Chapter 2: Raynare From Tender to Terrifying

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A petite but adorable girl with short white hair suddenly appeared when Badr left.

She looked in the direction Badr had gone, dialled a number, and the display showed President Rias.

"Hello, Koneko. Have you found anything?" Rias' voice came through.

"As you predicted, President, the fallen angel is preparing to attack him." Koneko replied quietly.

"Alright, good work. You can come back now."

Koneko nodded and ended the call, suddenly remembering Badr's strange behaviour, which puzzled her momentarily.

It just felt... Badr's behaviour was a bit frightening...

The next day.

Badr got up early, freshened up, and prepared to attend the meeting above with Amano Yuma.

As he passed the living room and reached the door, he suddenly stopped, turned around and walked over to the coffee table. He put a fruit knife on the coffee table and put it into his pocket.

It might seem excessive to be cautious with a high school girl, but Badr found it even more unbelievable that a beautiful stranger would suddenly declare her affection for him. It was tough to believe.

Maybe it's some scam or school bullying.

As soon as he followed her to a secluded place, her accomplices would probably appear to threaten him and so on.

Badr thought that way, admitting that he might be a bit paranoid.

After all, she was only a high school student. The worst-case scenario would be some connection with the local troublemakers.

And if Amano Yuma was a pure-hearted girl who wanted a sweet school romance...

Then, he would appreciate and reward her appropriately in the future.

Badr pursed his lips, got on his bike and arrived at the agreed place. From a distance, he saw the stunning figure of Amano Yuma waiting silently.

Badr stopped in front of the girl and apologized: "Sorry for being late, Yuma."


"That's alright. I just got here myself." Amano Yuma said with a happy smile, utterly unconcerned about Badr's tardiness. She stepped forward, linked her arm with his and said, "Let's go!"

"Hehe, okay."

Badr smiled softly and began his date with the girl.

They walked around the mall, picked out attractive clothes for each other, took a picture in a photo booth, and Badr bought the girl a gift - a headband. They also stopped at a nearby dessert shop for some treats.

They chatted and laughed throughout the day, with Badr always smiling gently and staying by the girl's side.

To outsiders, they seemed like a couple deeply in love.

Soon, time passed quickly as they enjoyed their time together, and the sky darkened.

They left the street and strolled towards a nearby park that was less populated.

When they reached the deserted park, Amano Yuma suddenly took a few quick steps forward, turned around in front of a fountain, and looked at Badr.

"Badr, as a memento of our first date, may I make a request?"

Amano Yuma stood with her hands behind her back, her demeanour charming, and looked at Badr with a smile.

"Of course you can."

Badr smiled and put his right hand in his pocket.

Amano Yuma's charming smile gradually changed to something more sinister:

"Could you please die?"

Badr's smile faltered slightly and then disappeared altogether. He quickly took two steps back, his face darkening:

"What did you say?"

Amano Yuma's smile turned cold, her former playfulness wholly gone. She came closer and repeated:

"I said... could you please die now?"

As her words fell, her figure suddenly changed. Her clothes quickly disappeared, and Badr saw her stunning figure for a moment. Soon, black robes covered her pale skin, and a pair of black wings suddenly spread behind her!

She raised her hand, and a glowing orb condensed in her palm, quickly forming into a Light Spear with blinding flashes along its shaft!

Seeing Amano Yuma transform into an unknown black-winged being wielding a Light Spear was a massive shock to Badr!

Looking at the black-winged Amano Yuma and the Light Spear in her hand and feeling the fruit knife in his pocket, Badr couldn't help but think, "What the hell is this world?

"Scatter your ashes."

This sudden turn of events was entirely beyond Badr's expectations.

The situation was far from the school bullying or scam he had expected; it was a God-Devil city!

Badr was confident he could handle a few local thugs but was utterly at a loss in the face of such supernatural forces!

He had never imagined that such supernatural forces existed in this world!

He didn't have time to think about why this woman wanted to kill him. The most important thing now was how to survive this encounter!

Running away was the best option!

Since she decided to strike in this deserted place, she probably wouldn't dare to act in front of people.

So Badr immediately remembered his escape route. He remembered the terrain from when he first arrived, intended for a quick escape after a fight, and now it was directly applicable!

"Explosive bomb!"

