

"Good morning, Sir." He greeted her politely and headed to his table at the side of the room.

"Why did you hang up on me last night?" Matt's voice boomed in every corner of the office. She flinched and stopped walking.

"Ahm... because my phone broke." He is lying.

"Really?" He said in a disbelieving voice.

"Why do I find it so hard to believe?" He bit his lip a lot.

"I-I fell because."



"I-I was surprised when I read your text." He was speechless so he slowly turned to the man. He almost screamed when he saw that it was only a few feet away from him. It moves quickly.

"Sir-" "Why were you surprised by my text last night?" He bowed.

"It was bold. As in Rated-thirty bold. And I'm only twenty six. I'm still underage for that SOP." She heard him chuckle so she looked up. He grinned and seemed to enjoy the shame he felt.

"Why are you laughing at that?" He asked this annoyed. He shrugged.

"Nothing." Then suddenly his face became serious.

"Start working. We still have a lot of work to do." He frowned at the sudden change in his treatment of her. Sometimes it's flirty, sometimes it's kind, but most of the time it's grumpy. It's annoying to admit but he likes it when he's nice.

As if this is the man she had sex with in the back of his car. But when it's in flirty mode, it's scary. Because he will not stop until he gives in to what he wants. When it's rude, it's annoying because it feels like it's the king of the world.

Frowning, he sat in front of his table and took a deep breath before starting to work. He had been facing the computer monitor for a few minutes and was encoding when he heard Matt speak.

"Thea, can you call the Administrative department and tell Mr. Mariano that I am sending him to the office."

"Thea, can you call the Administrative department and tell Mr. Mariano that I am sending him to the office." He frowned.

He didn't know Mr. Mariano in the Administrative department.

"New hire, Sir Peter?" He asked while dialing the number of the Administrative office.

"No. He took over Josh Vaughn's position. He's the new head of Administrative department." He dropped the phone in shock.

"A-What? B-Why?" He could think of no reason to remove him from his position. Josh is a hard working man. Even Sir Francis had nothing to say about Josh's work. Matt shrugged.

"I simply don't like him that's why I replaced him in his position." Her eyes watered. He knows how hard it is to find a job. And Josh won't be helped by his record being expunged from Huxley Corporation because the CEO didn't like it.

"You shouldn't have done that." He said in a trembling voice.

"Do you know how hard Josh is when it comes to work? Do you know he is one of Sir Francis' most praised employees? Why did you do that to him just because you didn't like him? How could you be such an insensitive selfish jerk ?" The young man's eyes rolled back.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

"Yes." He answered this loudly.

"It's against the labor code of the Philippines to fire someone without a valid reason. And I'm very sure that you don't have a valid reason." His face was devoid of emotion.

"Do you really value that man that much? How close are you two?" His voice was tinged with annoyance.

He stared at it. Suddenly what he said last night replayed in his brain. If she dines with another man, he will punish her.

How did he know that she had dinner with Josh. He didn't see her- He stopped thinking as something entered his mind's image. The SUV that nearly bumped Dwayne's car. Matt owns it!

"Please don't tell me that you fired Josh because of me?" He said in a low voice.

"Then I won't tell you." He quickly stood up and put all the things in the bag. He hurriedly walked towards the door of the office.

"Where are you going?" Matt's angry voice. He turned the door knob and looked at it.

"I'm resigning and that's irrevocable. I will send my resignation letter to your email. Good bye." He closed the door hard and quickly headed for the elevator.

She can't believe Matt fired Josh because of her. What did it do? He just dined with her. What's wrong with that? After getting out of the building, he quickly hailed a taxi and drove to the apartment that Josh was occupying.

When he got there, he knocked loudly on the door of her apartment. A groggy looking Josh opened the door. He was obviously surprised to see her.

"Thea? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the office?"

His eyes were moist.

"I'm here to say I'm sorry. You were fired because of-"

"Fired?" It will bite. "I'm fired? When?"

"Just now." Josh's face showed that he did not understand him.

"I don't think so. Because Justina just faxed me the reports that I need to finish. Besides, I have a meeting this afternoon. I just didn't come in this morning because I have a headache." It leaned against the door jamb.

"Who said that I'm fired?" He was paralyzed while looking at it. It didn't fire?

"Then who is Mr. Mariano?"

"Mr. Mariano?" Josh again.

"I think that's the new employee in the Administrative department." His lips parted.

"B-But he s-said- Oh god. He lied?"

"Who lied?" Josh's voice was full of curiosity.

"Nothing." He said shaking his head.

"I have to go back to the office. I'm dead to Sir Mat-Peter." Josh chuckled.

"Non will eat you alive." It's a threat. Instead of being scared, she thought about what he did to her on the sofa last night. It ate him alive.

My god!

What am I thinking? He shook his head violently and hurriedly left Josh's apartment Matt's life was definitely going to eat him, but not in the way he imagined. Since when did he become a maniac? It's not her.

He has been affected by that man! When Thea arrives at the office, Matt is not there. He stared at the white post-it note stuck on his desk.

He quickly took it and read it. I will not fire you under one condition. Let's have phone sex. I want to try it and see if it's satisfying - Matt Peter Huxley, CEO.

