Chapter 50: Morning Magic and Mischief

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"Time for bed, no more messing around," she commanded with a regal air, wrapping her arms around the boy's waist.

Badr naturally had no objections. Devils indulge their desires but can also fully control them. Right now, he preferred this simple, pure feeling of happiness.

In fact, he could even absorb a strong power through their contract, which was derived from Mai's emotions...

Ah, it's mainly love, isn't it...

Badr understood in his heart. Looking at his beloved in his arms, he gently kissed her forehead.

Mai, with her eyes closed, seemed to be genuinely falling asleep. However, when she felt the boy's kiss, a sweet smile involuntarily appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The power he sensed through the contract grew even stronger...

Badr couldn't help but chuckle; it was like cheating.

To make the most of this accumulated emotional power, Badr immediately began to harvest its benefits, resonating his consciousness with his Sacred Gear, maintaining it within his tolerance. Thus, he held Mai and began his training.

By dawn, Mai was sound asleep in his arms, while Badr slowly opened his eyes.

In his black pupils, golden patterns lit up, turning his eyes into a pair of radiant golden ones.

He hadn't slept at all, yet he was incredibly energetic.

Gently releasing Mai's soft body, Badr sat up and stretched. The night's training had yielded gratifying results, significantly enhancing his magical strength.

"You're up early?" Mai's voice suddenly came, seemingly disturbed by his movements.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

The girl shook her head with a smile: "I've had plenty of sleep."

"Alright, I'll go get us some breakfast, and then I have to head back."

Badr got out of bed, and with a flash of magic, he was dressed in his usual black attire. Seeing this, Mai, still lying on the bed, chuckled softly: "You really look handsome."

"Of course."

Badr, without any humility, leaned over and kissed Mai on the lips.

"I'm off, dear. You should get up and freshen up too."

"…You, I haven't agreed to marry you yet," Mai blushed at Badr's endearment, but couldn't hide her smile.

The boy waved with a faint smile:

"Sooner or later."

After having breakfast with Mai, seeing her off to work, Badr teleported back home.

Upon arrival, he immediately saw two beautiful girls lying on his bed: Rias and Asia.

Why were they on his bed again?

Rias was understandable, as she often came over at night, but it seemed Asia was also learning some bad habits…

Badr gently shook his head and covered the two naked girls with the blanket.

Rias woke up, slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Badr with some dissatisfaction:

"Why didn't you come back all night?"

"I was with my girlfriend," Badr said with a smile, brushing aside the strands of fiery red hair Rias had accidentally put in her mouth.

His straightforward words made Rias a bit annoyed.

"Careful, at this rate, that human will completely steal my beloved servant."

She glared at Badr and commanded, "Next time, take me with you, got it?"

Badr couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "If you go, Asia will want to go too. Four people in one bed is too crowded."

"You are my servant; you should prioritize your master's needs!"

Rias sat up, causing the blanket to fall off her body, revealing her stunning figure to Badr.

Badr sighed softly and said, "Before you saved me, didn't you sleep just fine alone?"

"Ha, but since I got used to sleeping in your arms, I can only fall asleep smelling your scent."

Rias flipped her fiery red hair and smiled charmingly at Badr: "What, don't you like my body?"

"Of course I do."

"Then what's there to refuse? I only pamper you this way." Rias giggled.

"Indeed, I'm very honored."

Badr said, bending down to kiss Rias passionately.

Seeing this, Asia, who had also woken up, pouted: "Badr, you're too biased, always kissing only President…"

With no choice, Badr gave Asia a deep kiss too, making the little nun's head spin with satisfaction.

Dressed and ready for his morning exercise, Badr had a fixed schedule every day, with exercise being a mandatory routine.

Sometimes Rias and Asia would join him, albeit more as assistants;

The sight of the two girls in sportswear was quite a treat for Badr, and they occasionally shared sweet kisses during breaks...

"What's the plan for today?" Rias asked, sitting on Badr's back to add weight while he did push-ups.

"Going to tutor my new contractees and complete their requests."

Badr completed push-up after push-up, unaffected by the added weight from Rias's magic. His effort earned Rias's admiration.

"Alright, do your best then."

"I will."

After a quick shower, Badr saw it was exactly 8 AM.

Grabbing the prepared textbooks, he bid farewell to the two girls, and a teleportation circle appeared on the floor.

In an instant, Badr arrived at the quintuplets' home.

The living room was empty, but he sensed their presence upstairs...

Badr realized they were still asleep...

It's already 8 AM.

Badr, accustomed to waking up early, liked sleeping in but usually woke up on time due to his strong will, without needing an alarm.

As he prepared to head upstairs to knock on doors, one door on the second floor opened with a "click."

A girl in cute pajamas walked out and saw Badr standing in the living room.

"Huh? Badr, why are you here?"

Badr looked at the girl on the second floor, scanning her...

Not short-haired, no black butterfly hairpin, no headphones, no bow headband, no cute hair clip...

Badr was utterly face-blind...

The only one he could rule out was Ichika...

So, the question was, which one was she?

"Uh, Yotsuba?"

Badr guessed, his tone uncertain.

The girl on the second floor pouted: "I'm Yotsuba!"

"…Sorry, Yotsuba. Good morning, I just got here."

Badr carefully observed Yotsuba, trying to memorize her features without distinctive markers.

Later, he realized he was overthinking...

"Uh, Yotsuba, who is it…"

A voice sounded, and doors opened one by one.

Three girls, identical to Yotsuba, emerged in various colored nightgowns, hair disheveled.

Badr's eyes swept over them, finding no distinguishing features...

They were exactly the same!

And all had contracts with him, so he sensed them all...

Damn, was he this face-blind?

Badr greeted: "Good morning, Nino, Miku, Itsuki."

The girls in nightgowns blushed and crossed their arms over their chests.

Their nightgowns were somewhat revealing, being strapless...

"What are you doing here, pervert!"

That must be Nino.

"Pervert," a low voice muttered.

That must be Miku.

"Geez, I haven't even changed yet."

...She must be the relatively normal Itsuki.

Listening to the girls, Badr identified them by their tone and demeanor.

He thought to himself, what is this, a game to distinguish quintuplets...

This situation will likely keep happening...

The girls returned to their rooms to change, leaving Yotsuba with a helpless smile, watching Badr come upstairs.

"Is Ichika still asleep?"

Badr, holding the textbooks, asked softly.

"Oh, she's in the last room. Let's wake her up."

Yotsuba led the way to Ichika's room, then turned back to Badr with an awkward look: "Um, when you go in, don't be too surprised…"

Badr tilted his head in confusion but nodded, indicating no problem.

So, Yotsuba opened Ichika's door…

Badr initially thought Yotsuba meant Ichika's room would have a lot of girls' personal items.

But he was completely wrong.

As the door opened, Badr immediately saw a mess of a dozen pairs of shoes scattered by the entrance, despite the shoe cabinet being full.

Then, further in, were various shopping bags, some containing multiple pairs of stockings and various clothes.


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