Badr shouted, suddenly pulling an object out of his pocket and throwing it at Amano Yuma.

Hearing Badr's scream, the fallen angel was startled and instinctively dodged the flying object, only to see a phone smash into the fountain's railing and shatter into pieces.

Amano Yuma was momentarily stunned, then quickly realized what had happened. Turning around, she saw that Badr had indeed escaped.


With a cold sneer, the fallen angel Amano Yuma soared into the air and quickly caught up with Badr, aiming the Light Spear directly at his heart!

As she flew, the sound of the wind intensified, accompanied by a mighty wind pressure.

Badr instinctively sensed the danger and immediately evaded. The Light Spear hit the ground with a thunderous crash!

The ground exploded, and as the debris scattered, Badr, who had just finished rolling and was about to flee, was thrown into the air by the shock wave.

The fallen angel sneered; Badr's speed seemed pitifully slow to her. With a flick of her wrist, the Light Spear flew back into her hand. She flapped her wings and swooped down on Badr!


The Light Spear plunged right into Badr's body!

Badr first felt a numbness in his waist, followed by a piercing pain that exploded in his mind, a premonition of death overwhelming him.

His body had been pierced!

He was going to die!

At that moment, Badr's mind was in turmoil, but as someone who had died before, he wasn't overly afraid of death.

Maybe he would be reborn after dying this time as well.

It was just too frustrating to die so quickly!

At that moment, Badr's anger rose. He turned his head and, seeing the fallen angel so close, suddenly lunged at her, clinging to her and hanging on to her.

"Filthy insect! Get off me!!"

The fallen angel was enraged and hit Badr with two fierce elbows, causing him to spit out blood.

The next moment, Badr pulled out the fruit knife from his pocket and stabbed the fallen angel right in the eye socket!

In pain, the fallen angel's Sacred power erupted and immediately threw off the man clinging to her.

Badr was hurled through the air by a powerful force while the fallen angel's face contorted in pain.

She pulled the fruit knife out of her eye, and although the wound began to heal quickly, her expression was bleak.

Had such an insect wounded her?

It was a disgrace!


Looking down at the fruit knife in her hand, which was nothing more than an ordinary piece of iron, she wondered how it could have pierced her body so quickly.

On the other side, Badr coughed up blood and sat up, leaning on the ground. Though his body was covered in wounds, his gaze remained defiant.

The gaping wound in his waist still throbbed painfully, and he could feel his life slipping away. However, after experiencing death just a few days ago, he was remarkably calm.

Facing such a powerful supernatural being, it was only natural to be killed. The fact that he was able to hurt them was already extraordinary.

He sat there, his black eyes coldly staring at the fallen angel.

Damn it, not only did Heaven fail to send him a beautiful angel as a girlfriend, but they also sent a fallen angel to kill him.

All right, I'll remember that grudge. If you have the courage, don't let me be reincarnated.

The fallen angel, Raynare, was pained by Badr's cold gaze.

She saw no hint of fear in his expression, and when she remembered that such a weakling had injured her, her anger rose even higher.

Furious, she raised her hand and summoned the Light Spear again, intending to obliterate Badr to vent her rage.

"Damned insect, be reduced to ashes. Blame the god who entrusted you with the Sacred Gear!"

In her fury, she launched the Light Spear as a streak of light towards Badr.

Sacred Gear?

What nonsense.

Is that why she wants to kill him?

What a joke; he didn't have any Sacred Gear.

...Well, that's irrelevant now.

If there was a Sacred Gear, it should come out and deal with this damn bitch.

Badr stared at the streak of light, his emotions neutral.

But when he perceived the next moment, time seemed to slow down...

Just as the streak of light was about to reach him, a sudden flash of light appeared, and a silvery object materialized in front of him, directly blocking the incoming Light Spear!


When the dust settled, Badr was still alive.

He looked with mild surprise at the floating object protecting him.

It was a shield, silver in colour and with a distinct texture. Behind the shield was a silver sword with a red gem embedded in its hilt.

The protector was indeed a set of swords and shields.

"Sacred Gear?!"

Raynare exclaimed in shock at seeing such a set of equipment appear out of nowhere and quickly backed away, her eyes full of caution.

Badr was also surprised to find that he possessed a Sacred Gear.

Unfortunately, he realized it too late.

PS I would be grateful if you support me with Power Stones