Death and Rebirth

Once I lived and then I died.Simple as that,no pain,no fear.Everything just turned dark.I was old and weak.I spent my life fighting and learning martial arts . Destroying my body in the proccess .I wasn't a god guy, not in the slightest.I did what i had to survive.No family ,no friends ,just me versus the world.Through my adventures I have gained fame ,money and a nickname (The dragon).

I didn't believe in life after death.I thought I would just see dark for eternity but that wasn't the case.I heard a voice saying ''Interesting ,you are special,Unlike others you dind't waist a moment of your life''.He took a pause and said ''Because you appreciated the gift of life I gave you,You'll get a second chance''He turned to me and I took a glance at his appearance .He was tall,very tall and had an athletic build.His hair was black like the darkest night sky and his skin was the purest shade of white.I looked at his eyes and my heart froze.Red,the red of war ,the red of blood and death.In my long life I had never seen anything as terrifying that.He saw my expression and chuckled.''Don't worry child you I'm Lucifer and have nothing to fear''.''You'll get to choose were you will be reincarnated,you can choose from any possible universe existing or not,also you can choose when and were you'll be reincarnated and in addition I'll give you the ability of calm mind'' .

I didn't over think it and said.''I wish to be reborn in the world of cobra kai 16 years before the start of the story in The San Fernando Valley Los Angeles,California .Lucifer said ''Very well,you can also choose your appearence.A touch-screen TV appeared infront of me and I got to work.My new body was caucaisian, 185 cm ,It was slim but muscled(like robby),my eyes were blue and my hair blond.A very handsome appearence in common opinion with a sinister but engaging look in my eyes.Lucifer said is that your final choice.I said ''Yes''.Then he said don't waist your life take chances and have fun''. ''Good luck'' and Suddenly everything turned black.

Time pushed and I realised I was in the womb of my new mother.I didnt waist a moment and started thinking.Since my brain hasn't formed yet I guessed my conscience was working.''Why I'm not panicking''I rethough Lucifers word and Something caught my eyes.''Calm mind''.Everything made sence to me.I had the ability to remain calm under pressure and think with a logical mind .I spent my time planning and plotting ways to have power over the karate world.My main concern was to become a power of my own,protect my loved own ones and have fun . (Everything will be reviled later). Suddenly I felt a massive pull towards the outside and after nine months of darkness I got blinded by the out side light.I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mother a young beautiful blond woman.She was crying out of happiness and said. I'll name you Jack.