Does the name really have to be complete with CEO at the end?

He quickly took the ball pen from the bag and wrote on the bottom part of the post-it note. I do not want! Be yourself! - Thea Ramirez, Secretary.

He was about to stick it on top of his desk but he stopped when he saw another post-it note. And it says, You don't have a choice. Beside this post it notes is my phone. Take it and I'll call you later.

Go home with my phone, I don't want to see you now because I'm still annoyed with you. I might actually fire you when I see you. - Matt Peter Huxley, CEO.

He frowned and angrily picked up the cell phone next to the post it note. He left the office with a long snout. He doesn't want to lose his job yet. Annoying! Why did Sir Francis leave?

This child is irritating! Argh! Argh! Argh! It's good to kill!

WHEN Matt entered his office, he smiled to see that Thea was not there. It looks like it has read the post it note.

Because the security guard texted him thirty minutes ago that Thea had arrived. He headed to the table and his smile grew even wider.

His cell phone is no longer there. What will that woman do with her cell phone to prevent her plan from going through? He was sure it would destroy it. Matt lifts the phone cradle and dialed his own number. After five rings, Thea picks up.

"H-Hello? Who's this?" Thea's voice was tinged with trepidation.

Matt smiled. "It's me, Matt."

A few seconds passed before he spoke again. "Are we starting?"

He laughed loudly at the question. "Geez, woman, don't be so excited."

"I'm not excited. Jerk!" The caller was angry and killed him.

Instead of being angry, he laughed more at his actions. God! He can't believe that someone like Thea appealed to him. She was a very nice person, but she had a tendency to be uncomfortable. It's too stubborn. But even so, he was looking for the sharpness of his tongue once.

He was sitting in a chair with the phone ringing on the table. Thinking it was an important call, he answered it quickly.

"Hello? Huxley Corporation. How may I help you?"

He heard a soft chuckle coming from the other line. "Wow, you thing to be secretary."

"Why did you call it?" He asked Thea.

"I gave you a call that I couldn't tell you before." Anito. "Don't you want to see my face because you're angry? Ahm, is it okay for me to send the cook to your house if it's dinner for early? If it's okay. It's my way of saying sorry and maybe I could give you back the favor you gave me last night."

Blowjob? "No. Thank you."

"Oh. Alright. I'm not going to cook for you anymore." His voice was lifeless. "I'm at home. Call me when you need anything. Bye."

It's gone on the other line. He was so upset that he hung up. "That woman is really. Surprise me later. I will eat you alive."

At seven o'clock in the evening, Thea was busy cooking her dinner. He was enjoying what he was doing hearing a knock from his apartment door. He put out the fire in the baked bicol express and headed for the door.

He was surprised to see Matt outside his apartment. He was walking from the office to his house because he was still wearing his clothes this morning.

"Hey." The face is serious.

He looked around and opened the door more. "Get in."

When he entered, he closed the door and faced the man. "What are you doing here?" He said it was awkward. "I thought you were going to see my face?"

It looked at the can. "It's nothing." He shrugged off his coat and sat on her sofa. "I must have missed your voice like a shredded bamboo."

He made it difficult. "I don't have you early man." He left it in the sink and returned to what he had cooked.

He was busy in front of the kitchen with someone hugging him from behind. He turned around and quickly turned around to see who was holding him. It was Matt. Their lips were almost closed by the sound of his voice.

"Smell good. Let's have dinner?"

His eyebrows rose to the question. If it asks it's like she's cooking it daily. It's weird.

"yes." He nodded. "Let me go. Don't feel close. No pork and we're having sex if you touch me-"

Her words fled away and was forgotten when Luke snake his hands inside her cotton short and cupped her mound. He was so excited and so excited that he put his finger in his pants.

"M-Matt, a-what are you doing?" He asked a question that seemed to be enjoying what was being done.

"I'm not doing anything." Keeping an eye on it.

"M-Matt, n-I cook. A-What." He wanted to kill the young man but he didn't have the strength. He was slowly getting wet with what he was doing.

"S-Stop it, M-Matt."

He took a deep breath as he pulled his hand from inside his cotton shorts. He was stunned by her fingers. Thea is sure that the wetness coating his fingers came from her wet core.

Matt stared at her then licked his wet fingers. His eyes widened at what he had done. Oh, god! Why am I turned on?

He swallowed secretly and forced himself to concentrate on what he was cooking.

"U-Get out of here from the kitchen. You're there in sin. Don't bother me." He said the tail was slightly red.

Matt didn't listen to her. He was trying to get the fire out of his mouth and put out the fire in his cooking cellar.

Suddenly, he was surprised to see her sitting on the island counter.

"What the he-"

Matt claimed her mouth in a white hot kiss and Cherry can't stop herself from whimpering. He's trying to get his cotton short to stop.

"Let's eat first. Please, Matt. I'm hungry." He said as he looked into her eyes.

Matt rolled his eyes and stepped away from her. "Just make sure that the ice cream is better. If not, I'll eat you."

He was attracted to the young man. "A-What?" Her cheeks heat up.

Matt looked at between her parted legs. "yes. That would be tasty." After that, he left the k.